
Chapter 9

“Are you stoned?”

“What?” He frowned at Ellis.

“You growled at the girl, and now you’re laughing.”

“I growled at you.”

“Yeah, in public.”

Maybe not the smartest thing he’d done but…“You were shouting in my ear.”

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” The burned smell intensified, and Nash cracked his neck. The beast inside of him was stretching—preparing to leap forth if needed.

“I wasn’t shouting, I was trying to cover you losing your shit in the middle of town.”

“I’m not losing my shit.” He was though, his teeth grew sharper, longer, and he clamped his lips shut while taking a deep breath. What the fuck was wrong with him?

“Perhaps we should leave.”

Nash exhaled, rolled his shoulders, and cracked his neck again. “Nah, it’s fine. Some food and I’ll be better. Promise.” He smiled a tight-lipped smile.

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