
Chapter 17

“Do we have to dress up for this?” Zach asked from the closet. He still wore only his boxer briefs and a sleeveless T-shirt. “You know, like a suit?”

“No. Nice slacks and a shirt should be okay. Kind of like business casual.”

Zach nodded and pulled out a turquoise dress shirt that I happened to know went fantastic with his dark hair and eyes. He paired it with oyster-gray slacks.

For my part I went with brown pants and an ivory dress shirt, opened at the throat a bit, since without a tie I hated shirts buttoned to the collar.

Zach leaned against the wall next to the bathroom after he finished dressing. “Are we expecting drama?”

“Maybe.” I buttoned the cuffs of my shirt. “Raine told me something today at breakfast.”

“Oh?” He arched a brow.

“Not sure I’m supposed to tell anyone.”

“So you’re going to drop that right there and not tell me what it is?” Zach mock pouted. “We tell each other everything.”

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