
I am Caitlin's fiance!

I slammed the door shut with a bang on his face.

"hey, you! open the door!" Ian screamed in frustration as he continuously banged the door.

"what do you want?" I asked,

"open the door first!"

"my mom said I shouldn't open the door for strangers, I should call the security"

"I am not a stranger! I am here for Caitlin! I am Caitlin's fiance!" he screamed at the top of his voice as he banged the door even harder.

the housekeeper came in running.

"Mr. Adam that must be Mr. Hoyle on the other side of the do'r, he is Miss Caitlin's fiance, you must open the do'r." he said in his bri'sh accent, as he bowed his balding head.

I smirked "aaannnddddd..... you are fired"

He looked at me worriedly "O' why Mr. adam, have I made any mistake, you say?"

"oh no. you just leaked Caitlin's address"

His expression turned bitter and he sighed "you got me" surprisingly his accent also changed from British to Mexican. not gonna lie I didn't see that one coming. "so where do I go out from?"

"you know the way to the back door"

he nodded, pulled out his suitcase, and moved out and as soon as he walked out I locked the door.

That went oddly smooth.

Sure enough, just a few minutes later, Ian was yelling at the Briexican man, yea that's what I call him now.

It was pretty easy to make out what he was yelling "I gave you one task! and you weren't even able to do that! get out of my sight!"

he banged the door again "Caitlin, come out! I know you are there!"

I opened the door slightly "who is Caitlin?"

"Caitlin is my fiance and I know she is here!"

"oh? does she have purple hair?"

"yes, that is my Caitlin!"

I shook my head "yea sorry I don't know her"

"don't fuck with me! do you know who I even am!?"

"a random guy who lost his mind when his fiance left him and now he likes to ruin people's morning by annoying the heck out of them?" I asked in an innocent way.

"no you fucker! I am Ian Hoyles!"

"ahh well I don't really care so go away," I said as I slammed the door close again.

"fuck it you bastard!" he continued to scream and slamming the door.

after a few minutes of me not responding he called in his bodyguards and asked them to smash the door.

on hearing the loud noise even Caitlin woke up.

"what's going on?" she said as she yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"oh, can you call the police, it seems there are burglars who want to rob us"

Caitlin seems doubtful but after a bit of persuasion, she reluctantly called the police.

it didn't take long for the bodyguards to break the door. when the door fell down. Caitlin was surprised to see Ian. "Ian what are you doing here!?"

Ian walked over to Caitlin, ignoring me and signaling his guards to prevent me from moving. he knelt down on one knee in front of Caitlin and gave her the bouquet. Caitlin seemed confused and held the bouquet, I was pretty sure I knew where this was going and I didn't have the slightest of uneasiness, it was as if I already knew what will Caitlin's answer be. I didn't know why but I just trusted her completely.

Ian styled his hair with his hands and pulled out a small blue-colored box, which was obviously a ring box, he flipped it opened and held it out, the box contained a silver-colored ring with a medium-sized diamond on top of it.

"Caitlin, I have been dating you for 4 years now, we have been through a lot together and I have definitely made some mistakes, but I love you, and I hope that I can love you and be with you forever, so, Caitlin Stean will you marry me?"

thanks for taking the time to read this!!!

sorry the last chapter was a bit late since, well "calculus" sucks

demon_king69creators' thoughts
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