
Chapter 23

I locked the apartment door, and we climbed the stairs to the third floor. “Let’s go to bed.” It was late for us.

“Good idea.” Paul yawned. “I could use some more sleep.”

And we headed for our separate bedrooms.

* * * *

A couple of weeks later, Paul came in from the gym and brought the mail up with him.

“Anything interesting?” I asked as I made a light snack for us. We’d be going out to meet our johns for drinks soon. Some of our clients just preferred arm candy.

“Bill. Bill. Catalogue. TV Guide. Junk. Junk. Junk. This is weird.”

“What is?” I asked absently as I opened the electric bill. It was higher than last month’s. I’d have to talk to the boys about turning off the television and the stereo before they left for the night.

“It’s a letter to a Teodore Bascopolis. Well, I’ll just mark it ‘not at this address’ and put it out for tomorrow’s mail.”

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