
Chapter 7: November 24 ll

DJ slipped off my lap and turned to sit on the bed. I leaned forward, rubbing the tops of my thighs to get circulation back into them after so long with my girlfriend in my lap.

It was a minute or so before either of us spoke. We both had Brandi's final question still on our minds, and eventually DJ asked the question she'd never asked me out loud since we got together, although I'm sure it was something she'd wondered about. "So what's the answer? Do you still love her?"

"Of course I do," I replied immediately. But as the shock spread across my girlfriend's face, I added hastily, "But not like that. Not romantically. Not anymore."

That seemed to mollify DJ, but only a little. "Explain," she said tersely.

"We were best friends for twenty-one years. My family has been a part of yours since the beginning of time. I'll always love her, always care about her, always want what's best for her. But I'm not 'in love' with her. Not anymore."

DJ eyed me carefully. "You really mean that?"

"Of course I do. She hurt me ... hurt me bad. You know that."

DJ sighed, looking out the window. "Do you miss her?"

"Of course. Even if you and Brooke had the worst fight in the world, and she moved away to do something else for a year, you'd miss her. You'd miss the friendship you used to have."

"But are you waiting for her to come home?"

"No. I was, at first. I distinctly remember wishing her well while she's up there at camp. I remember thinking, 'Fix yourself, and come back to me.' But that was in the beginning. That was when I TOLD you I wasn't ready for a relationship, that I wasn't over Dawn. That was then ... this is now. I wouldn't have put all those roses in your bedroom if I wasn't ready for this. I wouldn't have asked you to be my girlfriend if I was still hung up on her."

"You really mean that?"

"I do."

DJ gave me a little smile then, and exhaled loudly while letting her shoulders and neck relax from a tension I don't think she realized she had. I'd said everything right. I'd told her all the things she needed to hear. I'd reassured her that I was her devoted boyfriend, no longer in love with her sister, and ready to truly be hers.

She got off the bed and reached her hands out to me, and I prepared to take her back into my lap. But instead, DJ pulled me up and fell backward across Dayna's bed, yanking me down with her. We kissed ferociously, a happy, celebratory kiss that eased the worry in both our hearts. And when we'd gotten our fill, I rolled off her and propped myself up on one elbow while she did the same so that we could lie side-by-side and smile at each other.

"We still need to plan for her return, though," DJ said with a resigned sigh. "One day, she WILL come back."

"I know. And we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

"You said that before."

"And I meant it."

"You said you'd thought of a million different scenarios for her return."

"I did."

"Tell me about some of them."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Huh?"

"What are your thoughts? What are some of the ways you'd react to her? I wanna know."

"I can't ever know for sure how I'll react when she comes back."

"Why not? I know how I will."

"Which is?"

"She's my sister. I'll always love her. And I'll even be a little glad she went off the deep end, because it means that I got to have you. I'll wish the best for her, and I'll even help her find the right guy for her ... as long as it's not you."

I chuckled at that.

"Anyway, we both know Dawn's type. She's always gone for those really big, really muscular beefcakes. Light hair. Light eyes. You know, nothing like you."


"Oh, you're not scrawny or anything, especially where it counts." DJ patted my crotch. "But we both know that of all the guys who've ever caught Dawn's interest, they've always looked more like that than like you."

"Fine. Whatever."

"It just goes to show that you and her weren't meant to be forever. Best friends growing up, and maybe even very good friends when she comes back, but not together. You're mine."

I grinned and pecked her nose. "And happily yours."

DJ smiled, but then looked thoughtful. She scrutinized my face, and then stared right into my eyes as if she could peer into the back of my soul. And then almost offhand, she said, "You know, since we have this private time and we're supposed to be talking, there IS one thing I've been wondering about a bit."


"Why ARE you happy to be with me?"


DJ suddenly sat up, leaning to one side with a hand planted on the mattress and her legs folded together in the other direction. She screwed her mouth up and looked at me without really looking at me for a moment, but then the light came back on in her eyes as she focused on my face and said, "The last time we were together, things didn't really work out so well. I realized that neither of us really loved each other: I crushed on 'perfect fantasy Ben', and you rebounded after Adrienne."

I shrugged. "That was before. This is different."

"Is it?"

"Seriously? After spending the entire year reassuring me that you're NOT in love with 'perfect fantasy Ben', you're going to tell me that you really are?"

"No, of course not. I've been around you for more than a year now and I know I'm in love with the real you."

"Then what? You're not so sure I'm not rebounding?"

"Are you?"

I rolled my eyes. "For the last time, NO. I made sure of that. I made sure to get Dawn wholly and completely out of my system before I decided to be with you. It hasn't been easy. There have been a lot of starts and stops, reminders to myself to move forward, that our past relationship is a sunk cost, and second-guessing myself that I was doing the right thing. I told you in the beginning that I wasn't ready. I'm telling you NOW that I am. I'm giving us a chance. I'm giving love a new chance. I'm choosing to be with you."



"Seriously, why? Tell me why you love me."

"Because I do."


"Because I can feel it. It's in my gut. It's hard to put into words."

"Try." DJ folded her arms over her chest.

I rolled my eyes, now picking myself up and shifting back so that I was propped up by pillows and Dayna's headboard. I paused to slide the long sleeves of my shirt up to my elbows. And I took a deep breath.

DJ arched an eyebrow impatiently. "I'm waiting..."

"This isn't easy. Can you put into words why you love me?"

She frowned, working it around in her head, unable to give me an immediate answer.

"You didn't question whether or not I loved you BEFORE we got together. You KNEW I did. You felt it."

"I also felt you holding back."

"Because of Dawn. You feel me holding back anymore?"

She screwed up her mouth again, looking away and clearly trying to come up with an affirmative answer but unable to. "Well ... no."

"Then stop trying to poke holes in a good relationship. I DO love you. I miss you when you're not around. I adore being able to cuddle you in my bed every night. And I LOVE the fact that I can always count on you to be there for me."

"You always could, even before we were together."

"There were a LOT of things I could count on from you before we were together. You brought up the getting milk for free without buying the cow analogy. Well it's true. I got all the good stuff of a relationship from you without needing to commit to you. You flirted with me in the living room. You sucked my dick at a moment's notice. And you let me bend your fantastically-awesomely-fuckably-perfect body over and shove my cock up your ass whenever I wanted. You helped teach me how to cook and showed me how to pick fruit. You were ready and willing to talk to me whenever I wanted. And though I haven't had a whole lot of bad moments this year, I still knew I could count on you for comfort if I needed it. All of that without a commitment. Without jealousy when I fucked Paige or Brooke. You were the perfect girlfriend, even when you weren't my girlfriend. And I loved you for it. And I wanted you to know that I loved you for it. And that's why I'm yours now."

DJ sighed, not looking too happy despite my proclamations. "So it IS just like last time? You love me because I love YOU?"

I groaned and banged the back of my skull against the headboard. "No ... I love you because I LOVE you. I love you because I can't bear to think of my life without you. I love you because the thought of you being with someone else ... even Josh ... turns my stomach. I want you to be mine, and I want to be yours."

"I AM yours. I've always been yours, even before you asked me to be your girlfriend. You know that, right? That I was devoted to you? That I've been so utterly and completely in love with you? You didn't have to ask me to be your girlfriend to get that from me."

"But you deserve it. I want you to KNOW how much I love you. I owe you nothing less. I could have maybe decided to build a relationship with someone else. I could have maybe tried to start something with Sasha, but I didn't."

"So you DO have feelings for her!"

I groaned again and rubbed my forehead. "I was attracted to her, yes. She was vulnerable coming off her own breakup and we spent a lot of time together and shared a lot of personal history. She confided in me and trusted me. But we're friends. Nothing more than that."

"Well, until you fucked her brains out last night."

"With your express permission. And then I came straight home to YOU."

"Well ... not straight home. You did stop by Paige's."

I rolled my eyes and banged my skull against the headboard again. "Jeez, if you wanted me to just come straight home last night after the party, I would totally--"

"Relax, relax," DJ interrupted me, grinning. "I'm just messing with you. I really AM okay with you boinking both of them. Quite pleased, actually."


She took a deep breath. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I think I might always worry a little bit about whether or not you really want to be with me. Whether or not you really love me, or if you're just ... accepting me ... because I want so badly to be with you. I think I'm always going to believe that I love you and desperately need you more than you need me. I HAVE to be with you, don't you see? Yeah, I do my very best to screw you better than anyone else you've ever been with, Dawn and Adrienne included. But the reality is that with you being you, you could get great sex from almost anyone. Kim is devoted to you, and she's perfectly willing to take care of your other needs almost more than I am. Brooke's a better listener, and smarter when it comes to advice. Bert entertains you more. And as for Sasha ... well, I was never sure what was going on with you and Sasha. Yes, I saw her as a threat. And ... ugh ... don't hate me, but I DID send Tammy up to your bedroom during that Halloween party to interrupt you. I'm sorry. I was being a jealous bitch. But now that you've fucked her, and then still came back to me today and can tell me you love me when I'm being such a needy, stubborn paranoid ... well ... it's a relief."

I leaned forward, grabbed onto DJ's shoulders, and then yanked her across the bed and into my arms. I planted her head on my shoulder and hugged her tight against me. And I kissed her forehead before stating slowly, clearly, and evenly, "I'm with you. I'm not with anybody else. I could lose everybody else in my life, except for Brooke, because she's my sister, and still be happy. As long as I have you. You got that? I love you. I love being with you. I love YOU being with ME. I don't know how I can make this any more equivocal. We're TOGETHER. I've chosen YOU to be my girlfriend. Nobody else. YOU."

DJ waited a moment when I stopped, perhaps waiting to see if I would add anything else. And when I didn't, she snuggled her face against my chest and said quietly, "Me. You're with me."

"Damn straight."

"Not Dawn."

I sighed. "No. Not Dawn."

"We still need to talk about what's gonna happen when she comes back."

I groaned. More talking. "Somebody shoot me now."

6:05 PM

I looked at the wall clock above Dayna's window and sighed. Brandi had told us that dinner would be at six, and despite snacking throughout the football games, my stomach had started to growl. Deanna Evans really knew how to roast a turkey.

But my girlfriend wanted to talk, and after everything I'd done to assure her I was committed to being in this relationship with her, I couldn't walk away from this one. Even IF she seemed to be doing her level best to convince me I was better off NOT being her boyfriend and instead remaining single while continuing to get the milk for free.

We talked about how we would present our relationship to Dawn when she returned. We talked about whether or not we should go out of our way to tell her, now that we'd revealed it to her parents and Dayna. And I wondered if we should call MY parents to give them the news.

DJ told me I didn't have to worry about telling my family, since her mom had called MY mom ten minutes after we'd told her while I was watching the Lions game. As for Dawn, DJ ultimately decided that the news should wait until Dawn called ME again. "She's off in the middle of the woods, meditating or finding herself or going on a walkabout or whatever. Dawn went up there to avoid distractions, to focus on her own shit. I don't think we should interrupt that and give her one more thing to think about. When SHE calls you, she's stepping outside of the bubble. She's mentally prepared herself for outside news. I'm not saying we should NEVER tell her, like wait for her to come home and then it's all 'surprise!' But let's wait for her to be ready to hear this, and when she calls you next, you can go ahead and tell her then."

It seemed as reasonable a plan as any. And then we returned to the discussion about what we'd do when Dawn came back.

It seemed like a topic we both wanted to avoid. Several times it had come up, including when Brandi, Dayna, and Brooke were with us. Each time we'd changed the subject to something else, but now there was nothing left to talk about but that.

"I love you. I choose you. No matter what," I reassured DJ.

"I want to believe you. But those comparisons to me and Brooke have me worried."


"Because when push came to shove, I chose HER."

"Over who? Me?"

"What? No. You're a guy. That's different. Between Brooke and Faye."

I blinked. "Is that why Faye hasn't been around much lately?"

DJ glanced down and nodded. "Faye was my best friend all throughout high school. We did everything together, and yes, I even mean that. It hurt Brooke a little when we all got to Berkeley. In a way, it wasn't a situation so different from what you guys told me about Dawn being with Ryan instead of you. And things kind of worked out the same way. In the end, I chose Brooke. And it really hurt Faye. Kinda painful for me, too."

"I'm sorry."

"Not your fault. I just mean that it goes to show how tight these bonds really are between our families. And I can't help but worry about how tight you are with Dawn."

"I love her, but I'm not 'in love' with her anymore. We covered this."

"But how do I know?"

"Because I'm telling you."

"But how do YOU know? Yeah, maybe she comes back a new woman, ready to move on with her life and never look back. She's happy for you and me being together, wishes us the best of luck, and goes on her merry way. But maybe she comes back having found the OLD Dawn, the Dawn who pretend-married you when you were little kids and has been your wife-in-waiting since forever. Maybe she wants you back, wants NOTHING in this world more than having you back, and she's even willing to fight me for you. What then?"

"I chose you."

"You choose me now, because she's not even here to be competed with. What happens when she IS here?"

I rolled my eyes. "Then I still choose you."

"How do I know that?"

"What do you want from me? All I can do is tell you. I can't show you, I can't prove it."

"Can't you?"


"I don't know! I just ... I wish you could." DJ got off the bed and started pacing around the room, her hands on her hips before she nervously crossed them over her chest and practically hugged herself. "I'm scared. I'm scared of the connection you had, and maybe still have. I don't have that connection with you. Not yet, maybe not ever. The one where you could sense her moods, read her thoughts, and know when she was in trouble even if you weren't even in the same room. I've got that with Brooke, see. But I don't have it with you. I can believe Brooke when she tells me things, because I can feel it too. You say you love me, and I want to believe you, but I DON'T feel it. I mean ... I feel it, but I don't feel it. Do you know what I mean?"

I sighed, nodding my head. I remembered a lot about that special connection with Dawn. There had been times in the last few months alone when I would start thinking about her, start wondering what she was doing up at camp, and I could almost smell the forest air. I could be convinced that she was happy for a moment, or more often, know that she was confused or scared or wracked with guilt. I didn't know how I knew these things. And they may very well have entirely been constructs of my imagination. But ... I felt.

And I felt her now. I felt Dawn now. It was Thanksgiving Day, and I figured Morris Camp would celebrate this holiday the same as everywhere else. She'd probably be in the dining room, hanging out with the other ranch hands. Norma, one of the camp owners, would give some speech and say a prayer of thanks. And maybe they'd even have a dance on the parquet floor.

I sensed the turmoil in her mind. There was something ... bothering ... her. Whatever progress she'd made, Dawn was still trying to find her way.

For some reason, I thought back to that first time she'd called me from camp, and the way I'd thought of her back then. I had a plan, then. I'd believed in that plan. She would fix herself and then come back to me. And I would wait for her. Wait for US.

But that was then. I'd moved on.

Brandi had asked me if there was some part of me that still loved her, still missed her, and still waited for her to come home. I'd answered those questions to DJ, all in the affirmative. I still loved her for the special person she'd been in my life. I missed the friend who had been my companion for twenty-one years. And I waited for that friend to come back and be a part of my life.

But now I realized that Brandi hadn't meant her question in such broad terms. The question Brandi had really asked was simple: Did some part of me still LOVE Dawn. Not 'love' like familial love. Not 'love' like friendly love. But truly LOVE. Did some part of me still believe that Dawn was my soulmate? Did some part of me still believe in destiny, and that SHE was my destiny. Did some part of me hold back from DJ, hold back from anyone else and everyone else and stay purely reserved for Dawn? Was I still waiting for my one, single, unmatchable SOULMATE to return to me?

And the answer, unfortunately ... was 'yes'.

But not anymore. I'd spent more than an hour assuring DJ that I was moving on. I'd spent all this time reassuring my girlfriend that I was choosing her, and choose her I had to truly do. Some part of me WAS holding back. Why? I couldn't totally explain. I'd wanted to believe that I'd gotten Dawn completely out of my system, but I'd missed a spot. Not by choice, at least, I didn't think so. Not consciously. I hadn't been deliberately trying to sabotage my relationship with DJ or anything. It was just that ... letting go is hard. But now I had to fully let go.

I had to give up on the dream.

I had to give up on Dawn.

So I closed my eyes. I pictured her ... my Dawn ... my old True Love ... I saw her in our clearing, unmoving, a still frame from memory of her sitting beside me on our picnic blanket and smiling that perfect smile.

Gawd fucking damn she's beautiful...

And then taking a deep breath, I let her go.

I let the vision of her melt away. The static picture in my mind went translucent, like a ghost vanishing into thin air while the background remained. I could see the trees behind her, and then through her, until even her fuzzy outline disappeared.

I let her go...

I let her go...

I let her go.

Inky blackness suddenly filled my vision, my head started swimming, and I nearly toppled over.

"Whoa ... BEN!"

DJ caught me as I sagged forward right into her. The room spun, and I suddenly felt very light-headed, as if the massive section of my brain that had always been devoted to Dawn quite literally evaporated, taking with it a couple of pounds of cranium weight. I inhaled sharply, as if I'd been underwater for a very, very long time, filling my lungs with precious oxygen. And with wild eyes I stared my girlfriend in the face, trying to wrap my head around what had just happened.

"Hey ... you okay?" DJ asked me, worry evident in her eyes.

"I gave up on Dawn," I told her, my voice raspy. "I choose you. Can you feel it?"

DJ blinked at me in surprise, staring right into my eyes as a sense of ... wonder ... spread across her face. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, lifting them at the same time that I felt little tendrils of ... something ... crawling across my brain. And in an ethereal voice of pure delight, she gleefully replied, "Yes!"

6:24 PM

If DJ'd had her way, we probably would have made love right then and there on Dayna's bed, but I knew our families were waiting downstairs for dinner, and I pried her off my lips. Plus, I was tired. I couldn't explain why, but every bone in my body ached, as if I'd just run not just a marathon, but a freakin' Ironman Triathlon.

Thankfully, DJ didn't press the issue, and she allowed me to pull her off the bed and lead her by the hand downstairs. Nobody questioned why we were late, although once we were all seated around the table, Dayna elbowed me in the ribs and whispered, "What did you say to her? I've never seen DJ that happy without having sex!"

I shrugged and whispered back, "I convinced her that I really love her."

Dayna glanced past me, and noticed DJ trying very hard to keep from smiling TOO big while staring down at her plate and absentmindedly shoving her food around. And then Dayna looked back at me with a smirk and a nod. "Yep. That'll do it."

I returned to my meal, and so did Dayna. But a moment later, she elbowed me in the ribs again.

"Hey, if you and Deej ever break up, and if I'm broken up with Kevin, think maybe you can make me as happy as you've made both of my little sisters?"

I rolled my eyes and went back to my peas.

8:19 PM

Getting some meat and potatoes (well, technically turkey is a poultry) did wonders for my energy level, as did the time spent sitting around the dining table in the company of family. With each passing minute, I felt that unexplainable exhaustion fade away a little more. And by the end of the meal, I felt as hale and hearty as ever in my life.

We'd all stayed around the table for a long while, even after the food was gone, engaged in multiple conversations that ebbed and flowed and morphed amongst the seven of us. One minute I was cracking jokes with Brooke and Dayna. Five minutes later I was exchanging stolen kisses and whispered affections with DJ. Two minutes after that, I was debating politics with Jack and Brandi. There was an open wine bottle, from which Dayna and Deanna were quite obviously partaking. The rest of us stuck to coffee and Martinelli's.

But now the party began to break up, and I pitched in to collect plates and bus them to the kitchen. I actually parked myself at the sink and started rinsing as well to begin loading the dishwasher, but Deanna flicked my shoulder and shooed me off, telling me to go back and take care of my new girlfriend. I argued with her for a little bit, but respect for my elders prevailed over my insistence that I could help out, and I sheepishly turned away, washed my hands, and went back into the living room.

Expecting to see four girls lounging on the couches, I was surprised to see that DJ was the only one in the room. Darting a glance in the other direction toward the family room, thinking that perhaps the others had relocated in front of the big TV, I saw that no one was there, either.

"Where'd everybody go?" I asked.

Getting up off the couch, DJ slid her hands up my shoulders before crossing her arms behind my neck and slowly moving into me for a kiss. I smiled at her approach, tilting my head opposite hers and puckering up for a very pleasant smooch. We made out for a few seconds, feeling the pleasure and excitement build. And when she finally dropped back on her heels and smiled up at me, I could definitely tell that my mood had come to the place where it hadn't been just before we came down to dinner.

"The girls all headed outside already."

"Outside?" I asked with a frown, not understanding. This late in November, evening temperatures dropped into the mid-40s, or even colder when the wind blew in from the bay.

DJ grinned. "You never went out into the backyard the last time you came here, did you?"

"Uh ... no..."

Taking me by the hand, my girlfriend led me back into the family room. "You remember how I promised you a special reward, one that you'd need to save up your energy for?"

"Uh ... yeah..."

DJ paused at the sliding door, turning back to me with an even bigger smile. "Mom and Dad had it installed over the summer," she informed me. And then she pulled the door open.

The last time I'd been out here, the backyard was a wide lawn with a neatly tiled patio big enough for a couple of tables and a nice barbecue island. There was some additional landscaping, but nothing that would require a lot of maintenance. Neither of DJ's parents was a green thumb. All of that was still out there, but now that I had an unobstructed view, no longer inside the family room with a curtain in the way, it was impossible to miss the new addition.

Built into the corner of the patio, where the house made an L-turn, was a large, square wooden gazebo, complete with gabled roof. Constructed from some kind of maple, the side walls were horizontal slats and appeared to be fully enclosed, although I would later learn that some of the panels were removable for better ventilation during warm summer months.

This, however, was not a warm summer month. The enclosed walls sealed in heat, although their tops ended just short of the sloping roofline. And they also offered quite the level of privacy, as all I could see in the darkness was that the gazebo was lit from the inside while musical giggles emanated from within.

At first, I wondered why the Evanses would stick a gazebo in the corner. Most people who built one in their backyard would set it further away and in the open. Plus, the only entrance inside appeared to be right up against the side of the house, another nod toward privacy but also a strike against landscaping beauty. But then my ears caught up to my eyes, hearing the sounds of bubbling water along with the sounds of bubbly girls. And then my eyes realized that the reason the air above the side walls and below the gazebo roof was fuzzy was because of the steam rising and filling in pyramid from below.

"They put in a hot tub?" I remarked in amazement.

DJ giggled and tugged me out through the sliding door and down the tiled patio toward the gazebo's entrance.

"But I didn't bring a swimsuit."

My girlfriend laughed and glanced back at me. "Who the hell said anything about suits?"

8:41 PM

"Nngh!" Dayna grunted, the reflexive contraction of her throat around my cockhead squeezing me to create a totally unique sensation that can't be replicated any other way. Her lips were pressed up to the base of my cock as she deep-throated me, and then she pulled her head back until she came off my prick as she gasped for air and moaned, "I need this dick in me."

"Go right ahead and enjoy," Brooke giggled, kissing Dayna's shoulder while continuing to pump two fingers in and out of the more curvaceous girl's pussy. "DJ spiked Ben's drink, so we've got lots of time."

Sitting up on the edge of the hot tub and leaning back on my hands, I'd been lost to the incredible sensations of the eldest Evans daughter's expert blowjob as she knelt on the seat a couple of feet below the water's surface while my little sister fingerbanged her from behind. But at my little sister's words, I snapped my head forward and barked, "She did what now?"

Brooke laughed. "DJ crushed up a Viagra pill in your last cup of coffee."

I rolled my eyes and sighed regretfully.

"What? Adrienne said she did it to you a bunch of times with no bad side effects, unless you consider getting six ejaculations to be a bad thing."

"Cumming six times? No, not bad. The kicked-in-the-balls-by-a-Pamplona-bull feeling I have for hours afterward? Yeah, bad side effect."

Brooke smiled, and after removing her fingers from Dayna's cunt, she slid over and pecked my lips. "Okay, but we're worth it, right?"

I kissed her back and sighed again. "The things I do for family."

"Damn straight. Now come back down here," Dayna chirped happily while grabbing my hips, yanking me off the edge of the tub, and guiding me down onto the seat where she'd been kneeling only moments before.

I was glad the Evanses had spent the money they did on this hot tub; it really was a first-class setup. Besides the exterior gazebo structure containing heat and providing privacy, they'd spared no expense on the tub itself. It was almost as big as a hotel-grade Jacuzzi. The seats were made from some kind of rubbery material that gave a bit, providing unexpected but welcome cushioning. And of course, there were jets simply everywhere, something the skinny-dipping girls started playing around with immediately, hence the bubbly giggling when DJ and I finally arrived.

Twenty minutes ago, the five of us simply lounged, chatted, and drank. The rest of the wine bottle from dinner was quickly consumed, followed by another. And soon all four girls were blushing from more than just the water's heat.

For those first twenty minutes, I had ogled away to my heart's content, watching Dayna's massive 36DD cans float on the surface like balloons on the gentle waves. DJ's slightly smaller 34DDs didn't move as much, a little firmer with their upturned pink nipples just barely exposed to the cooler air. And despite the size differences, I certainly didn't mind checking out Brooke's C-cups or Brandi's perky 34Bs capped with duskier colored teats.

But then Brooke re-discovered the jets, and she stopped mid-sentence to close her eyes and shudder as one started hitting her in just the right spot. That sort of killed the conversation as DJ sought out a similar position, and then Brandi as well.

Dayna, on the other hand, had taken the opportunity to go straight for me. Crawling into my lap, she bent my head backward over the tub's edge until my skull bumped into the wood platform surrounding the tub itself. Even with such a large tub, there was still a good three feet of space before encountering the walls. It wasn't a long enough stretch to fully lie down on, unless one did it lengthwise, but there was plenty of room for Dayna to park me on my butt out in the air, which also placed my upright cock right in front of her face, where it seemed to waver a bit like a flower seeking the sun.

This was one flower that didn't have to wait long. The busty, bodacious blonde had immediately slurped me into her mouth, rapidly bouncing her head up and down while sealing her lips around me for incredible suction. She rotated her head to the side so that my mushroom tip dented out her cheek, and then she came off with an audible pop before shooting out her tongue and taking a long lick up the side before swirling the appendage around my crown and jacking the shaft in her right hand. I groaned while watching her give me sloppy, enthusiastic fellatio, apparently more for her own amusement than mine. It was as if she was most happy using my dick for her plaything, and I wasn't about to dissuade her of that notion.

But then Brooke had showed up behind her, rather sneakily putting herself into position standing in the middle of the tub and then holding up two extended fingers for me to see. And when Dayna least expected it, my little sister shoved those fingers into the older girl's snatch from behind, all while grinning her evil grin.

At first, Dayna had squealed and pulled off my cock to see who had just penetrated her. But she laughed to find my little sister at that end and then returned to my dick while shaking her ass to invite more attention. She got it, as my sister continued fingerbanging her before squatting down, prying apart Dayna's buttcheek with her left hand, and then leaning in and swiping a tongue across the blonde's rosebud anus.

Dayna had closed her eyes and deep-throated me in response to that, moaning ecstatically. Brooke's actions seemed to push her over from playing with my dick for the sake of playing with it to really sucking me in preparation for sex. She attacked my prick with gusto, really amping up the foreplay. And all I could do was let my head fall back and absorb the incredible sensations this woman could produce with her hands and mouth.

But then Dayna had squeaked out an orgasm from Brooke's ministrations, her throat contracting around my cockhead imbedded inside, and she pulled off to demand she get my dick in her. Brooke told her about spiking my coffee, and moments later I was seated comfortably in the hot tub once again while Dayna smothered my face in her tig ole bitties, spread her own pussy lips, and sank her wet pussy down around my upright cock.

And we were just getting started.

Holding my head and searing my lips with her own, Dayna humped up and down my shaft, fucking me with enough gusto to cause the hot tub water to slosh over the sides and onto the deck. She then threw her head back and moaned, trapping my face in her melons again while I did my best to just hold on for the ride. This filly was dead set on getting hers, and I was really just a lump of flesh attached to the big dick she really needed. But I didn't exactly mind not having to do any work to get her off, unless you consider sucking fat nipples attached to 36DD tits to be a chore.

"Yes! Yes! Almost there!" Dayna squealed before suddenly going still. Her breasts were in my face again, blocking my view of everything else, so I didn't know what was going on. But moments later, she screamed loud enough to alert the neighbors, "FUUUUUUUUUUCK!"

Good thing we had those walls.

Dayna thrashed and moaned on top of me as her climax rose and then fell. And as it waned, so did she, until she finally went limp in my arms and slumped over my shoulder, gasping for air.

When she did, I was finally able to see beyond her body and saw that Brooke was still behind her, only this time Brooke wasn't holding up two fingers. Instead, she held up a slender, neon purple dildo. And now that I thought about it, I recalled feeling Dayna's pussy get really tight right before she climaxed, not from inner clenching but in the way that only happens when something is shoved into her nether cavity from the other side.

Having pulled the dildo from Dayna's ass, Brooke wiggled it in her hands and looked around as if searching for another target, still with her trademark evil grin. I looked past her and found that DJ and Brandi were huddled close together, just ... talking ... although their hands were gently stroking each other's arms. They were entirely oblivious to the rest of us, despite the noise we were making, and for a moment Brooke looked like she wanted to pounce on them in surprise and shove the dildo somewhere one of the girls wouldn't be expecting it.

But before she could do so, I slipped Dayna off my body and stood up quickly, causing a splash of water that made Brooke look back to me. Her eyes popped open wide in surprise as she abruptly found me seizing her body and spinning her around so that she knelt on a seat facing away from me. And then SHE was squealing in a noise not unlike Dayna's as I fisted my erection and shoved it into her from behind.

"Ohhh ... Ohhh ... Ohhh..." my little sister moaned as I took up the rhythm while holding onto her hips. Her forearms supported her on the deck while her ass was just barely above the surface, at just the right height for me to lay down the lumber. I couldn't fuck her very fast, the viscosity of the water slowing me down. But I made sure to fuck her deep, getting every last quarter-inch into her toned body before slowly retracting and starting over again.

In the meantime, Dayna reclined next to us, her head now propped up on a pillow she'd gotten from somewhere and set on the deck at the edge of the tub. Although her hand was beneath the water and out of sight, her upper arm was visibly moving, indicating that she was idly rubbing herself while watching me drill my sister.

While Dayna watched us, I turned my head and watched Brandi and DJ. The two of them had progressed from talk to kissing gently, their hands still stroking each other's arms while their lips tenderly came together, parted, and then came together again. Every so often, I saw a tongue flicker out. And every so often, they would separate to exchange a few whispered words and giggles before kissing once again.

They were sweet, and for a while, I was content to slow-dick Brooke while watching my older sister and my girlfriend make out, especially when they turned it up a notch. Brandi began kissing her way down DJ's neck, planting little butterfly pecks that caused my girlfriend to shiver and smile cutely. My sister worked her way further down until she reached my girlfriend's bosom, apparently just as mesmerized by DJ's tits as I was. And then I groaned to see Brandi open her mouth and take in a turgid pink nipple.

DJ groaned, too, and not just from the suckling. From the way Brandi's arm was moving, I could tell she'd also slipped a couple of fingers into DJ's snatch. But then Brooke's voice drew my attention back to her.

"Fuck me, big brother..." my sister crooned. "Fuck me ... fuck me..."

Turning my head, I got a fresh grip on Brooke's hips and did as she demanded. Water or no water, I put a little more energy into my legs and began thrusting harder. I then leaned forward over her naked back and reached my hands down to cup her nice round tits. And with the improved leverage, I dug my toes into the rubbery floor and really started to pump her.

In the end, it wasn't me that got Brooke off. See, Dayna had retrieved the neon purple dildo, and while Brooke was otherwise distracted, she came alongside me with an evil grin of her own. I noticed a fresh coat of lube on the business end, and for a moment jerked my head around wondering just where the hell the girls were getting the equipment from before I finally spotted a box over by the corner. My attention was then back in front of me as Dayna leaned down to mutter into Brooke's ear, "Payback's a bitch." And then she shoved the purple dildo into Brooke's ass.

"UNGH-AUUUGH!" Brooke jerked and came, her inner muscles clamping down around my prick. I fucked her as hard as I could through her orgasm, still not very fast because of the water. But I suppose it was enough to maximize her pleasure as she shook and shuddered in obvious delight.

But once her orgasm was complete, Brooke's forearms collapsed and she stopped moving. Her pussy also went slack, a relaxation of her inner muscles that signified her satisfaction and yet, wasn't quite as pleasant for me anymore. I still hadn't cum yet, and if what the girls had said about the Viagra pill was true, I should have quite a few bullets in this gun.

And dammit, I wanted to shoot.

Fortunately, Dayna was still right beside me. Pulling out of Brooke, I grabbed the eldest Evans daughter around her waist and lifted her out of the water, shrieking. She started laughing as well, and went along with my manipulations as I parked her on all fours on the deck, her feet hanging over the edge back into the tub. Standing myself on a seat, I found that I only had to squat a little bit to get my dick lined up with her pussy. And since I was mostly out of the water, I finally could really build up some speed as I slotted my cock, shoved it into her, and happily went to town seeking my own relief.

"Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh!" Dayna grunted with my rapid-fire impacts. Her wet, naked body jiggled nicely each time I thumped into her. But she did have to turn her head toward the corner, lest she smack her noggin against the side wall of the gazebo.

Brooke came alongside me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and turning my face to hers for a kiss with plenty of tongue. And after nipping my lip with her teeth, she leaned her forehead down to my chin and said softly, "I love you, big brother. No matter what, okay?"

This close to orgasm, I didn't really read much into her words. So smiling happily, I replied, "I love you, too."

Brooke smiled back at me, and then got up on her tiptoes to kiss me once again. And we held that liplock for another minute or so until I felt my balls contracting and I tore myself away to pound Dayna's cunt at double-speed until I slammed myself all the way in and held myself there, spewing what felt like a gallon of sperm into her waiting body while groaning, "Fuuuuuuuuuck!"

Even before I was done spunking her sister, DJ announced from behind us, "I get the creampie!"

And that was just my first cum of the night.

Needing a minute to catch my breath, I turned and slid down into the water, backing up to a comfortable seat with a nice view of DJ sucking my jizz out of her big sister's box where the older blonde had flopped onto her back with her legs dangling into the water.

Meanwhile, Brooke and Brandi were seated side-by-side and not moving much. But they wore identical sheepish grins that seemed to indicate that they were enjoying themselves on the Jacuzzi jets. But when DJ pulled back from Dayna's crotch, both of my sisters got up from their spots, Brandi heading for her best friend and Brooke doing the same, wrapping up DJ's head in her arms and giving the blonde a deep searching kiss, no doubt tasting all of the brother-spunk she could from DJ's mouth.

Dayna was still lying on the deck, and Brandi was kneeling over her, whispering something. I saw Dayna's head nod in agreement, and then my older sister was gliding back across the tub toward me.

"You stay put for a bit, okay? Tonight's actually my first time with DJ, and it's Dayna's first time with Brooke."

"Seriously?" I frowned in disbelief. After everything our two families had done together, the eldest sisters had never had sex with the younger ones?

It had to be true; Brandi had no reason to lie to me. But I wracked my brain nonetheless to try and identify an occasion and found that I couldn't. Sure, Brandi and Brooke had hooked up a bunch of times, as had Dayna and DJ. But when I stopped to think about it, the elder girls just weren't around that much when the younger ones were.

Separated by four years, the two pairs were never at Berkeley together. And separated by four years, the two pairs hadn't even been at Morris Camp together since the younger ones became sexually-active. Even when Brandi and Dayna visited camp this past summer with me and Amber, Brooke and DJ had remained in Orange County on their internship.

But things were different now. A four-year age gap was pretty big when the little sisters were only 15. But now they were 19, fully grown and legal adults. They were ready, and for perhaps the first time, they also had the opportunity.

It was an opportunity all parties were making the most of. I suddenly saw everything the girls had been doing in the hot tub in a different light. The evil gleam in Brooke's eyes when she started fingerbanging Dayna wasn't just the delight of surprising the older girl; it was the delight of touching the older girl sexually for the very first time. I always knew my little sister had a naughty streak, and it must have really titillated her to not only surprise Dayna with fingers in the cunt, but also that neon purple dildo up the butt.

On the flip side, I now realized that Brandi and DJ had been so tender with each other because it was their first time together. Dayna probably hadn't thought about it, which is why she'd gone straight to me. Brooke may have realized it, which is why she had gone and pulled her sneak-attack. But Brandi and DJ had certainly known, warming up to each other with their quiet talking, gentle caresses, and finally tender kissing. In the entire span while I was fucking Dayna, then Brooke, and then Dayna again, the most Brandi and DJ did with each other was a little fingering. They probably hadn't even gotten each other off.

But they were getting each other off now. Although the deck space was limited, my big sister and my girlfriend had found enough room as DJ was flat on her back lengthwise alongside the rim of the tub and Brandi was on top of her in a sixty-nine. The blonde was exploring my sister's neatly-trimmed snatch, kissing and licking and extending her tongue into the pink folds above her face. Meanwhile, Brandi was already throwing herself into young pussy, eating my girlfriend out with comparatively more enthusiasm.

On the other side of the tub, Dayna was getting a little payback on my little sister. Brooke was bent over in the same position Dayna had just been, flopped onto the deck but with her butt almost hanging off the edge. Dayna stood in the water, having thrown my sister's legs over her shoulders while she furiously munched on Brooke's twat. And when I dropped my gaze a little lower, although my view was blocked for the most part by Dayna's body, I saw the flash of neon purple that told me the elder girl was using the dildo on Brooke much in the same way it had been used on her.

I was rock hard, my prick in no danger of going down even IF DJ hadn't spiked my coffee. But that was okay. I was in no hurry to get off just yet. I was the one dick in a hot tub with four naked chicks, and I knew I'd be found useful soon enough.

9:08 PM

"Hey there, big boy. Still awake?"

I smiled as my girlfriend glided across the tub to me, her damp hair having dried out somewhat after playing with Brandi on the deck for so long. But on the way, she ducked her head for a moment, emerging right in front of me with rivers rolling down her face and slicked-back blonde locks. She wiped her face with both hands, smiled beautifully at me, and then slid into my lap, taking my dick in hand and stroking it a couple of times before centering me without preamble and slowly lowering herself down.

Water, believe it or not, is NOT a very good sexual lubricant. Pussy lips get tacky and clingy underwater, and entry can be difficult if the girl doesn't have a lot of her own lubricant inside or doesn't open up her own lips. Thankfully, just like Dayna before her, DJ had recently climaxed which had her plenty wet inside and her nether lips in full bloom.

Once fully seated, my girlfriend stayed put on my lap, keeping me firmly imbedded while she wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me one of those supervolcanic kisses that would have knocked my socks off, were I wearing any.

Eventually, we separated long enough to breathe, and sliding her hands down to my shoulders DJ settled her knees onto the seat to either side of me and began to slowly undulate her body on my shaft. "Miss me?" she asked.

"Always," I replied with a grin, savoring the feel of her buttery channel wrapped around my meat. I'd fucked Dayna, and I'd fucked Brooke, but I hadn't so much as kissed DJ up until just now. True, I hadn't done anything with Brandi either, but that wasn't our relationship anymore. "Can I keep you for a little bit?"

"Sure thing. I hope you don't feel neglected or anything."

"Nah. It's just that we haven't been together since Tuesday."

"You've gotten laid with others since then."

"It's not about others. I poured my heart out to you just before dinner, and as nice as it is to be in this tub with our sisters, I want to celebrate our love together."

"I know. Well tell you what, why don't we—AUUGH!!!"

DJ jerked in my arms, twisting around and revealing that Brooke was right behind her with that evil, evil grin. Moments later, Brooke yanked back with her arm and then held up that neon purple dildo. "Dammit, Brooke! You little shit!" DJ barked. "We were having a moment!"

"Moment, schmoment. I'm horny!"

DJ suddenly reached out, snatching the dildo from Brooke's hand and then tossing it out of the gazebo through the entryway where it slapped against the wall of the house and down onto the patio tiles.

Brooke rolled her eyes and muttered, "Like you've never done that to ME before."

DJ dismounted me, flying off the seat and literally tackling my little sister into the water. They both went under for a moment, the wave they caused splashing into Brandi's and Dayna's faces. And in the end, all four of them wound up wiping water from their eyes.

At least for a few seconds. Brooke and DJ took one look at each other once they got their eyes cleared, and then DJ was on top of Brooke again, starting a tickle fight that got both girls giggling and squirming, their flailing limbs splashing everything around them. And to the other side of the tub, Dayna and Brandi shielded themselves with their arms while Dayna leaned in and said something into Brandi's ear.

Young, naked coeds having a tickle fight is more entertaining than older sisters having a conversation, so my attention was on Brooke and DJ. But all of a sudden, I felt a hand turning my cheek, and I had only a moment to blink in surprise to see the heat in Brandi's eyes before she tilted her head and pressed her lips against mine.

Our kiss was tender and sweet, and I didn't press things any harder because I was still in shock at what was happening. Brandi was kissing me? Brandi? Seriously?

And this wasn't any ordinary kiss. There was passion behind her lips, and desire. She was gentle, and exploratory, but still passionate. This wasn't a "Hi, brother" kind of kiss. This wasn't an "I haven't seen you around for a while and I missed you" kind of kiss. This was an "I want you" kind of kiss. This was an "I'm going to fuck you" kind of kiss.

At least, it was by the time she got done with me. Somewhere along the way I started kissing back. Her pressure increased, mine matched. Her tongue came out to play; mine pushed it back into her mouth and had some fun. Her leg slid over my lap, and she elevated up to kiss down at me with some serious aggressiveness. And I let my hands roam her fantastically toned naked body, stroking her spine before grabbing onto that perfect ass with both hands and wriggling her buttcheeks to my heart's content.

Brandi kissed me so hard that she forgot to breathe, and finally she had to break away and suck down some air. While she panted and moaned with her forehead against mine, I held her in my arms and asked quietly. "Brandi ... why?"

"Don't ask questions right now, please?" she gasped. "Dayna's right. I need this. I'm hurt, and I'm lonely, and I'm feeling unwanted a bit. I'm wondering why I can't find a good guy and keep him. I need to feel loved, just for a little bit, and you can give that to me. I'm craving cock, and I don't want to stoop to a one-night stand right now. I need you. Okay? Let's just leave it at that."

For someone who told me not to ask any questions, she sure gave me all the answers I needed. Putting aside any overanalysis, I simply nodded and then kissed her again. And the next thing I knew, Brandi was yanking upward under my armpits and saying, "Up, up. I need to taste you!"

I did as she asked, sliding up and out of the tub to sit on the edge. Once again, I found myself leaning back on my hands while my upright dick went in search of sunlight. And then I was inside my big sister's mouth.

She tasted me, and then tasted me some more. And then she pushed my cockhead well past her taste buds as she notched me partway into her throat. Brandi moaned while she blew me, savoring the sensation of having a mouthful of meat. And she rubbed her own clit, concentrating on the two stimulations while slowly bobbing her head back and forth on my shaft.

We didn't have to worry about Brooke making a surprise appearance this time. I could see her quite clearly being double-teamed by Dayna and DJ on the other side of the tub. Nobody was going to bother brother and sister, and since everyone knew this was our first time together in a long while, I knew we had all the time we would need.

Rather than pull me back into the tub, when she was ready Brandi climbed out of the water to join me on the deck. I stayed right where I was, butt on the edge and my feet dangling into the water. Brandi straddle me and then lowered herself, hissing as she felt her brother's dick spearing upward into her vaginal canal. Slowly ... ever so slowly ... she descended, her eyes closed as she focused within.

And then she fucked me.

With her legs crossed behind my back, Brandi hugged me to her chest and bounced herself up and down with vigor. I added to the movements by thrusting my hips as well, using my abs to pivot my cock forward and back to carve out the inside of my sister's cunt. Clutching my head to the crook of her neck, she whimpered, "Fuck me, Ben. Fuck me. Fuck your sister. Fuck your horny, incestuous sister!"

I tried to fuck her, I really did. But I didn't have much leverage to really do the thrusting, so I had to settle for grabbing onto Brandi's ass and using my arms to hump her up and down my pole. Even that wasn't enough for Brandi as she crested over into one quick orgasm and the hungrily went after another. And finally releasing her grip around my body, she pushed me back until I was flat on the deck. And she drew her feet under her so that she could squat and then REALLY go to down on top of me.

"Fuck me, Ben. Fuck me!" Brandi chanted. She grabbed my hands and put them on her breasts, holding them there until I started squeezing the perky globes with my fingers. And then with a firm grip on my forearms, she hammered her body down onto my dick over and over, driving its full length into her with every stroke.

I watched the pleasure coursing across my sister's face as she ramped up to her next orgasm. Her face tightened, and her jaw clenched. She was close ... really, really close. And whimpering, she opened her eyes to look down at me. "Fuck me, Ben. Fuck me, little brother. I wanna feel it. It's been so long. I wanna feel you squirting me. I wanna feel your incestuous brother-cum shooting into my womb. It's so naughty, don't you see? It's so wrong ... totally wrong. But you have to do it. Can you do that for me? Can you cum with me? Fuck me, Ben. Fuck me and sperm me. Do it. Do it! DO IT!"

I was doing it. Her words were an aural aphrodisiac, and as she urged me on to 'do it', I felt my balls coiling beneath me. My jaw dropped as I grunted from the abdominal exertion. My muscles knotted, preparing themselves for the explosion. And my hands left Brandi's tits, latching onto her hips and bang, bang, bang ... I rapid-fire jerked her body down against my pelvis three times.

And then I blew.

My load exploded out of me, bursting forth like a fire hose deep within the recesses of my sister's body. Shot after shot of creamy jism splattered against her insides, and as she felt it, Brandi threw her head back and howled to the moon.

"FUUUUUUCK!" she screamed in ultimate ecstasy. "FUUUUUCK!" she screamed again. And all the while her pussy muscles spasmed like crazy, drawing more and more live sperm out of me to swim around and up her fallopian tubes.

I grunted with each spurt coming out of me, my arms burning and my abs clenched. But eventually the ejaculation waned, and my body relaxed. And the next thing I knew, my big sister was slumped down on top of me, our loins still joined together and swimming with mingled cum. And I held her tenderly in my arms, savoring every moment we had.

This might have been a one-time thing, an exception that "didn't count". It might only be the start of a renewed sexual relationship between us, one that might continue whether or not she started dating again, or one that only existed in the downtime between Brandi's relationships. Either way, I enjoyed it for what it was: a chance to give my big sister some happiness, a little pleasure after recent heartbreak. If all I did was give her five seconds when she could forget about her romantic troubles and simply be at peace, that would be enough.

Fortunately for me, five seconds wasn't enough for HER. This holiday weekend would be the last time we had sex for a long while to come, but this weekend wasn't over yet.

Especially tonight ... Because after all, DJ spiked my drink.

9:32 PM

Nobody came after a creampie. Dayna, DJ, and Brooke were otherwise occupied. Brandi savored the sensation of my cum swimming around her pussy, eventually rolling off me and then reclining for a while to stir it around her insides with a finger before scooping some out and licking it off the tip.

"So wrong, and yet so right."

We all took a break then, resting and recovering, although I didn't really need it. My dick wouldn't go down, testament that Brooke had been telling the truth about the Viagra pill. Everyone was pretty pruned by that point, so we gathered up our clothes and wrapped ourselves in towels to brave the evening cold for the short trip back into the house.

Inside, we found that the parentals had retired to their bedroom, and if I had to guess, I would surmise that they were doing the same thing we'd been doing. That left only the one upstairs bathroom available, and the elder girls called dibs.

That left me in the family room with two horny 19-year-olds wearing nothing but towels. The towels came off pretty fast, used only to help ensure the couch didn't get wet as I soon found myself seated comfortably while my girlfriend reverse-straddled me with her best friend's tongue licking at our joining. DJ squeaked her way to one orgasm and then dismounted to let Brooke take her place. Only Brooke decided she'd already gotten pussy-fucked by me once tonight, and having brought the toy box from the hot tub gazebo, she lubed me up, sat down with my dick up her ass, and then had DJ buckle on a strap-on and shove that up her cunt.

My girlfriend and I double-teamed my sister for a while until I nutted my third load of the night up Brooke's ass. And then Dayna and Brandi returned, sending the three of us upstairs to cram into the one shower and get cleaned up. Well, you already know how horny the shower makes DJ, so I wound up pinning my girlfriend to the wall with my never-ending erection, driving her to one more orgasm before we got out and dried off.

Brooke had left the bathroom while I was shower-fucking DJ, and we returned to the family room to find her in a sixty-nine with my sister while Dayna shoved her tongue into my sister's butt, apparently trying to see if there was any of my cum still inside.

Deciding to get it straight from the source, Dayna rushed to us and sucked her sister's pussy juice off my prick, the one part of my body DJ had insisted I NOT towel off. And then she parked her baby sister on the couch, knelt on the floor on all fours to lick DJ's pussy, and wriggled her ass back at me until I knelt behind her and slammed my cock home.

I brought her off once before turning to find my sisters beckoning to me. Brooke was on the bottom now, and Brandi had spun around so that they were face-to-face. My sisters had me rut into Brandi's cunt doggy-style until I got her off, then switched down to Brooke's pussy and then back and forth between them every dozen strokes or so until I pulled out, pushed Brandi onto her back beside Brooke, and then jacked my dick until my fourth load of the night splattered all over both of my sisters' tits.

That brought Dayna over to hungrily slurp up cum from both of their naked bodies, and DJ pulled me over to the couch so she could suck my dick, which was actually showing signs of deflating.

But between the drugs and, of course, DJ's expert fellatio, I stayed rock hard and ready for more. And that's when the girls got creative.

The kitchen was right next to us, and I'm actually not going to go into much detail on this one, since I kind of lost track of what was going on. That's not my fault, really, because I couldn't see anything, which makes it hard to keep track. The girls blindfolded me, really blindfolded me, and I couldn't see a damn thing.

I know that olive oil was involved, from the unique smell and slippery texture. There was also peanut butter, and Nutella, both of which ended up on a few breasts; I know, because they made me lick them off. Something cold and hard and shaped in such a way that I'm pretty sure it was a cucumber was also used, and it ended up in someone's pussy because they made me lick the juices off it, too.

I also know that all four of the girls mounted my dick at some point, and also someone's ass. I'm mostly sure that it was Brandi's ass, because it was fucking tight. I'd been in Brooke's ass recently, so she wouldn't have been loosened up already. And after more than a week being DJ's boyfriend, I would have recognized her anal chute.

Thing is, it could have been Dayna's, but the butt slamming against my pelvis didn't jiggle as much as I would have thought it would. That's not 100%, which is why I'm only 'mostly' sure it was Brandi. But again, I had the blindfold. And what's more, they tied my hands back as well, so my only sensations came from my cock and my aforementioned pelvis.

I lost my fifth load of the night into that asshole, and thought I was finally wiped out for the evening. But after cleaning me up and then removing the blindfold, I found that Brooke was serious about requiring six orgasms out of me.

Well, not Brooke. DJ wanted the sixth. All of the other girls were done, having played with themselves and with me for hours already. It was after eleven, and they were tired. Happy, but tired. But DJ had realized that despite me shooting off five times tonight, not one had been into her, and this two hours after I'd complained about pouring my heart out to her and not being able to celebrate together.

So DJ shooed off Dayna and Brandi to sleep together in Dayna's room. Then, despite my sister's whining, she dismissed Brooke to go sleep in Dawn's room tonight. And taking me by the hand, my girlfriend led me upstairs and into her bedroom.

Naked, we crawled beneath the sheets. After kissing for a while, my cockhead seemed to accidentally notch itself at DJ's entrance, and then with my tongue sliding into her mouth, my dick slid into her.

We made love quietly, tenderly, without any distractions or evil little sisters wielding neon purple dildoes. Our hearts and minds bonded together, uniting in our love. Eventually, sometime close to midnight, I spent myself deep within her loins. And finally, my prick went down.

It had been a good Thanksgiving.

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