
The Air Is Our Messenger

The door leading to the room Zyla slept in last night creaks open and with no footsteps heard, a shadow moved into the room.

Zadok is standing by the window with his dark silhouette, staring out and up at the moon.

He seems to not notice the creak of the door, and so the shadow proceeds towards him. Zadok, being as sensitive as ever, doesn't move an inch, but just remains where he is, staring at the moon with his interest still arising every second that passes.

"What do you want?" he asks and the shadow stops immediately.

But instead of who he thought came into the room to apologize, he appears shocked hearing the voice of...

"Woah Prince, who offended you this late?"

A chill and freezing breeze one-second wind got a hold of Zadok in no time.

He turns to stare into the eyes of the brave and beautiful killer before him.

"No one"

There is silence between them. Zyla walked towards him at a slow pace.

"You sure? You look disturbed"

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