
Upholding Her Principle


Alexandra shook that thought out of her mind. She cannot lose her freedom no matter what. If the choices her father made for her hurt her to this extent, how much will she lose if she leaves the choice with someone who hates her? 

And to be trapped with someone she doesn't like for an unspecified time will not be good. If, and that is a very big if… If Maximus is allowed to be with her, what kind of life will she lead with their life in front of Calantar? Will Calantar allow happiness in their life when she is very angry at her mother?

  So, no. Even if Calantar keeps her end of the bargain and reverses time, she cannot willingly tie herself to Calantar. 

"Taking about being free… Calantar, it must have been hard for you to be trapped in a small Orb for a long time," Alexandra spoke, calmly. 

She didn't want to be losing time talking with someone who didn't keep up their end of the bargain. She wanted to provoke Calantar to respond. 

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