
Year Three Supplies (I)




Standing at the door to the Weasley residence, the burrow, I patiently wait for someone to answer. I can hear yelling inside as footsteps approach the door.

The door swings open revealing a familiar face, "Good Morning, Charlie."

Charlie smiles as he moves out of the way to let me in, "Morning Soren, was the morning Knight Bus fun?"

I roll my eyes, "Just a bunch of drunk wizards trying to get home."

He smirks knowingly, "Soren's here!" he yells inside as I step past him.

Inside I see Fred and George tag team suplexing a furious Percy onto the old sofa. I give Charlie a wry smile but he just has a bored expression, he must be used to this kind of scene.

"BOYS! Stop it already we have a guest!" Mrs. Weasley furiously yells from the kitchen.

She quickly switches to a motherly smile as she walks to me, "It's good to see you Soren dear."

"Likewise, Mrs. Weasley," I say as she pulls me into a hug.

As she lets me go I turn back to Charlie, "Are you excited to go back to Hogwarts."

Charlie rubs the back of his head, "Never thought I'd go back as an Assistant Professor, I admit I am a bit excited."

Molly steps up to him and pinches the large muscular man's cheeks, "I'm so proud of you."

"What about us?" Fred and George echo from behind me.

Molly and I turn towards them, they both have cheeky smirks ready to be complimented, "You boys… you have time to grow."

I laugh a bit as I see their fake disappointment while Percy rushes up the main stairs. Passing them on the stairs I see Harry and Ron walking down nearly getting run down.

"Morning," I say to the duo who both have nested hair and excited smiles.

"Hey Soren, Ron says as he hops off the stairs.

Harry waves and gives a small 'Hey'.

Molly claps her hands, "Okay, time for breakfast."

I give her a small smile, "You didn't have to wait for me."

She shakes her head as she walks towards the kitchen, "Nonsense, I had to wait for these boys anyway."

I sigh as Charlie puts a hand on my back, I look at him and he grins, "Your basically family now."

A small smile creeps on my face, "I guess. Is Bill liking his new job?" I ask as we walk over to the table.

Charlie nods, "I hear he is quite good at it."

"That's good," I look over at Ron who is watching his mother finish making breakfast expectantly.

"Are Hermione and Daphne coming today?"

Harry nods, "I told them to meet us at Diagon Alley, Theo is coming as well."

"That's good, where is Ginny?"

Ron rolls his eyes, "She is hiding in her room."

The twins grin while looking at Harry and I understand their meaning. Harry doesn't seem to understand why all of us are staring at him so I change the subject.

"So how was your vacation? Did you enjoy Egypt?"

Ron's grin grows wide and I can see the excitement in his eyes, "It was so cool! Did you know wizards in Egypt used to live side by side with muggles?"

I shake my head, "No, but that sounds cool."

He nods, "They used to have these kings that they worshiped as Gods, they were called pharaohs. They used to keep Pheonix's as pets as a sign of divinity and rebirth. What if Dumbledore's ancestors are from Egypt and that's why he has a phoenix?" Ron speaks so fast it becomes like he is talking to himself.

The twins both seem to agree with Ron, "Yeah, but they didn't let us take any souvenirs." George says.

"Not that that means we didn't get one," Fred says with a sly grin as he fist bumps George.

Molly quickly turns around at their words with a mean eye, "What was that boys?"

Fred holds up his hands innocently, "Just kidding mother."

"Yeah, everything was jinxed anyway so we couldn't take anything if we wanted to," George says in their defense.

Molly shakes her head as she turns back around but Charlie and I both look at them skeptically. If anyone could pull off a 'prank' that seems impossible like stealing a cursed item Fred and George are definitely the duo that could. It isn't even up for debate, I am now certain that they took something.

The twins are laughing at their mother's anger before giving me a serious look. They both slowly lean closer as they shoo Charlie away. Charlie shakes his head as he scoots his seat back a bit.

"We have a surprise for you when we get to Diagon Alley," George says with a gin.

"It's a new invention… and a small gift," Fred adds giving his brother a side-eye.

I sigh but I am a bit excited about what they are going to show me, "Okay, meet me at Gringotts when we take the floo network."

They both nod as they lean back in their chairs with wicked grins, with that type of grin I know that money will be involved. Ron and Charlie are looking between me and the twin suspiciously but Molly saves the day as she begins to lay out the table.

"Charlie dear would you go get your sister and brother?"

I stand up since my back is to the stairs, "I'll do it, Mrs. Weasley, I'm the closest anyway."

She nods, "Thank you, Soren."

"Not a problem," I say as I begin walking up the stairs. I notice that the stairs are less rickety than the last time I was here, probably because of Bill's job, I know they share their money a lot.

I remember that Ginny's room is across from Ron's on the third floor, it also helps that she has a sign hanging on her door. I knock loudly three times and wait, I hear movement inside but she doesn't say anything.

After half a minute the door creaks open a little and I see Ginny's eye through the crack. Seeing me she swings the door open wider so I can see inside her room. She is wearing maroon and pink pajamas with her hair tied up.

"Soren?" she says questioningly.

"Hey, breakfast is ready. Your mother wants you downstairs."

Ginny nods, "Okay, thanks for telling me, I'll only be a minute."

As she closes the door I head up to the fourth floor and knock, "What?" I hear Percy from inside.

"Breakfast is ready," I say loud enough so that he can hear me.

"Not hungry," he says obviously still annoyed about earlier.

I shrug, "Okay," I don't speak loudly this time and just head back down the stairs. Percy has probably become my least favorite person in the Weasley family; though that's not saying much, the rest are great even Bill who I've only spoken to twice.

Heading back down the stairs I see a table full of food and an expectant Molly looking at me.

"Ginny said she would be just a minute."

"And Percy?"

A wry smile crosses my face, "He said he isn't hungry."

With a sad sigh, she sits down at the end of the table, "I guess it can't be helped, thank you, Soren, come eat."

I happily oblige, sitting down I pile some bacon, fried potato, eggs, and sausage on my plate.

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