
Chapter 53

But it was the handle that was matchless, instantly drawing the eye. Crafted from beaten silver, it was in the shape of a wolf’s head, its lips curled back to reveal sharp teeth. I couldn’t draw my gaze away from its eyes—red stones that were possibly rubies, although more likely garnets

“Eira,” I breathed. There was something about it that called to me. I had to own it. “This is exquisite.”

“I can give you a good price for it, if you’re interested.”

“I am.” I ran my hand over the smooth wood.

“That’s the way with things in this shop. People often come in, drawn for no particular reason, and they’ll wander around examining the bits and bobs. And then something will catch their eye, and they’ll have to have it.”

“Well, I certainly do want it. Name your price. Thorny Walk? My first born?”

She chuckled, a deep, rich sound. “Nothing so dramatic.” She mentioned a figure that was quite reasonable considering the silver work.

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