
Protecting the Children & Beginning

Hary's County 12:34 AM, TX

???: Teacher Leon! Some thugs are at the front of the school and want something? What do we do?

I perked up at his words before remembering about them coming to do something similar some weeks ago. What the hell do they want now, the school isn't fancy or financially well so what do they want to do...?

I open the drawer on my right and grabbed a Glock 17 with 2 9mm Magazines that I placed on my holster and magazines on my pants pocket.. I also grabbed a military Knife and placed it on my leg holster.

???: W-what are you going to do Mr. Leon...?

Leon: This is just in case anything happens. Also, tell the other 5 Teachers to evacuate the children to the back and call the police.

Leon: Can you tell me what they had and how many there are or saw?

???: I don't remember exactly but I think I saw maybe 27 of them with bats and something on their waists?

I grimaced a bit before telling young Michael to bring teacher Daniel quickly. Once he left I walked to the teachers lounge before going to my locker and taking a key out and unlocking the lock.

I immediately took out an MP5 from my locker and placed it in a nearby table along with a Triple Magazine pouch. I also grabbed another pouch that held 8 Glock 17 magazines that was long enough to wrap around my leg or arm.

I also take out an Ar-15, a M8879 Shotgun & a Stevens 330 Pump Shotgun with 5 Boxes filled with shotgun Shells & Rifle ammo. I did take out my desert eagle .357 Magnum and some extra parts to modify them and make them better.

After some more seconds I heard Gabriel calling out my name so I yelled for them to come to the teachers Lounge and come inside.

Daniel: Why do you ha- you know what forget it... What is it you need my help with?

Leon: Put this vest on and grab a gun & some magazines from my locker. If Michael is lying, which I hope is not the case we are in serious trouble with the people up front.

Daniel: Why?

Leon: Some of them have bats have guns on their waists which makes me really worry. I doubt they will really hit the children and probably hit us teachers a few times before they go away. This school is small and with our problems they will get us to just pay em up.

Daniel: They wouldn't dare to hit the children!

Leon: Remember which part of their territory we are in and they are ruthless from what I heard.

He shuts up quickly and quickly starts putting on the vest and chooses the MP5 and grabs the Triple Magazine pouch. He then grabbed an Glock 17 from the locker and grabs another Ammo pouch and I help him wrap it around his right arm.

I quickly showed him how to take cover and how to reload quickly before also giving him the M8879 Pump Shotgun and telling him to give it to another teacher that can help him in case anything happens.

Leon: Take care of the children Daniel, they are my pride and joy so kill those people if they dare to shoot at them.

Daniel: Don't worry, We all care about them and will make sure to shoot them if they harm any of them.

I nodded before I put on a Vest with empty Ammo pouches. I started placing the M92 magazine pouch around my left arm then grabbed more magazines and placed the on the empty magazine pouches.

Leon: Wait a minute!

Daniel: What else?

Leon: Take these and go to channel 23.5 and contact me if you need any help. I can give their locations to you so remember them and avoid them but shoot if necessary.

He nodded before sticking out his arm forming a fist, I fist bump him before smiling and seeing him go back with Michael following behind him. I gotta protect these children if it's the last thing I ever do.

I placed the Stevens 330 Shotgun around my neck and placed my dessert eagle on my left hips holster. After setting some stuff up I grabbed the AR-15 and start grabbing ammo from the ammo boxes and placing them into the empty magazines that I placed on the extra empty Ammo pouches on my vest.

I place my MP5 on my back until I heard a click and soon prepared myself mentally for what will happen before I start going over what I have right now.

In total I have 25 Regular shotgun shells, 5 Flashbang Shells, 2 Hellfire Shells, and 5 Dragons breath shells. I have 8 M92 Magazines, 2 Desert eagle Magazines,4 AR-15 Magazines, and 3 MP5 Magazine's on my vest space.

Should be enough for everything but just in case something may happen I might grab some.

I take out another key and open the locker beside my locker as I unlock it and see 3 rows of Stun Grenades, and Smoke grenades. Because Regular grenades are restricted I couldn't really get some but these should suffice for now.

I Place them on the sides of my vest where I can access them if necessary or if I am surrounded. I went to the Stairs leading to the second level before going to the left and saw another pair of stairs and climbed them up to the roof.

(Even if it's cumbersome he got trained in Special Forces & you can never be prepared for anything)

Once I arrived on the roof I took out my ID card and pressed it on the scanner which opened the door and I crouched down. I crouched towards the direction those gangsters where at and saw some of them charging the main Office doors.

I saw others walking around the school and then suddenly start hacking away at the Windows. After a couple of minutes the windows broke and saw them lock the back parking area.

I opened up the radio and got on channel 23.5 before calling Daniel over and telling him to head to the second floor at the end of my class and barricade the end of the hallway to my room & Me. Smiths room.

Daniel(Radio): Copy, I can get the upstairs but be careful and don't die...

Leon(Radio): I can say the same to you I will try to hold them back if they are near just get the kids and everyone else upstairs quietly.

I looked everywhere once again with my Rifles scope and saw them now entering and some were left outside. In total there should be 9 outside and the rest inside but with those extra at the back it will be 15 in total.

And now it means it is more than 27 and maybe about 36-38...This is a big group for just this school that was started three months ago and should not even attract their attention. why are they even here but if they even have guns it's not good at all...

Daniel(Radio): We got to your classroom, the teachers and some students started to help us grab the desks and barricade the hallway. With the 50 children we had to move them to two classrooms to have space in case anything happens.

Leon(Radio): Alright, did another teacher get the gun I gave you? And if you did already make sure to get them to guard and the other classroom.

I took a Silencer from my pocket and place on my Rifle before taking a deep breath before locking onto the gangsters and started shooting them. I kept aiming at the gangsters that had stopped and looked at their friend before looking around.





I shot them one by one before I moved to another spot and started shooting once again but with their Screams their friends did hear them and came out the building looking around but they did come in my range of vision so they kept getting killed.


I shot the guy who said that and crawled backwards as bullets started shooting the place I was at. I heard the windows break and the children scream making me roll to the left before seeing other gangsters there.

I immediately shot them before moving back and taking another Magazine out from my vest before taking the old magazine out and replacing it with the new one.

I perked over and started shooting the ones near me and they kept falling to the ground making it the 12th person I have shot and Killed. After a couple more minutes I go downstairs and run up to another empty classroom before looking at some gangsters on the road shooting at the roof.

I immediately Started shooting at them at their torso,legs,arms,heart, or head. I took cover again before turning backwards and shot the gangsters running up the stairs.

I took out a Stun Grenade and threw it down the stairs and soon a flash happened but I had closed my eyes and counted until the flash disappeared. Once the lash was gone I switched my AR-15 For my MP5.

I placed my AR-15 on my back and grabbed my MP5 Before I held onto the railing of the stairs and swung myself around before I let go and fell onto a gangster that was holding his eyes screaming.

I aimed at the five or six gangsters before shooting them at their bodies and they dropped. I started shooting forwards as some bullets flew around my body and few grazed my vest.







I threw another Stun grenade and closed my eyes and continued shooting not caring about their Screams. I Got behind a wall and waited until some minutes later where I heard the sound of people running and something else caught my attention.




My eyes widened before I jumped back from the door and took out my Desert Eagle and aimed at the door before I pulled the trigger and shot the door three times as I heard the sound of a man's voice grunt and be knocked back.

Soon after the rest of the gangsters charged forwards as I started shooting their bodies with .50 cal bullets that pierced their bodies. Once that was done I took a breather and went forwards and when I thought there was no one left I heard a gunshot and before I knew it I was sent backwards onto the wall.

I looked at a man that had a Desert Eagle and was grinning at me making me stop and think for a bit before I tried to shoot him with the MP5 but failed to do so as he shot the MP5 at the barrel locking the bullets inside and I threw it towards him before rolling to the left and shooting his leg.

And as fate would have it he also shot me at the same time I shot his leg and we both fell backwards as the 50 cals pack quite a punch.

I aimed at his torso and fired but he moved quickly dodging some of them except the fourth bullet as it hit him on his torso sending him back.

I Aimed my Eagle at him before shooting and it hit his right arm & torso again.


I shot once again and this time on his head before dodging as bullets flew at my previous spot. Luckily I shot early and had killed the man that had a Vest under his suit. I looked at my vest and saw it have two bullet holes with blood leaking slowly and can still see the bullets embedded onto the vest.

I looked at the MP5 and saw it's barrel broken before Taking out another Magazine and reloading the Desert eagle before and peeked before shooting the oncoming gangsters.

Leon: Dammit, why are there more of them now!?

I aimed and kept firing making the cement walls break with every shot it took from the gangsters. Some of my bullets did pierce the concrete and hit their necks or heads that were poking out a bit.

I threw a Smoke grenade before taking out my AR and waited a few seconds before smoke started showing and I heard the gangsters cough. I started shooting them with the AR-15 and heard their bodies thud and kept shooting without stopping.

I threw another Stun grenade and kept shooting before reloading the AR with another Magazine. I took out my Radio and called Daniel to see how they were doing before hearing Gunshots upstairs.

Leon: Fuck!

I backed off and got up the hallway before hearing Daniel say they were attacked but took care of the attackers.

Daniels POV

I heard the gunshots and worried for my friend but before I could say anything Else I heard someone shouting where we were and pointed his gun over to us.

Gangster I: I found them up here!

He soon shot and made me feel scared but remembering some videos I watched in my spare time I took out my Glock before aiming and pulling the trigger killing the man who shouted our location.

Before I knew it I heard the children say people where climbing the walls making me creeped out but the children are my number one priority. I ran over before seeing the gangsters reached Ng out towards the children.

Dani: Cover your eyes!

I aimed my shotgun straight at his hand before shooting it off and hearing him scream but I shot him again and kicked his body off the window. I saw others climb up but I started blasting them with the shotgun killing them.

Dani: Keep covering your eyes until I say so alright, Everything will be okay just wait until I say everything is okay.

I aimed at the rest of the gangsters and kept shooting them. I heard Mr. Xavier fire his shotgun off and we continued to fire at the gangsters until there were lesser than before even the gunshots from downstairs.

Leo(Radio): Daniel I might not make it with these injuries of mine but I will keep you guys safe until police show up.

Daniel (Radio): Don't you dare say that, These children need you to be there for them and want you to be there.

Leon(Radio): That is exactly why I will continue fighting for them until they are safe and nothing can happen to them. I leave them up to you so you better teach them and care for them in my stead.

Leon POV

Looking at the amount of blood spreading over my clothing made me smile before coughing up blood and preparing for the last wave.

I clutched my stomach before I aimed my M92 and kept shooting and threw another Stun grenade leaving me with 2 left & 3 Smoke grenades.

I closed my eyes and shot the blindly charging gangsters on their legs or torso. I Felt another bullet pierce my flesh making me grit my teeth in pain but I held it in and started shooting at them once again.

10 minutes later 2:57 AM

I started hearing the police sirens and it made me happy before I became even more focused on protecting them even if I die.

I soon ran out of ammo and made me look at their bodies and their guns that had bullets left in them. I grabbed their guns and checked their magazines and changed the half filled ones into the other half filled ones making them fresh magazines.

I started shooting back and saw some of them starting fire on the police so I Grinned before throwing a Stun grenade and got the police to shoot them up. The remaining ones had charged inside and surprised me before I started shooting but some bullets did pierce my vest and onto my flesh making me groan in pain.

Once I killed the ones charging forwards I dropped my guns and slowly grabbed my radio before telling Daniel that the cops are here and they will help them.

I immediately passed out from bloodloss and pain throughout my body that finally kicked in. It was at that moment I had felt myself die and started remembering everything from my childhood until where I got and made me cry If I could.

I didn't know how long passed but relieving my life all over again made me happy seeing my parents and sisters. And it was also at that moment that I saw someone sitting in front of me looking at me with a sad smile.

I was first confused seeing who it was but thinking it was just my mind making me think about childhood.

???: I am not just childhood young man, I am real and so was everyone else you had seen. We were all people with their own ideas, mind, body. And if your thinking you became crazy then your not correct.

???: You are here because of you saving a school of orphaned children and you had generally cared about them as your life depended on it. To be more specific, you have helped children who will grow up to become successful and remember you as their father figure.

???: You inspired them to start their journey, Your spirit and mine seem to fit together and we both want to protect what we love and cherish.

Leon: Heh, Guess I am not really crazy but making them grow up and see me as a father figure is something else entirely. But I do agree we do kinda resonate In our beliefs and ideals but I just really love children and wished I could have some to give me joy but unfortunately I died but I at least felt happy going out that way.

???: Gurararara, I guess I should say why you are here and why you can even see me. It seemed like you managed to charm this old man's heart with your deeds that I wish for you to have my Legacy and to surpass me in your new journey.

Leon: What...?

???: I am known as Edward Newgate or better known as "Whitebeard" one of the four Emperor's of the sea with the power to destroy the World. Although I was pretty powerful I. my prime I still could not surpass that limit and have enough power to truly have the power to destroy the world.

???: I would send you in a Journey to meet people and make friends especially with the type of past you had and to hopefully do get children young Leo.

Leon: Isn't it weird for you to say that but I guess I want to start a new life and change my past and shape it to the way I want instead of doing what others say.

Whitebeard: Gurararara, Then you better live your life to the fullest and truly exceed the Limit of A Human.

I chuckled a bit before smiling and looking at the tall 21'10 man with a wide smile on his face and his Weapon at his side.

Whitebeard: With this I can finally say my goodbyes and meet my son's in heaven...

I soon see him Disappear slowly into white lights and I felt the ground disappear before I fell below me and soon blacked out not knowing how powerful & dangerous the journey to the top is.

To be continued

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