
Azkaban 2

Matthew took Death's invisibility Cloak that he borrowed from Harry out and put it over his head, next he cast, "internum Patronum!". This Charm was a modification of the Patronus Charm, its purpose wasn't to chase Dementors away but to counteract their harmful fear Aura and also the presence of dark magic inside the fortress, and would ease the pressure on Matthew's Occlumency shields. A spell perfect for stealth operations like these where Dementors were present.

The Cloak was enchanted with the help of the Laws of the Universe itself by some very powerful being that maybe was Death herself, it was able to hide his presence from any Wards or Creatures. He could only be caught if he didn't silence himself since his breathing and footsteps could still be heard. The Cloak was even able to hide the presence of his Soul, which made him invisible to Dementors. Matthew made a lot of tests with the Cloak once he arrived home. Unfortunately, the Cloak didn't recognize him as his owner and he only could temporarily use it until Harry realized it was missing, that's one of the things he was able to find out in his experiments. All three of the Hallows were bound to ownership not only the wand, and Harry was their most legitimate owner.

Once he preparation where finished Matthew opened a Portal and landed on a cliff that pointed to the coast. Now he clearly felt the ominous and horrifying presence of this place, it was really disturbing. The fog here was also much thicker and instead of white, it was a dark grey, clearly indicating the influence of the dark magic in this place.

Now that he passed through the concealment wards he was able to take a look at the infamous Prison of Azkaban. It was an ancient tower-like fortress, shaped like a triangle with a hole inside. It was made of a dark and old somewhat eroded through the rough wind and weather of the north sea. With the help of an earth-based scanning spell, he was able to send a pulse through the building and get a rough idea of the layout of the Castle. Also, he felt the location of the close-by inmates.

What he couldn't make out was where the Dementors were, 'Right, they are hovering and flying, with my earth pulse charm I won't be able to locate them.' He realized. But it didn't matter they were, either way, unable to spot him and there were no inmates on the other side of this wall he was currently staring at. The walls weren't protected against magic that manipulated stones and earth, since they didn't expect an intruder to pass through the wards without them noticing, since they had anti-apparition wards and anti-portkey wards in place. Like in Hogwarts they didn't work on his Portals, but he felt that the light of the Portals was too flashy so instead, he manipulated the wall with earth magic to create a hole that allowed him to pass through and enter the fortress.

He arrived inside an unused and unlocked cell with old and rusty bars. The whole section of the Prison was currently unused. The dark presence of the building felt even more intense on the inside, combined with the aura of dementors it would turn every prisoner insane given enough time. No wonder this place was considered one of the worst places in the World.

Matthew began to explore the Prison and spent the next few hours looking for any clues about the dark wizard Ekrizdis. Through his exploration, he got a good idea about the structure of the Prison. The Upper section of the Prison was the place where the criminals were located with some minor crimes and had only a temporary stay. In that section was also the guard Room for the few wizard guards stationed in the Prison, connected to the guard room was an arrival Room where Portkeys left and arrived from the Ministry of Magic. This was also the only official entrance to the Fortress. How he knew that, well he was currently watching how a Prisoner was brought here by an Auror and placed inside one of the Cells for low-level Prisoners.

The deeper and lower you walked down the Fortress, the higher was the Level of the Prisoner. In the deepest and lowest parts of the Prison, he found the Inner Circle of the Death Eaters, amongst them, was a dirty, skinny, and exhausted Bellatrix Lestrange who was still yelling, "The Dark Lord will save me. He will reward me for my Loyalty. He will come for me!" While the other inmates also yelled sometimes, it was more of despair and agony. Bellatrix must have been that insane from the beginning that she kept her 'Sanity' inside this horrific building and just her body was affected by the poor conditions of the Prison.

'What an insane chic.' Thought Matthew as he watched her. A few cells further down the corridor was Sirius Black who was currently resting in his Dog form. He was a large black dog that looked like a Grimm but had a dirty and chaotic pelt thanks to this place.

It was no wonder that this was the high-security section of the Prison. The Oppressing and dark feeling from the ancient building was here far stronger than everywhere else, it was worse than even inside the Black Castle Ruins in the forbidden forest. He didn't want to imagine which horrific and dark experiments happened inside these Walls to leave such traces behind for the Centuries to come. Dementors were patrolling the Corridors, no human guards were present, they only patrolled the upper floors and came only down here if they needed to bring the prisoners food or if someone came to inspect them.

The High-Security section was somewhat under the ground behind the Cliffs. There were no windows here, before someone could break out, if he could muster enough strength, he would need to climb a few floors upwards while dodging the Dementors. This was only possible if you were Invisible or an Animagus like Sirius which they didn't pay attention to since they don't have eyes.

Azkaban also possesses a Graveyard to accommodate those who have died in the prison. Most of the prisoners inside its walls died of despair, having lost the will to live. And added to the dark aura of horror and despair of the ancient fortress. The Graveyard was established in the 1730s but the high-security part of the Dungeon was according to the records he read always down here. Something down here must've been causing the darkness and miasma of pain and agony. Not just the Dementors.

And Matthew had the feeling that his goal must be somewhere down here since the Scrolls were some of the darkest artifacts known to mankind. But no matter how much he looked around the lowest floors he didn't find anything. The Ministry must have removed every one of the Dark books and artifacts they could find, maybe even destroyed them. It was probably even the first expedition, they probably found the remains of the experimental Subjects Ekrizdis left behind and their records of what he did exactly and destroyed them.

But the darkness and pain in this building remained strong, so somewhere here needs to be a hidden chamber or something. He didn't believe that a Powerful Wizard-like Ekrizdis would leave his most valuable things openly. If the Ministry found one of the Scrolls then he would have at least found a mention of it somewhere. Even Horcruxes were mentioned in one of the Books of the forbidden Section before Dumbledore removed it. Then a Dark Magic Scroll should be mentioned in some Historical Records. Somewhere there should be an entrance.


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