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The Complete Saga of Princess Tahirza and her Sisters in the building of an empire in the snowy Andes. In the time when Gods and Men lived together, loved and hated each other. Biography: Edgar R Perez C is a writer of novels of varied themes: romance, ethnic, adventure, police, war, science fiction and horror. THE CHRONICLES OF TAHIRZA By Edgar R Perez Cordero Published by Edgar Pérez Copyright © 2015 Edgar Pérez Valencia.Venezuela his ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Author and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. Table of Contents TAHIRZA. TAHIRZA.THE REBELLION OF THE PRINCESSES. XIXATA SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE. CONTACT THE AUTHOR. Tahirza The Great Kingdom of the Chibchas has solidified thanks to the efforts of its peaceful inhabitants. It extends from the snowy mountains, through the great plateau and reaches the low plains. All is joy, prosperity and harmony. But a latent danger slowly looms. The succession of the kingdom that is not defined, making appear ambitions of the neighboring tribes and that of an ambitious being that surpasses them all. The Great Sun Inca, in spite of his immeasurable wealth, also covets the Chibcha riches.

Chapter 1One Time


The Complete Saga of Princess Tahirza and her Sisters in the building of an empire in the snowy Andes. In the time when Gods and Men lived together, loved and hated each other.


Edgar R Perez C is a writer of novels of varied themes: romance, ethnic, adventure, police, war, science fiction and horror.



BOOK ID 8107


By Edgar R Perez Cordero

Published by Edgar Pérez

Copyright © 2021Edgar Pérez


his ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Author and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

Table of Contents










The Great Kingdom of the Chibchas has solidified thanks to the efforts of its peaceful inhabitants. It extends from the snowy mountains, through the great plateau and reaches the low plains. All is joy, prosperity and harmony. But a latent danger slowly looms. The succession of the kingdom that is not defined, making appear ambitions of the neighboring tribes and that of an ambitious being that surpasses them all. The Great Sun Inca, in spite of his immeasurable wealth, also covets the Chibcha riches.

In the midst of such tensions, an unfortunate event changes all plans, and also brings the birth of a princess. Tahirza, who despite not having a drop of Chibcha blood, may be the solution to all the controversies. A magical adventure in three installments.

Action, Adventures, Fantasy, Fiction


Tahirza. The Rebellion of the Princesses.

The continuation of Tahirza in this second installment. The Be Ru brothers unleash their evil plans. The sacred kingdom of the Chibchas is occupied and ruled by the evil alliance, while Xixata is prevented from realizing her love with Hijo Del Condor by being forced to live in the kingdom of the Great Sun Inca. Marutta and Tahirza must live hidden in the green hell. Saba Tamac and her consorts die in the rebellion, and Hijo del Condor is forced to escape. However destiny returns to their paths, Tahirza and Marutta will start the Rebellion with the help of new and strong allies...

War, Fiction, Adventures, Ethnic + 15


The princess who was born without rights to rule her own kingdom. Fate leads her to sit on a throne she never imagined she would possess. The great sacred throne of the Inca Lords. She rules wisely, leading the kingdom to a golden age, where prosperity, strength and tranquility are the daily norm for all inhabitants.

Unexpectedly, an enemy sets out to destroy all that has been achieved. It is not a rival kingdom, it is no insurrection. It is a lord of the skies who comes to steal the tranquility of all. Immune to any army; only Queen Xixata will be able to face him with her wisdom and strength, despite her youth, only she has the resources to defeat him. A task that she will have to execute without any help.

Ethnic, Adventures, Fiction, Romance


Bạn cũng có thể thích

The Rebirth of the Malicious Empress of Military Lineage.

Shen Miao, the Di daughter of a military lineage, pure, amiable, quiet and yielding, foolishly in love with Prince Ding, threw herself into the role of a wife. After assisting her husband for six years, she finally became the mother of the world (Empress). She accompanied him to fight for the country, flourished the country’s territory, took risks to become a hostage in another country. When she returned five years later, there was no place for her in the Inner Palace. The beauty in his arms smiled brightly, “Older sister, the country is stabilized so, you should retire.” Her daughter met with a violent death and her son the Crown Prince was deposed. Her Shen family who sacrificed themselves for the country and the Emperor, not a single one of them were lucky enough to escape. With the change of one dynasty, everything was overturned. Her clan perished and she had to mourn for her children. Shen Miao never thought that being a married couple who have gone through trials and tribulations and mutually assisted each other was just a stage joke to him! He said, “Seeing that you have followed Zhen for twenty years, Zhen will grant you an intact corpse. You should thank this kindness.” Under the three Chi (1 chi = 1/3 meter) of white silk, Shen Miao made a malicious vow: In the time to come, she will take part in each and everyone’s end! Upon rebirth, she returned to the time when she was fourteen, when the tragedy had yet to occur, her family was still alive and she was still the pure, amiable, quiet and yielding Di daughter of a military lineage. Relatives hiding a black heart, Elder and younger (female) cousins are ruthless and malicious, the new Yiniang is like a tiger watching its prey and the disreputable man who wants to repeat the events? Her family must be protected, the huge enmity must be avenged, the Imperial seat of the country must also be a part of the trophy. In this lifetime, let’s see who can beat the others! ***Not my original work, all credit goes to the author, translator, editor, etc.***

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