
Spontaneous l


"One night and you two are boyfriend/girlfriend?"

Amber and I looked at each other, unable to wipe the silly grins off our faces. It wasn't new love, not exactly. It was more like the giddy infatuation you felt as a 14-year-old, being told by your first crush that she likes you too. I was deliriously happy at the moment, and I didn't mind letting it show. "Yeah..." I drawled, squeezing Amber's hand.

We were all in Lynne's apartment. It was after work the day after Amber and I "went for a walk", and my roommate had invited us all down for dinner to get all our complicated relationships out on the table. Lynne herself was still puttering around the kitchen with Noelle, their upper bodies visible above the bar/countertop separating them from the living room. And Kady was sitting on the couch opposite us with a skeptical look on her face.

"So just like that ... boom," she drawled. "Haven't even been on a proper date yet, and you're madly in love. Whole nine yards. Wedding bells in the distance and baby rattles not much further than that."

That took me aback for a moment. Amber and I gawked at each other in alarm, and she sputtered, "Uh, well, I don't know about that..."

"We haven't gotten past the 'yes, we want to be together' phase," I explained. "Just boyfriend/girlfriend. Don't know about anything beyond that yet."

"So summer fling?" Kady pressed. "Maybe summer fling while holding open the possibility for something more serious when Ben goes back to school?"

"Uh, well..." It was my turn to sputter.

"Kady!" Noelle admonished from the kitchen. "Clearly they haven't had this conversation just yet. Leave 'em alone for a few days, will ya?"

"I dunno," Lynne chirped with a lopsided grin. "I'm fine with sitting back and eavesdropping while Kady interrogates the crap out of them."

I rolled my eyes. "We don't know yet, alright? We've known each other for what: 10 days? Like Noelle said, give us some time to figure things out."

"Fbbbpt." Kady blew a raspberry at us in disappointment. "Fine, I'll let you two work out the gory details of the varying levels of intimacy you're comfortable sharing with each other: using each other's toothbrush, sleeping over at her place, sleeping over at Lynne's place, bathroom door open while you pee, splitting checks at restaurants, borrowing clothes and shoes-"

"Borrowing clothes?" I jerked my head back.

Kady blushed. "Oops. Guess that's just a dyke problem."

Amber just started laughing.

"Like I'd fit into any of your clothes," Noelle snarked at her girlfriend before muttering, "Skinny beanpole..."

Kady sighed and then finished, saying, "And the most important one: openness of the relationship."

I arched an eyebrow at my friend before glancing over at Amber. "Something tells me she has an ulterior motive to this question."

Amber cut to the chase, leveling her gaze at Kady. "You wanna know if I'm going to let you keep fucking him."

Kady shrugged. "What can I say? I'm self-centered like that."

Her 'self-centered' comment drew me back, and feeling a shadow passing over my heart, I went suddenly quiet.

The girls didn't notice. Amber was chuckling and glanced over at Noelle and Lynne. Whether they'd intended to or not, both girls had stopped what they were doing in the kitchen and just stared at us a little nervously. Would Amber claim 'dibs' and cut them off from me?

"Hey Lynne," Amber called over. "Ben was just telling me how you'd pushed him to come upstairs and talk to me. You seem really interested in his love life and in helping him to move on from his ex-girlfriend."

Blushing, Lynne looked down and set aside the knife she'd been using to chop vegetables. "I want what's best for him. If that means stopping the physical part of our relationship so he can grow emotionally with you, then I can accept that."

"But you don't want to."

Lynne turned a little pinker before pinching her lips. "That's not important. I really want what's best for him."

Amber then turned to Kady. "And you?"

The redhead shrugged, picking her legs up off the couch and folding them into a lotus position. She was wearing a pair of shorts that kept things PG. And after placing an elbow on her right knee and dropping her chin into her right palm, she sighed. "Well, I really should..." she drawled. "Fuck it. I wanna keep fucking him. That okay with you?"

Noelle gasped and covered her smile with one hand.

Unperturbed, Amber just smirked. "Sure thing. I'll make you a deal though. You can have Ben ... if I can have Noelle."

Noelle gasped again. Kady's eyes popped open in surprise. She'd already told me before how Amber had tried to seduce Noelle early on, and apparently she still found the sweet-looking dirty-blonde quite attractive.

"Hey, waitaminute," I blurted. "Cheating is cheating. Who says I'm going to let you sleep with other girls?"

"You're not?" Amber chuckled as she glanced back at me. "Oh, okay then. We're broken up."

I snorted, unable to contain my laughter. "Fine, fine. You can fuck other girls as long as I get to fuck other girls."

"Total honesty though," Amber cautioned quite seriously. "And that doesn't mean coming home and confessing after the fact. It's total openness and asking for permission up front, got it?"

I nodded, "Got it."

"Except for these girls. You can bone Lynne whenever the hell she wants; I don't mind. It's the least I can do for her after she gave you up to me."

I turned to look back at Lynne, and the pretty brunette's ears were bright red. She managed to smile at me in both embarrassment and relief.

"Now back to this issue here," Amber said, turning to face Kady once more. "What'll it be? Do we have a deal?"

Kady bit her lip, looking at me and then at her girlfriend. She seemed to be weighing her options, balancing the rediscovered fun of fucking a cock versus the monogamy of her girlfriend. "Well..." she began.

"Hey, don't I get a say in this?" Noelle suddenly interrupted, perhaps even a little annoyed. "What if I want to keep fucking Ben?"

Amber whirled on me. "So you did take this sweet girl's virginity."

I blushed and shrugged. "You're right. I'm a bad liar."

Amber turned to Noelle and jerked a thumb at Kady. "Same deal. You can have him, as long as I also get your girlfriend."

Now Kady gasped, covering her mouth with a hand. "You want me, too?"

"Sure thing." Amber let her tongue trail out along her lower lip saucily while her blue eyes danced up and down Kady's trim body. "I look at you and think of all the pretzel positions we might be able to work out. You're pretty flexible, aren't you?"

"Aww MAN!" Kady stood up abruptly, stomping the floor and looking positively peeved. "You mean we coulda been having threesomes between our two apartments all year???"

Amber held up her hands. "Don't blame me. The day I started moving in on you two, you told me to back off. I was just respecting your wishes."

"FUUUCK," Kady complained bitterly. "Whole fucking year wasted."

Amber grinned. "Well, we can still make up for that. And I'm even bringing you a nice dick to play with on the side. So whaddaya say? Do we have a deal?"

Kady shook her head in disbelief, and then mimed digging two fingers into her skull and prying it open like it was on a hinge before reaching in to scratch her brain. "This is sooo weird."

"We don't have to do this if you don't want to," Noelle said quietly. The two lesbian lovers met each other's eyes, Noelle exiting the kitchen and sliding a hand into Kady's. "But I know you, and I know you want to."

"So do you," she replied. Kady's eyes then flashed to Amber. I got the distinct impression that while Kady wanted to keep boning me, knowing that I wasn't a real threat to her relationship, she harbored some concerns about Noelle and Amber.

But the girls communicated something in their eyes. Together, they glanced at me and then turned to Amber. Nodding as one, they replied, "Deal."

I thrust forward a final time, grunting my orgasm into my lover's ear as a quart of spunk flowed out of me and into her sucking pussy. The pretty young brunette dug her heels into my ass, tightening her arms around my back to pull me deeper as she felt the cum flowing out of my body to crash against her insides like waves cresting on the beach. The first wave would start receding only to be met by the second coming forth, and both our bodies twitched and humped together as I finished filling her up with my jism.

"Mmm ... I love it when your hot essence fills me up," Lynne sighed rapturously. "I can't describe it, but your cum is so... warm inside me."

Too tired to respond, my limbs gave out and I dropped all my weight downward. I practically crushed the petite brunette to the mattress beneath me. And after groaning, I muttered an apology and started to push myself back up.

But she just giggled and patted my back happily, holding me against her. "You didn't have to overdo it," she laughed. "Don't you need to save something for your girlfriend upstairs?"

"Didn't want to," I wheezed. "I owe you so much. Couldn't dream of holding back."

Lynne cradled my head and then pressed her cheek to mine, still humming happily. "You didn't hold back a thing. That was lovely."

I smiled and then raised my head so that I could nuzzle my nose against hers. Breathing heavily, we both came down from our orgasmic highs while still joined together, my cock slowly going limp inside her body. We were in no rush. We could still hear the faint screams of ecstasy echoing down from a bedroom somewhere above us.

Dinner had been a pleasant affair. Even though it wasn't in my nature to share the intimate details of a relationship with other people, Amber apparently had no such compunctions. We ate our meal as a group of five, with Lynne, Kady, and Noelle suggesting topics and then Amber and me hashing them out. Sharing toothbrushes? No. Bathroom door closed while peeing. Sleeping in separate beds for now, as we both wanted to "take things slow", at least on an emotional level if not a physical one.

It had been made abundantly clear that I was still reeling from a pretty hard breakup. There was an awkward moment when Lynne mentioned Dawn's name, and Amber recalled me saying that she looked just like Dawn. Everyone was suddenly aware that I might be projecting Dawn onto Amber, but they seemed to relax when I insisted that wasn't the reason why I liked her. Lynne commented that my type just seemed to be tall, busty blondes (heck, it was the 'type' for 90% of the straight male population). And Amber even admitted that I reminded her of an old flame, and that it was a good thing.

So everyone was cautious about me falling into a rebound. For her part, Amber said that she wasn't a relationship kind of girl. She'd had flings and the casual boyfriend here and there, but she was married to her graduate degree. Being a third-year medical student required her working or studying 80+ hours a week, and she just didn't have time for anything more serious. But she felt something special with me, and she was willing to explore where that went.

But not yet. For now, we were just ... well...

"'Dating' isn't the right term," I sighed. "We're..."

"Fucking", Kady put in helpfully.

Amber grinned. "Well yes. But let's just think of it the way it really is: I'm your girlfriend, you're my boyfriend. But we've been together for less than 24 hours, and we have yet to find out where this is going. Fair enough?"

It was fair enough. We agreed to take things slow. We agreed to not be jealous of the other. We agreed that we were two individuals who wanted to share some time together for mutual benefit, but to also grant that the other had their own life to lead without feeling trapped or tied down.

And we all agreed that we were horny as hell.

"You should stay with Lynne tonight," Amber suggested.

"What? No. I'll be fine," Lynne protested. "He's your boyfriend, and like you said, you've had him for less than 24 hours."

"If you don't want him, then give him to us," Kady suggested with a grin.

"Kady!" Noelle admonished. I just chuckled, thinking of how often the Jacobsen girls (plural) needed to be kept in check.

"No-no-no," Amber drawled with intense eyes. "We made a deal, and I intend to collect payment before I hand over my boyfriend."

Noelle shivered as she looked over at the gorgeous blue-eyed blonde. "You mean... ?"

Amber nodded. "Ben stays here with Lynne. Kady and Noelle come home with me. Work for everybody?"

After sharing a glance, Kady and Noelle nodded excitedly. Lynne blushed again, almost embarrassed to admit that she wanted me, but she nodded as well. Only I was frowning.

"I'm not a piece of meat to get handed off to whoever's turn it is," I complained.

"All evidence from the last few days to the contrary," Kady drawled, referring to how I'd been switching back and forth between them and Lynne since the weekend.

I sighed. "Well at least don't treat me like I'm an organic vibrator you're handing off between friends."

"So what do you want to do, lover?" Amber asked, reaching over and squeezing my hand.

I shrugged. "Your plan works up to a point. I'll stay with Lynne to properly thank her, and you can have Tweedledee and Tweedledum."

"Hey!" Kady protested.

"Am I 'Dee' or 'Dum'?" Noelle queried.

"'Dee'. Your girlfriend can be 'Dum'." Smirking, I just continued, "But Lynne's right. We've been together less than 24 hours. We can both have our fun, but I want YOU."

Amber smiled, but took a deep breath and commented, "What about taking it slow? It was nice cuddling together overnight, but I thought we agreed that's something we shouldn't get in the habit of right away."

I shook my head. "I'll come downstairs to my own bed after. I'm just saying that after we have our own independent fun tonight, you save something for me at the end. Okay?"

Amber beamed at me. "Okay."

And so it was that after Lynne and I finished a very pleasant round of lovemaking, we got up and put our clothes on. I intended to clean myself up, but Lynne stopped me, saying, "I'm not really into girls. But I think Amber would rather like to taste me on your cock tonight."

Lynne was right, but that part would have to come another night. As it was, I headed upstairs and went into Amber's apartment. The three girls were still going at it a bit, and when I opened Amber's bedroom door, I had no trouble getting hard again.

"Ohhh..." Noelle was sighing blissfully, sitting up naked against the headboard, sucking on one of her own nipples while shoving Amber's blonde head a little deeper into her crotch. My new girlfriend was crouched in a frog-position, squatting over Kady's face while the naked redhead lay flat on her back, holding Amber's thighs and aggressively munching the blonde rug.

Kady's position had her ass right at the edge of the bed, her knees in the air and her heels planted atop the mattress to keep her from falling off. The flexible girl was so close to the edge that she was doing a full split, her feet nearly 180-degrees apart. And her position was just so inviting that I silently dropped my pants, stood at the foot of the bed, and gripped Kady's hips as I suddenly pushed my dick into her sopping wet cunt.

"Eeep!" Kady squealed and pushed Amber's body away. She looked panicked for a second before realizing it was me. And then sitting upright, she started punching my chest and arms crying, "Don't SCARE me like that!"

I shrugged. "Door was unlocked."

Amber sighed. "Okay, I'll give you a spare key. But no snooping around when I'm not home, got it?"

Keeping my dick about six inches inside Kady's cunt, I held up three fingers. "I swear. Scout's honor."

Amber chuckled and rolled away. Noelle had been sooo close to orgasm, and now she stared at me with my cock inside her girlfriend with a heated gaze. "Are we turning this into a foursome?"

Amber shook her head. "Not tonight. Maybe another time. Let me finish you off and then you girls will have to skedaddle and give me some alone time with my new boyfriend."

Sighing, Noelle just closed her eyes and held Amber's head as the blonde bombshell slid back into position and resumed eating her out.

Pushing Kady back down, I palmed the redhead's tits and slow-fucked her, not trying to get myself off but just letting her rub her own clit and feel my dick stretching her out while she tossed her head left and right and mewled cutely in euphoric ecstasy.

At last, both halves of the lesbian couple climaxed and then got up, dressing themselves before sneaking across the shared porch to their own apartment. Fully naked, Amber then came to me with a wet kiss so I could lick off Noelle's juices from her cheeks before she dropped to her knees and sucked off Kady's pussy juice from my cock. I figured Lynne's flavor was long gone by now.

Standing back up, my new girlfriend then fell back across the bed and pulled me with her so that I hovered over her body with both hands down and one knee between her legs. We made out with the kind of long, soul-searching kisses that new lovers make. And we spent nearly twenty minutes just devouring each other's mouth enjoying the giddy highs of young love.

"This is fun," I said when we finally had to break for air.

"It is. I could get used to doing this permanently," she sighed.

I arched an eyebrow. "Thought we were taking things slow?"

Amber nodded seriously. "We are, we are. But can you forgive me for dreaming this might last forever?"

I shook my head, thinking that I could seriously be in trouble with this one. I wasn't supposed to rebound, wasn't supposed to let my emotions get swept away, but it was just so easy to be in love with this girl. "Forever is a long time," I said warmly while slotting my dick into her pussy and then slowly gliding in. "Right now, let's just enjoy tonight."


I awoke with my usual morning hard-on. My eyes were still closed, but I felt her presence against my chest, and a wave of pure bliss spread across my body.

This was heaven.

The morning air was cold against my right cheek, the pillow reassuringly warm against my left. I snuggled deeper into the covers and their cocooning heat while pressing my chest against her back, covered only by a thin layer of cotton. As my senses came alive, the fingers of my left hand reflexively squeezed the large breast I was currently palming as my left arm snaked beneath her pillow to hold her from the opposite side. My right hand firmed up over her hip, gently holding her in place while I reflexively ground my erection into her naked asscrack.

I loved this feeling. It felt natural, as if my body was resting in the exact positioned it was designed for. There was no gravity, no world outside. All that existed was me and the girl I held. And together, we could spend an eternity without ever needing to move.

I felt calm.

I felt rested.

After such a long time living my life in turmoil, my mind rioting with regrets, missed opportunities, and lost loves, I felt at peace.

I felt happy.

And I never wanted this feeling to end.

With my eyes still closed, I squeezed her just a little tighter, a hug of affection. But the pleasant affection soon gave way to primal lust, as fond memories of last night's lovemaking percolated in my brain. So breathing deeply, I let my head roll forward to push my nose into her hair, smelling her sweet fragrance. And I exhaled softly as my body warmed up to make my erotic dreams into reality.

"Mmm..." she hummed still half-asleep as my right hand caressed her naked thigh. I squeezed her breast a little tighter in my left hand, and I extended my lips to begin trailing butterfly kisses along her neck and down her shoulder. Likewise, my right fingers tip-toed down her leg, rubbing her knee before tickling back up her inner thigh.

Hunching away from the tickling sensation, she curled her shoulder forward, leaving me with nothing but her bare back to kiss with my lips. I teased her spine and rubbed my nose against her hot, creamy skin while panting softly from my own arousal. And after releasing her breast, I reached up with my left hand to cup her cheek while walking my right fingers all the way to her juicy center.

She inhaled sharply when my fingertip entered her. She was still quite damp from the last load of cum I'd shot into her last night. Pressing gently, my middle finger slipped deeper into her pussy, quickly followed by the index finger as well. And after pumping her for about a minute with two fingers, I pulled out and rubbed the collected juices over her slowly re-emerging clit.

Whimpering now, she turned her face and tried to bite my left hand. I extended two fingers to her mouth, letting her suck on them like a pacifier as I rubbed her clit into awareness. Moaning, she let my fingers out of my mouth and tilted her head back, giving me an opportunity to suckle on her neck. And when I did so, she gasped and finally fluttered her eyes open to look at me.

"Ohmigawd..." Amber gasped, staring at me with sparkling sapphire eyes.

Smiling, I simply brought up my rock-hard erection between her legs, nudging it forward and pushing the head into her sopping wet cunt from behind.

"Fuck me..." she groaned, blinking quickly.

Smiling even more broadly, I pushed further, and we both moaned as I began to sink into her body.

It didn't take long. Amber was primed from my morning stimulation, and I didn't feel the need to hold back. Reaching back with her right arm, she held my body against hers while I gripped her right hip and left breast for leverage to pump in and out of her pussy. At the moment of truth, I bit down on Amber's shoulder and she squealed in orgasmic ecstasy. And I followed shortly after with a grunt as I poured out my seed into her willing and waiting body.

From entry to finish only took about five minutes, but neither of us had needed a marathon fucking. As I slowly deflated inside of her, Amber reached her hand up to my head, pulling it down to hers so that we could kiss. And she clenched down with her inner muscles as her tongue carved out the inside of my mouth.

When we finally broke for air, Amber shifted her hips to pull me out of her. She spun around so that we could face each other, reaching a hand between her own legs to scoop out a glob of my cum and then pop it into her mouth with an impish smile. I just grinned and kissed her again, not caring whether or not I tasted myself on her lips. And after another long makeout session, we had to stop and break for air once again.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "I know I was supposed to go back to my own bed last night."

She quickly shook her head. "Don't be. Especially since I wouldn't have gotten that wonderful morning orgasm if you had."

"But you told me you don't sleep with guys overnight. Now I've gone and done it twice in a row."

Amber blinked her eyes, staring into the back of my soul. "I loved sleeping with you."

"Me, too." I grinned, thinking of the blissful serenity I'd felt myself upon waking after nearly two months of sleeping alone. But taking a deep breath, I sighed and said, "But weren't we supposed to be taking this slow? I'm coming off a breakup and you've said more than once that you're not the serious relationship type."

Amber blinked again, and then looked down between us for a long while. She took measured breaths, in and out, as she collected herself. But when she looked back up into my eyes, there was a passionate fire in her irises that belied her calm demeanor. "Fuck it," she muttered. "I think it's too late."

I didn't understand. Furrowing my eyebrows, I wondered, "What's too late?"

Quickly, she darted in and sealed her lips over mine, kissing me with a fury that caught me off-guard. Grabbing my head, she rolled me onto my back and quickly climbed on top of me. With our mingled cum leaking out of her, she settled the furrow of her crotch over my penis, rowing it back and forth along my length as she did her best to devour my tongue. And as I felt the slick warmth of her pussy rubbing up against me, the flow of blood reversed and started pouring back into my prick to revive it for another round.

Feeling me harden beneath her, Amber giggled and sat upright. With both hands, she flung her sunny blonde hair out of her face and then beamed down at me. And while biting her lip sexily and reaching down to cup her big, firm tits, she hummed in obvious arousal, "It's too late. I'm falling in love with you, Ben. For the first time in years, I'm actually falling in love."

My eyes popped wide open in surprise, but I couldn't help but join in on her infectious smile. A wave of euphoria spread across me, setting my nerves on fire and lightening my limbs.

Love? Really?

I wanted it. I needed it. After having gone dark for far too long, my heart yearned for the warmth only love could provide. Maybe I was rebounding. Sure, I'd done it before.

But maybe this could be real. And as I looked up into her clear blue eyes, seeing the obvious adoration she had for me, I dared to hope. Amber was beautiful, she was sexy, and she was totally into me. She didn't care about my baggage and she wasn't colored by my past.

She was a completely fresh start. And right now, she was exactly what I needed.

"Okay then," I said happily with a smile. "Let's fall in love."

"You DO have food on your own plate you know," I drawled without any actual heat in my voice.

For the fifth time tonight, Amber speared a piece of grilled chicken off my plate with her fork and then popped it into her mouth, smiling mischievously. She took the time to swallow before shrugging and replying, "I like your food better."

"Better? It's the same food." I gestured across the table. Indeed, Lynne and Noelle had cooperated to make tonight's dinner, with grilled teriyaki chicken, vegetables, and rice for the five of us. It's not like my plate had prime rib while Amber was picking at a salad.

Shrugging, Amber just reached across with her spoon, scooping up some of my rice and popping it into her mouth with a fresh smirk.

Rolling my eyes, I reached over to Amber's plate, picking it up and switching it with mine.

Undeterred, Amber just twinkled her eyes at me and then reached over with a fork to spear a piece of chicken off my (formerly her) plate anyway.

Kady chuckled.

Noelle sighed. "Remember when we were like that?"

"Fine. Whatever." Kady shrugged and reached over with her fork to Noelle's plate, but her girlfriend batted her hand away.

Kady whined, "You just said... !"

"Ugh..." Noelle rolled her eyes.

Lynne cracked up. "I'm not sure whether to feel like a fifth wheel or grateful that I don't have to deal with marital bickering."

"I'll show you marital bickering." Amusingly annoyed, I picked up a piece of rice and threw it at Amber. She gasped and picked up a piece of chicken, flinging it against my chest.

Lynne's voice cracked over us. "Hey! Don't go starting a food fight, not with rice! Anyone throwing is gonna pick it up!"

"Aww..." Kady grumped, setting down the spoon she'd already pre-loaded with a glob of rice.

Lynne rolled her eyes. "Children..."

Amber and I were oblivious. We were already kissing hotly, tongues spearing into each other's mouth until Noelle cleared her throat and Kady snarked, "Either get a room or invite us with you. Take your pick."

Amber pulled back and flashed me a broad smile. "Hey, does this count as our first fight? If so, can we have hot and wild makeup sex?"

I just grinned.


I came to a stop in a hallway and just let my jaw drop to the floor. My heart started pounding. My breath became heavy. Despite the chilly hospital air, I felt a bead of sweat trickle down my spine. I'd said it before and I'll say it again: not since Adrienne had a woman so completely overwhelmed me with powerful lust at the mere sight of her.

Amber wasn't even dressed to show off. Her blocky blue doctor's scrubs did not flatter her supremely perfect body. Her shoes were simple white tennis flats, and half-covered by the drooping hem of her baggy blue pants. Her V-necked blue top wasn't low enough to show off any of her tits, and even if it was, she wore a white undershirt beneath. At least I should have been able to tell Amber had a massive rack underneath that shirt, no matter how loose, but the white lab coat over the top completely obliterated her hourglass curves and turned her into just one more medical drone.

But her face was exquisite, and her fine blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders with just the perfect balance of volume and sleekness. I could only see her side profile, but the perkiness of her cute nose and the shape of her cheekbones left me no doubt who I was presently gawking at.

Sneaking up on her silently as she looked over some chart or another, I quickly settled my hands over her eyes.

"Paging Doctor Hottie. Paging Doctor Hottie. I've got a Code 10 emergency in my pants."

Amber giggled and reached up to pull my hands off her eyes. She spun around and smirked at me. "You shouldn't mess around with those code emergencies. 'Code 10' is Stanford's old bomb threat code."

"Well I've got a bomb down here just waiting to go off," I shrugged, gesturing once again to my crotch. "Tick-tick-tick-tick-tick..."

Laughing, Amber just grabbed my hand and jerked me down the hallway. She was wearing her blue scrubs and clearly still on-duty, but after glancing left and right at an intersection, she pulled me to the right and up to a closed door. Yanking the handle, she opened the door and hustled me inside, closing it behind us and flipping the lock before reaching a hand into my pants.

"I thought you said you had a bomb waiting for me?" she complained.

My eyes darted around the racks filled with janitorial supplies around us. "Well, I did," I muttered, wincing as I felt Amber wrap her hand around my half-hard erection. Hospitals are always chilly places, and her fingers were like ice. "But I lost a little bit of it while we were running through the hallway, and your hands are cold!"

Giggling, Amber pulled her hand out and dropped to her knees, quickly unbuttoning my jeans and jerking them and my boxers down to my calves. Exhaling hotly across my erection, she then opened her mouth and slurped me inside. Sucking powerfully, she bobbed her head back and forth a few times, adding an extra inch of length every time she pulled back until I was at full mast and sticking straight out with a slight incline. "Not so cold now?"

"Well, colder since I'm not in your mouth anymore," I whined.

She giggled and resumed blowing me, holding onto my bare asscheeks and inching a finger toward my ass.

I tensed up, feeling nervous by her approach toward my anus. Looking around the janitorial closet, I felt additional anxiety at the prospect that we might get caught. And tapping her head, I looked down and wondered, "Aren't you still on duty? Maybe we should wait for your lunch break."

Without ceasing her bobbing motions on my prick, Amber fished out her Nextel phone/radio. Waving it at me for a moment, she popped off just long enough to gasp, "If they need me, they'll call." And then she resumed her blowjob.

Groaning, I leaned forward and reached into her lab coat to begin pulling up her shirt. Finding her bra-encased breasts, I pawed at them a bit while listening to her moan. But after less than a minute, she released me and turned around. Yanking her pants and panties down to her ankles, she bent over and braced her hands on a shelf. And glancing back at me over her shoulder, she hissed urgently, "Hurry up! We don't have much time!"

Blinking, I thought fast and then shuffled forward, not easy to do with my own jeans around my ankles. But I quickly settled into position and grabbed her hips, bending my knees to get low and then standing up slowly as I eased my cock into her from behind. Amber's pussy was quite tight, and only beginning to lubricate even though she'd been rubbing herself while giving me the blowjob. But after thrusting in and out of her a couple of inches at a time, the walls of her tunnel began to part and let me inside.

"Ohhh, fuck," she grunted when my pelvis finally slid up against her buttcheeks. "That fucking hits the spot."

"Ungh," I groaned, reveling in the exquisite feeling of her pussy.

"Fuck me, Ben. Fuck me," she urged.

I started pumping her harder.

"Push my bra up to my neck. I can't let go of this shelf," she muttered, bracing her forearms as I continued to jar her entire body forward with each lunge.

Sliding my hands underneath her shirt again, I hooked my thumbs into the chest strap and roughly shoved the Victoria's Secret lace forward and out.

"Grab my tits. Squeeze 'em! That's it! FUCK!"

Pinching her nipples just the way I'd learned she liked, I rolled the erect little nubbins between my fingers before dropping my thumbs to trace the sensitive nerves running beneath her breasts.

"Hammer my pussy! Harder! Harder!"

"Deeper! Fuck yeah! Deeper, ungh!"

"Rub my clit! That's it. Rub that fucking nub! Aaugh!"

"Pound my pretty pussy! Ohmigawd! I'm cumming! I'm cumming in the janitor's closet! Fuck!"

"Squeeze my tits! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!"

"I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Cum inside me! No! I changed my mind. Pull out! Pull out and cum on my pretty asshole! Squirt my sphincter full of your jizz, and then use it to shove your dick up my ass! Can you do that? Can you ... FUCK! I'm cumming! CUMMING!"

"Yes! Squirt on me! More! I feel it! It's so fucking hot!"

"UNGH! Damn you're fucking big! Push, damn you! Push! I can take it! UGH!"

"Fuck! Are you still squirting! I can feel it in my ass! I can feel your hot jizz bathing my colon with spunk! Fuck! Fuck! I'm cumming again! Fuuuuuuuck!"

"NNNGAHHH!!!" I grunted, holding myself at full depth inside Amber's inferno of an asshole. I'd just finished squeezing out my final drops, but Amber was still quivering in aftershock orgasms so strong that her anal muscles were vibrating a little painfully for my oversensitive post-ejaculate penis.

Amber's forearms finally gave out. We hadn't been going for very long, but the fuck had been intense. With my cock still imbedded up her rectum, we both pitched forward and she nearly hit her head on the shelves. But she managed to get a foot planted beneath her and my own left hand jerked free of her shirt in time to slam against the shelf to brace us with my right hand still cupping one of her boobs. And eventually, I managed to pull my dick out and stand us both up.

"Here." Amber snagged a medical wipe from a shelf beside us and tossed it to me. I ripped open the packaging and began cleaning myself up while she got some sort of absorbent tissue with a blue plastic backing to wipe up her own ass.

"Wow, that was something," I wheezed, out of breath.

"First time I ever did that here. Always wanted to try it." Breathing heavily herself, Amber grinned and nodded. Quickly yanking her pants up and then reaching under to fix her bra, she leaned into me and gave me a quick kiss. "Thanks, baby. I've gotta run."

"Already? But I thought we were going to have lunch together?" I complained while pulling up my own pants.

She shook her head. "Last minute change. I'm not going to be able to take lunch today. I was going to call you, but you showed up here early."

"Aww," I whined.

"I'll make it up to you tonight. Don't worry." She kissed me again and tittered happily with a beaming smile and twinkling eyes. "Thanks for coming. I love you."

I blinked fast and instantly felt better. "Love you, too."

Her eyes sparkled at the L-word, and then quickly she spun and opened the door. Just outside was an 80-something-year-old man, tottering down the hallway in a hospital gown while dragging along his own IV-apparatus on wheels. Poor guy nearly had a heart attack as Amber came out of the closet and then zipped past him down the hallway. And then he looked at me, standing in the closet with a sheepish grin on my face.

Still holding his heart, the guy turned his head to look after Amber and then back at me. And in a totally surreal moment, he got a goofy grin on his face and threw me a thumbs-up before tottering on his way down the hallway once again.

I finally buttoned myself, and then peeking down the hallway again to make sure no one else was looking, I walked back to my car in the lot, my face beet red the whole way.


"Oh, shit. Is that the time? I gotta run." Already dressed in her hospital blues, Amber jumped out of her seat and hoisted her purse over her shoulder. I turned my head just in time to meet her kiss. But instead of a quick peck goodbye, she snaked her tongue into my mouth and actually moaned erotically into our lip-lock.

"Jeez, get a room, guys," Kady drawled.

Amber ignored her, holding up one hand and flipping Kady the bird. She kept the kiss up for an extra couple of seconds and then finally pulled away. "Okay, okay. Last one. I've got to get to work." She kissed me one final time, and then spun around, hustling out of the restaurant.

Out of breath, I sighed and sagged back into my chair with a goofy expression on my face. The three girls still remaining around the table gave me funny looks.

"What did you do to that poor girl?" Noelle queried with wonder on her face. "She used to be such a ... a..."

"A bitch?" Kady put in helpfully.

"No..." Noelle drawled. "But she was certainly more intense. Amber was sultry, she was ... intimidating."

"She was a cold predator," Kady explained.

"Yeah. But ever since you two got together, she's turned into a ... a..."

"An airhead?" Kady put in helpfully.

"No!" Noelle exclaimed. "But she's certainly more bubbly and friendly and ... nice."

Lynne laughed. "There's no real mystery here, girls: Ben fucked her brains out. Scrambled her personality along the way."

That got everyone chuckling, including me. "Yeah well there was no scrambling this morning, except for these scrambled eggs." I poked the fluffy yellow meal on my plate.

"Seriously?" Kady queried with an arched eyebrow. "You've been shacking up together every night, and you're telling me you two didn't do anything this morning?"

Noelle shrugged. "I didn't hear anything."

"That's because they were downstairs, remember?" Kady explained, looking at me. "Sleeping in your own bed, just to remember that you still have one?"

I shrugged and glanced sidelong at Lynne, who was busy studying her own plate while blushing pink. Actually, Amber and I had a threesome with the petite brunette last night. It had stayed heterosexual for the most part, at least until I shot a load into Amber's mouth and she impulsively decided to snowball it to a surprised Lynne.

But indeed, there had been no hanky-panky this morning. Amber wanted to go on her regular Sunday morning run, and she told me to save my sperm. Taking a deep breath, I sighed and explained things the way she wanted me to. "Amber's doing an 18-hour shift today. And since Kady and Noelle haven't had me since we started dating, she told me to tell you guys that I am, quote, 'A piece of meat being handed off to whoever's turn is next', end-quote."

Lynne arched her eyebrows. "Thought that was exactly what you didn't want to be?"

I frowned. "I don't, but Amber promised me extra-special sex if I said it like that. What can I say? After only a few days, the girl knows what makes me tick."

"Seriously?" Kady now asked eagerly, leaning forward and putting her elbows on the restaurant table. "Amber's not coming home until tomorrow morning at 6am, and she said we get to keep you until then?"

I sighed, musing on how I was starting to like my life again. "Yes, that's what she said."

"Have I told you that I like your girlfriend?"

I grinned. "You might have mentioned it in passing."

"Clock is ticking." Kady stated while examining her watch. She then quickly raised a hand, urgently flagging down our waiter. "Check please!"


"Maybe you should go home and take a nap at lunch," Hieu suggested cautiously. "The bags under your eyes have bags under their eyes."

"What's going on? And don't give me that same crap about a rough weekend," Keith added.

With my elbows planted on the desk, I sighed and dropped my face into my hands, rubbing my eyeballs with my fingertips. Breathing deeply, I fought the urge to pass out and shook my head. "Uh, you guys wouldn't believe me if I told you."

Hieu folded his arms across his chest. "Try me."

I picked my head up and smirked. Ordinarily I wouldn't have said what I said, especially considering my usual reluctance to discuss the sexual matters of any girl I'd been with. But this far into sleep-deprivation I was feeling a little goofy. Besides, my story was so outlandish they really wouldn't believe it.

"Uh, I started dating a girl last week and she's spent every night fucking my brains out. But last night, she had to work and loaned my dick out to a couple of her friends. Three of them took turns tag-teaming me all night and wouldn't let me go to sleep until about 5:30 this morning. So I only got about an hour's shut-eye and I'm so tired I can't even lift my penis to pee."

The two guys stared dumbly at me for a few seconds before glancing at each other. Then Hieu looked back to me and remarked, "You're right. I don't believe it."

Keith shook his head wearily. "Jeez, if you don't want to tell us, just say so. You don't need to make up outlandish shit just to shock us."

I shrugged and turned back to my computer, rubbing my eyes once again.

Just then, a knock sounded off at the door to the office we'd been sharing. Leaning in front of the floor-length window beside the door, Amber smiled brightly at us and waved.

Keith jerked his feet off his desk so fast he nearly fell out of his chair, his keyboard clattering to the floor. Hieu more sedately just waved Amber in. And as she opened the door, our team engineer offered politely, "Hello Amber. Got some good news for us?"

Amber blinked in confusion for a second before getting it. "Oh! The lab results. I'm sorry, I had to pull an 18-hour shift last night and completely forgot. I'll get them to you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay." Hieu smiled but then frowned. "So what brings you over here?"

"Oh, well..." Amber blushed and then came over to me. Clearly not dressed for business, she wore a really brief pair of shorts that showed off her legs and a tiny, tight T-shirt that made her tits look even bigger than usual. Kneeling beside my chair, she pecked my cheek and then glanced at the guys. "Guess you should know: Ben and I started dating last week. I just wanted to come by and take him out to lunch."

The guys' eyebrows shot up in surprise, but Amber was already clucking over me. "Aww ... you look exhausted. Did the girls work you over too much last night?"

"Umm," I stuttered, glancing at Hieu and Keith who were now openly gawking at us. "Something like that."

"What time did they let you go to sleep?"

I blushed. "5:30."

Amber rolled her eyes and then giggled. "Well, that's what I get for keeping you away from them this long. No matter, I had a powernap but still need to catch up on sleep too, so maybe we'll have to take it easy tonight. Anyway, feel like coming out to lunch with me?"

"With you, absolutely," I managed to smile. Just seeing her lifted my energy levels.

Pulling me up to my feet, Amber wrapped an arm around my waist and waved at the guys. "See you later, boys. Hieu, I'll get you that report first thing in the morning."

The guy just gawked at us with his mouth open. Keith was actually drooling.

Giggling, Amber blew them a kiss. "Bye-bye!"


I thrust forward a final time, grunting my orgasm into my girlfriend's ear as a quart of spunk flowed out of me and into her sucking pussy. Amber arched her back beneath me, thrusting those glorious tits against my naked chest while she moaned in ecstatic bliss. I felt my biceps tensing as I clutched her body with savage power, holding my pelvic bone against her crotch as the diluvial torrent of jism poured forth. And together we scaled the heights of absolute physical delight.

"Ohhh that was incredible," she moaned blissfully, her head lolling to the side as she gasped for air. "You were an absolute animal this morning. Didn't think you'd be able to do that given how tired we were yesterday."

"A good night's sleep will do wonders for a guy," I mumbled into the pillow next to Amber's ear. I felt her hold me tightly with all four limbs, squeezing me for an extra second before relaxing and patting my shoulder so that I could roll off her chest.

After glancing at the clock, Amber turned back to me with a smile. "Hey, it's pretty early. Wanna go get a cup of coffee with me before going to work? My treat."

With my eyes closed, I turned to my girlfriend and grinned goofily. "Sounds great. But let me buy. You bought dinner last night."

"No, no. I got it," she said as she rolled out of bed. Still fully naked and sweaty after our lovemaking, Amber's skin had a golden glow that made her even more beautiful.

I ogled her tits for a moment before letting my eyes run up to her face, catching her smirk. "You keep flashing those in my face and I'll agree to anything."

Amber bent forward so that her big breasts swayed and looked even bigger. "And what if I asked you to marry me?"

I didn't hesitate. "Done. In a heartbeat."

Still bent over, Amber gave me a serious look, as if truly considering it. Her eyes drifted away as she got that spaced out expression for a brief moment. But then with two blinks she returned to Earth and just smiled. "Let's just start with coffee. And don't feel guilty. I told you: my parents are loaded."

Thirty minutes later we were at Peet's Coffee. As we stood in line, I noticed two guys in front of us frequently turning around to check Amber out. And rather than get jealous, I paused for a moment to really admire my girlfriend.

Amber was drop-dead gorgeous, and she fully knew it. She carried herself with a air I would have termed cocky had she been a guy, rather like Adrienne. Her every movement conveyed a charismatic fire and confidence that attracted attention. And with perfect makeup, figure-enhancing clothing, and an attitude just edgy enough to send a thrill through anyone observing her, I found I could easily say she was the most desirable woman in just about any room she walked into.

And she was with me.

Feeling my gaze, Amber smiled at me and wrapped her arm around my waist. At first, I thought it was just an affectionate gesture, but then I caught her sharp eyes zeroing in on the two guys ahead of us. Lifting her chin, I could practically hear her sneer with her eyes, 'What the hell are you looking at?' And quickly, the two guys locked their gazes on the menu board in front of them.

"Have I told you today that I'm falling in love with you?" I asked quietly out of the blue.

Amber's eyes sparkled as she glanced over at me. "No. Not yet."

"Well, I'm falling in love with you," I stated warmly.

She grinned. "Me, too."

Soon, it was our turn at the cashier. Amber spat out her order in rapid fire: Latte macchiato, splash of caramel, large size along with my usual Iced Coffee, Mocha, Medium.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that?" the barista asked apologetically. "What size on the-"

Sighing wearily, Amber was already repeating the entire order, more slowly this time as if she were speaking to a 3-year-old. And then folding her arms across her chest and tapping her foot, she added sarcastically, "Or is that too much for your little brain to handle?"

The barista's eyes popped in shock at the haughty tone, and I myself frowned while pulling on Amber's waist to draw her body against mine. "Hey, relax. We're in no rush today. Give the girl a break."

She calmed instantly at my touch. When Amber blinked, it was as if a switch had been flipped in her mind. And after glancing back at me with a mysterious look, she immediately looked across to the barista and apologized, "I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have bitten your head off."

Blushing awkwardly, the young girl shrugged and averted her eyes nervously. "No, it's okay. That'll be $6.64."

Amber was still in such shock that she forgot to open her purse. I stepped forward and handed over my credit card before Amber realized it, and then shuffled both of us out of the way to the waiting area.

"You okay?" I asked, rubbing Amber's biceps as I turned her to face me.

Once again, she just sort of spaced out as she stared at me before breaking into a warm smile. And without answering, she simply took my face in her hands and gave me a soul-tingling kiss.

I wasn't complaining, but I didn't understand. Oh well, our coffee was just about ready.

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