
Chapter 30

Ridiculous. Stupid. Impossible.

Irresponsible. Silly.


Quit it.

“Hey…” Arik rubbed Blaze’s arm.

Blaze shook himself and, subsequently, Arik’s hold. “Where we headed?” he asked.

“Just another place to stay that might be a little quieter. Always wanted to go there, but never had the chance or…Someone to take with me, so. Yeah.”

Blaze nodded, yanked on his shorts, shirt, and shoes, and zipped up his bag. “Okay, then. Lead on.”

Arik lingered, studying Blaze with intensity that Blaze answered with an easy, practiced smile, and Arik lead them out of the room, muttering to himself. At least the man was learning not to keep every thought in his own head.

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