
Nicolas Flamel

The next night Matthew once again returned to the Mirror with a Portal after he saw on his map Harry and Ron disappearing. He cast a disillusionment charm on himself and added a Notice-me-not Charm on top of it. Afterward, he carved a small stealth Rune formation in one corner and sat down inside of it. He didn't need to wait long until he heard some voices coming closer.

"It's here — just here — yes!"

The door opened and Harry dropped the cloak from around his shoulders and ran to the mirror.

'Sarah scan the Cloak please.' Requested Matthew mentally while he watched Harry and Ron.

"See?" Harry whispered.

"I can't see anything."

"Look! Look at them all... there are loads of them..."

"I can only see you."

"Look in it properly, go on, stand where I am." Said Harry as he pushed Ron in front of the Mirror.

Ron, though, was staring transfixed at his image.

"Look at me!" he said.

"Can you see all your family standing around you?"

"No — I'm alone — but I'm different — I look older — and I'm a head boy!"


"I am — I'm wearing the badge like Bill used to — and I'm holding the house cup and the Quidditch cup — I'm Quidditch captain, too."

Ron tore his eyes away from this splendid sight to look excitedly at Harry.

"Do you think this mirror shows the future?"

"How can it? All my family are dead — let me have another look —"

'Good the Mirror is still working properly.' Confirmed Matthew as the two Boys continued to discuss the Mirror. Suddenly they got interrupted by Mrs. Norris, after the Cat left Harry and Ron also decided to leave since it wasn't safe for them here.

'Sarah what can you tell me about the Cloak?' asked Matthew.

[The Cloak contains a large amount of Magical Energy additionally to a large amount of another form of energy I named Death Energy. No enchantments or Runes were found rather multiple readings similar to the Law of Fire but still different, this may be something akin to the Law of Death and more imbued into an artifact. More Data is needed, but it seems to be a very advanced form of magical artifact creation.]

'Interesting, this also pretty much confirms the existence of Death her or himself. Now I am really interested in what happens if someone became the Master of Death. Is it even possible for me since I am not part of the Peverell bloodline?' he pondered as he comprehended the gathered Data.

~ Scene Break ~

Matthew once again saw on his map that Harry returned to the Mirror the next night, but this time he met Dumbledore. The Mirror will be most likely finished in the next few days and moved to the location where the Philosopher stone will be hidden.

The Christmas Holidays continued on and Matthew further explored the Law of Fire he managed to raise his comprehension to 3%. The more he progressed the harder it became to improve and it was only the beginning. He realized that it wasn't something that could be forced by training since he almost didn't improve anymore but rather it needed a lot of experience that came naturally through usage and knowledge.

Rather than spending hours playing with fire, he decided to move to another element and create spells for it so he could in the future combine both elements and gain more comprehension into both. He choose earth, there weren't many earth-based spells in Hogwarts besides some Herbology spells they learned while taking care of the magical plants. So he once again needed to create them himself.

He repeated to create a multitude of earth-based spells during the rest of the winter holidays be it useful or useless or spells with similar effects he already had it didn't matter every bit helped. Some spells he could use more often were mostly combat-related like conjuring stones or earth walls to block the Unforgivables, or giant fists made of dirt to knock out enemies.

In this matter, he spent the rest of the Holidays while being unbothered by other Students.

~ Scene Break ~

In January once the other Students returned the Lessons began again while the snow outside began to disappear. One afternoon the under the lead of Hermione the Golden Trio approached Matthew.

"Matthew can you help us with a question about a school unrelated topic?" asked Hermione.

"Sure, Hermione. What kind of advanced topic did the three of you focus on the last few weeks?" replied Matthew with a smirk.

The three looked a bit sheepishly at Matthew as Harry replied, "It was that obvious?"

"Well, Hermione not. But you and especially Ron so often in the Library that was very obvious. So what caught you three firsties' interest?" asked Matthew with a large laugh.

"We want to know if you ever heard of Nicolas Flamel?" asked an embarrassed Hermione.

"Nicolas Flamel you say. Hmm. Which member of the Staff dropped that name? Most likely Hagrid." Said a now pretending to be serious Matthew while having fun watching the three first-years now caught expression. "So you are interested in what is hidden behind Hagrids Cerberus? Since you already know that much there is no point in hiding the information from you since you would search more and more for it. The answer is actually pretty obvious. You could even find it in the Muggle World since Nicholas Flamel became famous before the Statue of Secrecy came into effect."

Hermione already realized why that name felt familiar to her and that they searched the whole time in the wrong place.

"Ah, you already realized it, Hermione. Well, it seems you were looking for something like famous Wizards in this Century or the last since he was still alive. But Nicolas Flamel is one of the few Wizards that were born a long time ago and don't fall under that search criteria." Explained Matthew with a smile while trying not to laugh about them, "Nicolas Flamel is in the Non-Magical World know as the immortal Alchemist, he is Professors Dumbledore Teacher in Alchemy and he and his wife are over 600 years old. His exact age isn't absolutely known since there are multiple known birthdates for him. He created the famous artifact called the Philosopher Stone or Sorcerer Stone which not only can transmute any metal into gold but also create the elixir of life which grants immortality."

Seeing the look of realization on their face Matthew continued, "It seems you realized what the Cerberus is guarding."

A stone that makes gold and stops you from ever dying!" said Harry. "No wonder Snape's after it! Anyone would want it."

"Anyone? Nah I don't think so. I heard Nicholas Flamel didn't stop aging he is just alive through the elixir but looks more like a skeleton. Snape probably doesn't want to steal it since this kind of immortality is shitty, as, for gold, he is one of the prime Potion Masters in Britain. He has enough gold." Explained Matthew trying not to say too much so he wouldn't alarm Quirrellmort who regularly explored Harry Mind, " If someone wants to steal it then for the Healing Properties of the Elixir. It doesn't only prolong Life but also heals anything as long you are alive." Said Matthew as he guided the Three of them in the right direction, but Harry still seemed focused on Snape, only Hermione gained a thoughtful Look.


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