
Chapter 56

“Come on, Harvard, let’s go.”

“Radcliffe. It was Radcliffe.”

“Big fucking deal.” Lou turned and walked out of the cell.

* * * *

The cafeteria was crowded and noisy. Clumps of women congregated around the long tables. Some laughed and joked. Others talked softly and seriously. Several turned to inspect the “New Blood” as she walked in.

Cameron was aware of the eyes on her and more than a little self-conscious as she followed the others through the food line to get her dinner. The food looked monochromatic to her, the vegetables—at least that’s what she assumed they were- and meat—what little of it she was given—all had an overwhelming greyish tint, just like the rest of the prison. Everything had cooked so long that any nutritional value it might have once had was long washed away.

She took her tray of food and sat at a long table where the two other women who had been admitted with her that morning were already eating. “How you doing?” Cam asked them.

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