
Extermination (III)

He looks up at me floating above him "You did this?"

I don't respond and just watch him walk over and take a knee in front of a corpse.

He closes his eyes and speaks softly "May the Ancestors welcome you."

He stands up and looks at me again. His eyes show a writhing hatred lingering just behind the sadness. He still, however, gives a curt bow pulling his cape over his chest as he leans his head down.

The vampire stands well over six feet tall but he is nowhere near my twelve-foot stature. He has a handsome face with slicked-back black hair and pale white skin. A true Dracula wannabe.

"My name is Aadit Marius Von Bogdan The Second, I formally request a duel to the death as a member of the house of Bogdan and Leader of this Clutch." His face stays stone as he speaks but his eyes say many things.

'You never had the chance to leave alive anyway.'

He grits his sharp teeth as he rushes me at speeds I barely see. I just watch him approach calmly waiting for him to hit me.

His hands turn into sharp claws as he swipes hard at my chest area. I let him hit me, his strike pushes me back but nothing happens to me.

If I could smile I would, I left my fog on my chest so when he struck my it would latch to him. I happily watch as my fog rolls up his arm sapping strength from him-- to my surprise, he decisively cuts off his own hand.

He leaps back away from me as his hand regrows at a rapid and visible pace. It is far faster than any of the other vampires I have slain today.

He looks up at me with deciphering eyes "You're far too large to be a Dementor, and your powers are also strange… what are you?"

'Your Death.' My dry dead voice speaks into his mind as I rush at him with four tendrils around me ready to pierce.

He dodges quickly to my left but I was ready for it. A fifth tendril sprouts from my fog and pierces his throat expanding quickly to sever his head. I am a bit sad I didn't kill him with my own 'hands' but it was more efficient this way.

But something unexpected happens, his body reaches out and grabs the severed head. Once secured it runs away with the head like a thief. I was caught off guard so I let him run, he stopped at the other end of the clearing near the massive amount of corpses.

He positions his head over his destroyed neck as it began to repair itself. Rivulets of blood reached out and connect his head to his body as it quickly healed.

He rolls his neck around stretching as he speaks again. "Those types of things don't work on True-Blood vampires like I."

I'm honestly shocked at what just happened but I don't... can't show it on my rotting face. 'Then we will see how you fair having your soul torn out.'

He ignores my statement and raises an arm to me. "Since physical won't work I'll try this." White wisps begin to leak from his hand as they take the shape of a large bat the size of a dog.

Seeing he produced a Patronus I quickly transform out of my Dementor form. I raise my wand "Expecto Patronum" and with a flick wisps burst from my wand forming the shape of my Patronus.

My Nundu begins chasing the large bat, like a cat chasing a bird. This puts me in a predicament; I can't shift back to Dementor form without undoing my Patronus. But if I do that his Patronus will be able to hold me down.

Aadit looks shocked "You're just a child?!" But looking up at the giant Nundu Patronus in front of him he looks even more shocked.

Looking back at me he speaks "But now you can bleed." He runs at me again with newfound vigor.

I'm still tired from fighting all the others so I can't cast much, I have to use my spells wisely. I use my cloak to fly up a large tree and look down at him. Where I was once standing has a hole in the ground and Aadit is looking up at me with anger on his face. I look down at the hole with a small smirk.

He had stomped the ground hard enough that half his foot was in it and cracks webbed over five feet away from the hole. He pulls his foot out of the hole and crouches down, he grits his fangs as he launches himself at me leaving more cracks on the ground from where he jumped.

I smile at his foolish action since he won't be able to dodge me in the air. My fog quickly forms into a thick arm, as I slam my arm down so too does my new arm of fog.

To my surprise it misses and Aadit seems to have vanished. I look around quickly with my eyes closed to find and see he is above me. I open my eyes to look up and see a bat flying above me, I point my wand at it as I use my cloak to float off the tree.

"Flipendo" I hit one of his wings and he comes tumbling down hitting the tree on his way. As he is about to hit the ground he shifts into his vampire form and lands on all fours causing his cloak to flutter.

"How dramatic," I mutter.

He looks up at me ignoring my words and pounces at me like a cat. I send my arm of fog at him forcing him to jump away. I aim at where he will land with my wand and cast.

"Orbis." As he lands the ground begins to suck him into it causing him to struggle violently. But his struggle does nothing the ground is like quicksand and devours him up to his neck. Fury fills his eyes as he looks up at me with a hatred I've never seen before.

I look back and see that my Patronus is in the process of tearing his apart and I smile. I turn back and walk up to him.

"It's your loss time to die." I smile and am about to shift into my Dementor form but he speaks first.

"Wait!" The fury fades a bit as he looks up at me "At least tell me why you did it, why did you kill my family?" His face is still cold but he appears close to giving up.

"Because you tried to kill mine first... NO ONE touches my family." I look at him with cold eyes and begin to transform.

His face is flabbergasted but quickly turns back to rage, "YOU MEAN YOU SLAUGHTERED MY KIN, MY FAMILY, OVER SOMEONE I 'ALMOST' KILLED!" His face twists in anger as he yells.

He is about to yell again but I grab him by the neck pulling him out of the ground. My fog covers his body leaving him limp looking at me with unwillingness and anger.

My cold voice rings in his ears as my grip on his neck tightens 'My sister's life is worth any number of your Kin. Now die knowing you are the reason for their suffering.'

I put my face up to his and begin wrenching the soul from his body. He is trying with everything he has to fight back but it is hopeless. He begins gagging as his soul reaches his throat, tears falling from his eyes. As I finish consuming his soul I feel a similar sense of fullness that I got from Sirius.

I drop his limp corpse on the ground and transform into my human form. It would be smart to go through everything the vampires had and take anything useful.

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