
The Relapse

Angel is a demon and not a ghost! That's why he keeps on telling me that he's real. He was able to use a face that would not freak me out. But the moment he showed me his real face, I didn't know how to unsee it. The best thing I can do is to just ignore his presence.

It went on until it's my last year of college. I was able to trick my third eye not to see him. Although I'm aware that he's still around me. I can feel his presence especially when I'm inside my dorm room. He tried many tricks to make me look at him again.

But I keep on ignoring the fact that he's there and not planning to leave. One day, I was left alone around the dorm for the holidays. My grandmother left for the US for a visit. I had nowhere to go so I stayed in my dorm. It's eerily quiet when I arrived at the mall.

I saw a ghost from my peripheral vision but chose to act like I didn't see it. That's advice from another shaman I met with my grandma. The shaman advised me to ignore the other side for a few years. He saw Angel with me and told me that a spirit has attached himself to me.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you ignoring me?" The ghost girl asked repeatedly.

Again, I ignored that I heard her voice. I need to stop acknowledging them for as long as I can avoid them. The reason my third eye developed was that I keep on talking to ghosts. I also look for elementals to chat with them. What can I do? I don't have many friends!

The lady ghost suddenly looked horrified and disappeared. I already knew what happened. Angel made it vanish but I'm still not going to acknowledge him. I don't want to see these beings anymore. I'm done having my third eye open. Now that I'm about to graduate, I will live a normal life just like everybody else.

I went straight to bed since I felt tired for the day. It will only take a few more months until graduation. I will be moving to another city and have my apartment soon close to my job. Luckily, I was able to get absorbed by the institution where I had my on-the-job training.

It's a mental institution where slight cases of mental health patients are admitted. Honestly, those people were just bored and decided to create their own delusions. Although some are experiencing hallucinations. But I can handle that since I already experienced working there.

I suddenly wake up from my sleep and check my alarm clock at the side of my bed. It reads 3:00 AM. That sucks because it means that it's still too early to start my day. I don't have anything to do since it's still the holiday break. But I feel the need to pee so I get out of bed.

The toilet is located outside the dorm rooms. My room is nearby but I have to get out so I can go to the comfort room. Still sleepy, I got out of my room and was greeted by a pitch-black hallway. I'm the only one around on this floor. That's why the caretaker turned off all the lights.

I don't care since I can still see something in the dark. But the problem is, what I can see is another dimension mixed with the real world. That makes it hard to navigate when I'm outside the streets. But I know that I just need to walk straight to the comfort rooms, I will be fine.

Once I reached the door to one of the bathrooms, I reached for the light switch. I was expecting that it would get bright instantly but I'm still in the darkness. I tried to turn on the light switch again but nothing happened. On my third attempt, I tried to look at the switch.

To my horror, my hand looks luminous and transparent. I can't touch the light switch, that's why the light bulb didn't turn on. When I looked up, I saw about five ghosts looking directly at me. They were all sinisterly smirking and walking towards me. I panicked and backed away.

"You're not ignoring us now, are you?" The ghost of a student asked straight to my face.

"She can't ignore us now that her soul has left her body!" The ghost of an old man said.

"That means that you're also a ghost... like us!" The ghost of a little girl said.

The five ghosts laughed at me, making me feel the deafening sound they were making. I can't believe that this is happening. How can I do the astral project now after a long time? Although I was able to do this before, the last time was when I was just nine years old!

This is bad! Not because my urge to pee earlier was gone. It's because my body was left empty. I need to go back before some ghost possesses it. It will be a disaster if I dont go back to my body right away. I turned her back from the ghosts and started walking back.

The hallway is no longer pitch black but it looks like a different place now. Instead of the doors of the rooms, she can see nature now. The side where my room should be located is now a part of a stream. There's no way I can get back to my room and most importantly, to my body.

But I know the way and I have to go back to my room whatever happens. I can hear different voices calling my name. This is what the shaman told me before that might happen upon trying to close my third eye.

After ignoring the ghosts and the other side for years, it finally relapsed. I walked towards the direction where my room is supposed to be but my entire dorm was gone.

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