
Chapter 16: Casual Sex ll

Eventually, Summer got a hold of herself and I suggested a shower. She made no objection when I helped her in and joined her in the tub. There was a built-in bench and I sat her down, gently washing her spectacular body. She sighed happily while I shampooed her hair and massaged her scalp. She moaned when I rubbed her back and shoulders. And she giggled when I soaped up her tits. I tried not to get TOO carried away; but hey, I was still just a guy.

We actually did study for about an hour and a half, going over all the important material and stuff I thought was most likely to show up on the final. I quizzed her to see how much she remembered and then we went back over the material she was fuzzy on. She made sandwiches and we snacked along the way.

I'd started to get uncomfortable on the floor after the first half-hour and so Summer relocated us onto the bed where we lay face-down side-by-side, our heads towards the foot of the bed. Summer looked unbearably cute wearing a new set of pajama pants and tank top, her feet kicking in the air as she pored over the notes in front of her.

And after that first hour and a half, her focus started to drift and we both found that we weren't concentrating on the work quite so much. I was admiring her beauty and idly thinking about the incredible fuck we'd shared; and from the little smiles and glances Summer was giving me she was thinking likewise.

So it wasn't much of a surprise when Summer leaned over and almost experimentally tasted my lips. She pecked me twice more before reaching a hand up to my cheek and kissing me more firmly. I started to heat up and felt the flush of arousal in my cheeks, and when I rolled Summer onto her back and pushed my tongue into her throat, I got no objection.

This time, we made love slowly and tenderly. There was no urgent thrusting and no growls of "fuck me". We simply sighed and moaned and groaned our way to a satisfying mutual climax, and Summer's eyes glittered as she felt my cum pouring into her pussy.

It was a beautiful moment. But unfortunately, once we were done, I watched Summer's lower lip quivering as the tears re-formed in her eyes. And then she turned away and started crying quietly, even as my dick slowly deflated inside of her.

Once again, Summer pulled herself together. But this time, she decided she wanted to be alone with her thoughts for a little while. We shared a tender kiss at the front door, along with a promise to get together Wednesday afternoon for a cramming session before the final. And then I left.

The last Monday at school began normally, if with a little more tension than usual. Finals were scheduled for Wednesday through Friday, and these last two days of regular classes were pretty intense for all the students. For the graduating Seniors, most of their finals were scheduled early on Monday and Tuesday, with only the occasional junior elective set later in the week.

Donna caught me just before classes started and elicited my promise to come visit her this afternoon so that we could both blow off some steam. I grinned and said, "I expect you to blow more than just steam. And I intend to blow off quite a bit myself."

The busty blonde giggled and shook her ass at me as she left.

Stacey twirled up to me between first and second periods and asked if I could help her "study" on Tuesday afternoon. I knew she didn't need to study since all her finals were on Monday and Tuesday, so what she really wanted was a celebratory fuck for the end of her academic career. For me, it was the last day before MY finals and the last opportunity to really cram, but I promised the willowy brunette a round or two.

And then during the next period, Modern Lit, I saw Summer for the first time since Saturday. She smiled shyly at me before taking her seat. But throughout the class she seemed lost in her own world and never glanced back at me. I smiled and nodded. I'd done what I was good for, we'd had one day of sex, and neither of us would look back. We were friends, nothing more, and I sighed in relief that things weren't going to be awkward or different between us.

Or so I thought.

After class, Summer hurried over to me and slipped her hand into mine, squeezing it firmly. Surprised, I looked over while she batted her eyes at me, her brown eyebrows and blue eyes making her gaze quite intense.

"Uh, Summer," I stammered nervously. "I don't know if it's such a good idea that we-"

"I'm not looking to date you, Ben," Summer shook her head and stepped in close to me and touched my cheek. To any outside observer, we would appear to be romantically involved and having an intimate conversation.

Confused, I arched an eyebrow. "Then, what's all this?"

"I just..." She trailed off and then sighed. "You're my friend, right, Ben?"

I nodded. "I'd like to think so."

"And you enjoyed Saturday?"

I smiled. "It WAS very nice. Well, naughty and nice."

"It was. But I'm not ready to jump into anything just yet." Summer took a deep breath. "I'm still heartbroken over Jae. And besides, I'm graduating soon and going off to UCLA. So we have no future together."

I nodded in agreement but said nothing further.

"I just..." Summer trailed off again, her eyes darting left and right as she searched for the right words. And then she just squeezed my hand and touched my face again. "I just feel ... better ... when I'm holding your hand. It's not love, Ben. I just don't feel that way about you. And ... I'm sorry, but I'm not sure if I want us to have sex again."

She frowned and I shrugged. While I certainly wouldn't mind having sex with the beautiful blonde bombshell, I'd live if I didn't. I certainly had other partners lined up already. "That's okay, Summer. I'm not asking you to."

She smiled. "It's just ... comforting, to have you next to me. Can you do that Ben? Just be with me for a little while? I know we barely know each other and there's only a few days of school left. But it just makes me feel better when I can hold your hand. Maybe we'd be nothing more than that, but just ... can you let me lean on you a bit?"

I smiled softly. "Sure. I can do that."

Summer brightened visibly. "Really?"

"Of course." I nodded firmly.

Summer sighed and touched my face again. Delicately, she leaned up and pecked me on the lips. And sighing softly, she murmured, "You're a good guy, Ben. I wish I'd known you before this quarter."

I shrugged. "Better late than never."

Hand in hand, we walked off to our next destinations.

Summer was waiting for me after third period. She didn't have a final right then so she decided to escort me to my next class. And more than a few people were whispering and gossip-mongering about us as we passed.

Megan shared my fourth period and her eyes narrowed as we approached. And once Summer bid me goodbye with a gentle hand-squeeze, my ex-girlfriend walked over to me. "Are you dating Summer MacIntosh now?"

I shook my head and held up my hands defensively. "No, her boyfriend Jae just dumped her and she's feeling really vulnerable and lonely. She just wants a friend to lean on right now. She graduates on Saturday and there's no future between us. I'm just trying to help her out."

"You want to help yourself into her pants, don't you?" Megan gave me a stern look.

I shook my head. "Honestly no. It's not about that."

At Megan's disbelieving stare, I sighed and admitted, "Summer and I already ... well, we've had sex in the past." Megan didn't need to know how recently in the past. "But I don't think that's in our future. I'm really just trying to be her friend."

My ex-girlfriend flashed a jealous green in her eyes for a moment, but then she calmed. Her mouth a hard line, she shrugged and turned away. "Okay. If you say so."

After fourth period, Summer came and found me before getting into the lunch line. And once we picked up our food, I stayed with her all the way to her usual lunch table. Candy and Trevor looked up at us with curious expressions. Mizuho leered at me with lust in her eyes. And Lynne seemed quite pleased to see me again.

I was forced to try and eat with my left hand since Summer seemed dead set on maintaining her grip on my right hand, and the one time I pulled my hand away to adjust my food, Summer's skin seemed to pale almost immediately and her jaw quivered until we re-established our handhold on top of the table and the color returned to her cheeks.

I felt Summer stiffen up before I ever saw Jae. Her sudden deathgrip on my hand got my attention and I turned to see Jae walking past with Ji-hyun Jeon on his arm. The new couple stopped and stared at us for a moment while Summer paled again. But when I squeezed her hand, Summer set her jaw and raised her head high, announcing to her ex-boyfriend that she would be just fine without him.

Jae looked at the two of us holding hands and glared at me for a moment, but then he turned and the Korean pair walked away.

"Summer..." Adrienne's voice sounded off beside us. She was late in arriving and stood next to the table while staring towards a retreating Jae. "Is there something you're not telling me?" She asked her friend in a weak tone.

Summer turned around with a smile after facing up to Jae for the first time since their breakup, but the smile vanished when she saw the hurt look on Adrienne's face. I knew quite well the social laws against dating a friend's ex while the wound was still fresh. "This isn't what it looks like," Summer stammered in a panic.

Adrienne looked to where Summer was still holding my hand and asked coldly, "And what does it look like?"

Summer's jaw quivered. "Ben and I are not dating or anything. He's just being a friend to me, nothing more." There was a warbling plea in the blonde's tone. "With everything going on with Jae, I just needed a little support."

Adrienne sat down on Summer's other side and looked around the table. "We're your friends, too, Summer." Her own tone had softened considerably. "You know we're here to support you."

The California blonde smiled at her friend. "I know. And thanks. But Ben was there for me this weekend when I needed it most." She beamed at me and squeezed my hand again.

Adrienne looked skeptically at me. And in a gruff voice filled with skepticism she growled, "You just in this to get into her panties, Ben?"

I frowned and shook my head. I never did anything JUST to get into a girl's panties. It hurt that someone I'd loved could think that about me. Although perhaps I couldn't blame her. I DID after all have a pretty poor track record.

Summer smiled and squeezed my hand while we exchanged a look. Yes, we had fucked. But we both felt that was a one-time thing and Adrienne didn't really need to know. Summer wasn't trying to swoop her friend's ex-boyfriend. I looked Adrienne in the eye and insisted, "I'm learning to be supportive in ways other than sexual."

Candy and Mizuho giggled and looked at me doubtfully. Adrienne gave me a knowing wary look that clearly expressed her skepticism. I blanched and said, "I'm trying. I'm really trying. Really, I just want to be here to support Summer for this week."

Adrienne sighed and nodded, shaking her head slowly in mild-disbelief. "Well, better late than never."

I felt lasers boring in the back of my head after lunch and I looked around to see that Abigail and Allison were glaring at me as Summer and I passed my old crew's table. Wincing, I excused myself from Summer for just a minute and headed over.

Cassidy caught the look of the twins and immediately leaned in and started whispering to them. I approached and then nodded my head away from the table. Abbie and Allie glanced at Cassidy as if in disbelief and then got up and followed me to a more private area.

"What are you doing with HER?" Abbie seethed at me, rolling her eyes towards Summer.

"We're just friends," I explained. "Her boyfriend dumped her and she needed a shoulder to cry on."

"You fuck her?" Allie asked with venom in her eyes.

I sighed. "I don't talk about that sort of thing, remember? You wouldn't want me going around blabbing about you two, now would you?"

"That's not a 'no'."

"I'm just trying to be her friend until she graduates, okay? She's moving on to UCLA and we're just friends," I stated. "Look, what do you girls really want from me?"

Allie was the first to pipe up. "You promised we could have sex again!"

"Did you guys get on the pill?"

"We're going to the clinic this afternoon," Abbie explained.

"So call me after your periods. Maybe next week or something. I'm going to camp for all of July, but I'll be back and we've got all next year. Okay? Now stop worrying about Summer. She's just a friend. Got it?"

Frowning, Abbie and Allie nodded reluctantly. I stepped forward and hugged both girls, pecking them on top of their heads due to their shorter heights, and then returned to Summer.

"What was that all about?" the California blonde asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing. The girls are my friends and they're just a little jealous I'm spending all this time with you."

"Ben, I don't want to take you away from your friends," Summer sighed. "You should go back-"

"No, no," I squeezed her hand. "I'm here for you, however you need me, okay?" I smiled. "I owe you that much for a wonderful Saturday."

"You don't owe me anything, Ben," Summer looked at me sharply. "I wanted it just as much as you."

"Poor choice of words," I grimaced and then held Summer's hands in my own and stared into her eyes. "Whatever else happened on Saturday, Summer, we made love, really made love. And that bonded us in a way that can never be undone. I'm not in love with you, but I WANT to do what's right. I want to do whatever I can to see that you're happy. Okay?"

She smiled and squeezed my hand back. "Okay."

I actually cancelled my rendezvous with Donna that afternoon to be with Summer. It was my Monday, but I had more important things to do. And so fully clothed, Summer and I curled up on her bed, me spooned behind her, holding her tenderly while she sobbed and trembled.

Her clothing wasn't very thick and it was very arousing to be in such an intimate position with a sexy young blonde. At one point, she pulled my arm tightly around her breasts so that I was cupping one firm boob. But at the same time, holding a crying woman while she's heartbroken over another guy isn't the biggest turn-on. So my pecker stayed in check and I stayed true to my promise not to make any moves on her.

I was just there to hold her, a warm body she could lean on, to be there for whatever Summer needed. It wasn't my place to push her for anything more than what she wanted, and my experience at being a non-aggressive nice guy was serving me well at holding my hormones in check.

So she cried, and I held her. She bitched about Jae, and I listened. And she cried again. After about an hour, Summer turned around in my grasp and blinked away the last of her tears. She smiled and reached up to touch my cheek. "I'm okay, for now at least."

I smiled and rubbed her back. "I'm glad."

And then Summer leaned into me, molding her lips against my own as she gave me a firm, warm, and inviting kiss. It was tender, not passionate, and eventually she pulled away and took a deep breath. "Thank you, Ben."

I smiled and tamped down on the urge to kiss her again. Hearing Summer's thanks just for holding her was better than hearing both Stacey Whitehouse and Mandy Lin sing my praises after I fucked them to a dozen orgasms. Summer's appreciation just felt ... richer ... somehow. "You're welcome," I answered sincerely, then sat up then and looked around for my shoes.

Summer sighed and sat up against the pillows, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. "You remind me of him."

I arched an eyebrow as I started putting on one shoe. Surely she didn't think I reminded her of Jae, the hated ex-boyfriend. "Who?"

"My brother. He used to hold me like that when I was scared or sad. He's at UCLA now." Summer giggled and then touched her fingers to her lips. "Of course, I never kissed him like THAT."

I grinned and put on my other shoe. Then standing up, I took one look back at the beautiful blonde who now seemed happier than I'd seen her in a week. "See you tomorrow?"

"Of course. Thank you, Ben."

"Sleep well tonight." I tipped my head and then left.

Tuesday was more of the same. I walked hand-in-hand with Summer, giving her a squeeze every now and again when I thought her spirits were dropping. This was her big day of finals and she was completely stressed out. But with my help, she made it through the day in one piece.

I also cancelled my booty call with Stacey for that afternoon, for which the snooty senior was NOT happy. She was done with her finals and looking to celebrate. She'd also seen me around with Summer and asked if the busty blonde was my new girlfriend. I told her Summer was just a friend and Stacey shook her head disbelievingly. "Look, if you change your mind, I'll be home all night," she stated flatly. "I've been looking forward to this for a while. Don't disappoint me, Ben."

My loins urged me to reconsider, but I took a deep breath and reminded myself that being supportive of Summer and feeling her warm, platonic affection made me feel happier and more satisfied than some of my best orgasms.

Of course, Summer had just finished all but one of her final exams. They'd mentally drained her and yet given her a profound sense of relief that she was almost done. And with the passing time, Summer was getting over Jae. So between her relaxation over completed finals and her developing independence from her ex-boyfriend, Summer only needed me to hold her for a half-hour in the afternoon before sending me on my way.

Now I hadn't gotten laid since making love to Summer that last time on Saturday, and I was pretty stressed out myself staring down six final exams in the next three days. Plus, after going through a pretty intense fucking schedule with Donna, Stacey, Mandy, the Sanders twins, and Summer, I was feeling pretty horny and starting to suffer withdrawal.

Summer had also worn a sundress this day, which had scooted up while we spooned so that her bare naked butt, uncovered by the back of her thong panties, had been pressed against me for the past half-hour. If she'd wanted me to hold her for much longer, I would have been sorely tempted to break my promise not to make a move on her.

But she did release me and let me go, and the instant I put my car into gear, I remembered Stacey's urge for me to change my mind. She wanted to fuck and she wanted to fuck today. Why not? It was just meaningless sex for a little stress relief during Finals Week. And I NEEDED to relieve some pent-up tension.

Ten minutes later, I pulled up outside the Whitehouse mansion. The maid escorted me up to Stacey's suite. Stacey herself opened the door and stood there, grinning at me. "I knew you'd come. No good pussy goes wasted."

"Would be a crying shame," I smiled and obviously ogled her slender, sexy body.

Stacey reached out and grabbed me by the collar, tugging me inside and then slamming the door. Seconds later we were naked and fucking away to our heart's content.

On Wednesday, Summer slipped her hand into mine after my first final as we headed for her usual hangout spot to take the first break. She didn't have any exams or anything this day, but she came to school to hang out with her friends ... and with me.

After a minute or so, she nudged me in the ribs. "You're more relaxed today. Would have thought you'd be wound up after your final."

I shrugged. "Wasn't as hard as I thought."

She smiled serenely and then got a funny look in her eyes. And then grinning, Summer asked, "Did you get laid last night?"

My eyebrows went up in a panic, giving me away. "Well, uh, I..." I'd had enough experience with girlfriends finding out I'd cheated on them to immediately feel like shrinking away from what was sure to be flying fists.

But Summer wasn't my girlfriend and she wasn't about to hit me. Chuckling, she asked, "Who was it?" But immediately, she caught herself and waved, "Nevermind. None of my business."

I looked at her earnestly and squeezed her hand. "You're not upset?"

"You're not my boyfriend, Ben. I've got no limits on what, or who, you can't do. We're just friends and I appreciate everything you're doing for me." She giggled. "Besides, it can't be easy lying in bed with me day after day and not being able to push things further."

I blushed and admitted, "No it's not. I keep remembering what we did Saturday. And you're very sexy, Summer."

"Thanks," she blushed too. And then she gave me a significant look. "Who knows? It's a long time before college starts. Someday you may get lucky again."

We made it through our Wednesday finals and that afternoon, Summer and I spent almost two hours studying for our Thursday Modern Lit final. She was determined to get a passing grade and I was determined to help her.

In fact, we were so focused that we didn't spend any time spooning in her bed, and she didn't start crying even once throughout the afternoon. And when Summer slammed her binder closed and pronounced that she was ready for the test, her bright blue eyes sparkled and she threw herself at me in a fierce hug.

We'd been laying side-by-side on her bed to study. And when she tackled me we rolled over so that I was lying flat on my back and she was above me, clutching me tightly with her face buried against my neck. I smiled and patted her back platonically, pleased that she seemed so happy and confident about the test now.

I didn't realize what was going on until I felt the first drop of moisture hit my neck. And then with worry I pulled my head away from hers and held her face in my hands, brushing away her tears with my thumbs. "Summer, what's wrong?"

She smiled despite the waterworks, "I'm happy, Ben. I'm really happy. Thank you so much, I don't know that I could have ever felt this way again if it wasn't for you."

I smiled back. "You'd have been fine. You're a strong young woman, Summer. And Jae's just another guy."

Sniffling, she nodded her head. "Thanks for everything."

"Don't thank me just yet," I was already saying, which stopped her head halfway back towards me. She blinked in confusion before I said, "You still have to TAKE your final tomorrow."

Chuckling quietly, Summer sat up straight and wiped her eyes. "Right, right. Don't count your chickens or something, right?"

"Right." I took a deep breath and then let out a long exhalation. "You going to be okay tonight?"

"Yeah," she nodded and turned away from me. "I'll be fine." And then she turned and gave me a mysterious look. "Are you ... going to go find someone to have sex with tonight?"

I arched an eyebrow and shook my head. "No, no plans." I bit down on my impulse to ask, 'Why? Are you offering?' Instead, I held up my binder and tapped it. "I've got another final to go study for."

"Right, right," Summer blinked away the moisture in her eyes and smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow, Ben."

"Bye, Summer."

I was waiting for her when she walked out the door. Yeah, I'd been sailing through Modern Lit and was pretty confident I had an 'A' when I turned in my exam early. But I couldn't relax until I saw Summer again and found out how she'd done as well.

I had my answer when she emerged into the bright light, the sun's rays reflecting in her hair as she broke into a smile that dazzled even brighter. I was just getting up from my seat on the bench when Summer broke into a run and sprinted at me. And I had just enough time to brace myself when she launched herself into the air and wrapped her legs around me in a big hug.

"I did it!" she crowed into my face as she hooked her arms behind my neck. "I NAILED it!"

I couldn't respond verbally as she'd knocked the wind out of me, but I managed not to drop her and just smiled back warmly.

And then I couldn't say anything further as Summer seized my head and planted a searing kiss on my lips, cramming her tongue into the back of my mouth as she attacked my mouth with intense passion.

When she pulled her head back, I was in a daze and she giggled while lowering her legs so that she could stand up on her own. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."

"Whoa..." I wobbled for a minute at the unexpected ferocity of her kiss. "No problem. You can kiss me like that anytime..."

The beautiful blonde giggled. "I just may take you up on that." She took a deep breath and then sighed happily. "Oh, Ben ... I did it ... I'm graduating High School! I did it! Because of you!" She tittered and giggled as she wrapped me up in a hug again.

I patted her on the back again and felt my own spirits rise with Summer's enthusiasm. She looked up at me and for a brief moment, I was sorely tempted to scoop her up and plant another juicy kiss on her lips. But I resisted and just smiled.

Her own smile faltered for a second, her clear blue eyes searching into mine. And then the finality of it all began to sink in. And stepping right up to me so that those big tits were up against my chest, Summer wrapped her arms around me and looked up at my face. "Thank you, Ben. For everything, not just Modern Lit."

"You're very welcome," I replied sincerely.

"In spite of everything going on, these past few days haven't just been bearable; they've been some of the best days of my life," Summer said sweetly while beaming up at me.

"Me, too." It had been a long time since I felt close to someone without having regular sex with them. Maybe this was what Keira had meant about understanding real love, the kind of love that was possible without the clouded judgment of sex and lust. "I really enjoyed spending time with you."

"Me, too," Summer said in a husky voice, and for a second she got up on her tiptoes and leaned in towards me.

My eyes went wide. Of course I wanted to be intimate with Summer, but I also wanted not to be. This was about friendship, not lust, and when she moved in to kiss me I briefly worried that I wouldn't be able to control myself.

Perhaps she saw my hesitation. Perhaps she stopped for her own reasons. But either way, Summer arrested her ascension almost as quickly as she started, and she settled back down to her heels.

Relaxing, I sighed. "I'm going to miss hanging out with you in the afternoon. Even though we weren't doing anything, it felt really nice just to hold you in my arms, Summer."

She smiled and then tilted her head. "Hey, you promised to just be there for me through the end of the week. Well, there's still one more day of school left."

I smiled and nodded. "Right."

"Come over this afternoon? Hold me in bed?" Summer asked with shimmering blue eyes.

"Of course."

She smiled and this time got up on her tiptoes to peck my cheek. "See you later."

Brooke stomped into the house as soon as I pulled up to the curb. Freshmen HATED finals and my little sister was no different. Not that the rest of us enjoyed finals, but we were at least used to the grind.

So on autopilot, I drove off to Summer's house, contemplating the weird twists and turns of my life. I barely spoke two words to Summer before becoming Adrienne's boyfriend. Yeah, we partied together that Spring Break, but apart from some admiration for her gorgeous body, she was really no different from a hundred other girls at school. Even after Spring Break, we were just casual acquaintances and coincidental classmates for a single elective literature course.

Literally, I'd shown up for a casual study session just six days ago. Six days. Her world was crumbling and she ended up fucking my brains out. Since then there had been no sexual contact, and yet even though I'd been recently intimate with no less than FIVE other girls, Summer was the one I felt closest to.

She'd needed me. It was an intoxicating sensation, more alluring than being sexually desired. Summer didn't just need my dick, she needed ME. She needed someone to hold her while she cried. She needed someone to listen while she bitched and moaned about the stupidity of the male species. And she needed a reliable hand to squeeze comfortingly, as if I were a combination living teddy bear, stress ball, and warm blanket. And on top of that, I was a Modern Lit tutor.

But now that need was almost over. Her academics were pretty much complete. And she'd weathered the worst few days post-breakup. From what I could see, she'd gotten most of Jae out of her system, and she would no longer need a shoulder to cry on. It was time to move on.

I'd miss her. In the last couple of months since breaking up with Adrienne, I'd gotten plenty of sex. I got laid pretty much as often as ever, despite not having a steady girlfriend, which is something most guys can't say. But I had no emotional connection to anyone. I missed that part, and I'd gotten a taste of it back with Summer. But now that was ending, too. I wasn't in a relationship. I wasn't even dating. Summer and I were just in a temporary arrangement of support.

WE, Summer and I, were ending. And that made me sad. And it was in this state that I arrived at her house.

She met me at the door and immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

I took a deep breath and looked at her forlornly. She said nothing but stepped forward and wrapped her arms around my waist and laid her head against my shoulder.

"I'm going to miss this," I told her. "I don't think I've ever been able to just hug someone who wasn't my girlfriend."

I could feel her smiling. "That's because you're a boy. You get all weird about affection. Girls hug each other all the time."

My mind flashed back to the Spring Break orgy, particularly to a moment where Summer and Adrienne were laying on top of each other face-to-face, making out and crushing their tits into each other while I drilled Adrienne from behind. Before I realized it, I let out a low groan and felt my cock rising to bump Summer in the belly.

She giggled and stepped back, looking at the bulge in my shorts.

"Sorry," I murmured.

"Don't worry about it," Summer shook her head and then took my hand, squeezing it. "Come on in."

We found ourselves lying on her bed. I was sitting up with a couple pillows supporting my lower back. I had Summer lying on my chest while I stroked her back, both of us lost in our thoughts. We both knew she didn't need to cry and didn't really need to be held or comforted anymore. But we also knew that we both enjoyed this quiet cuddling.

The only times I'd ever really held someone this intimately were either right before or right after having sex. Before sex, I would be aroused and horny and eager to get to the fucking. After sex, I cuddled out of satisfaction and mellowness.

But holding Summer like this just felt ... relaxing. There was no pressure to move things along towards having sex. Actually, if we HADN'T fucked that first day, I might have been feeling some tension inside from desire for Summer. But now I could just feel peaceful and enjoy the pleasant affection without ulterior motive.

I would miss this.

I would miss her.

I wasn't even with her, but I'd bonded to Summer and I wasn't so eager to let go of that. So I asked softly, "Do we really have to stop?"

Summer chuckled and without turning her head to look at me, answered, "I have to give you back to your friends, Ben."

"What if I would rather spend more time with you?"

She didn't answer for a long few minutes, but twice I felt her arms tighten around me, clutching my body as if unwilling to ever let go. And then at last she let out a long exhalation of air. She tilted her head downwards, away from me. "I can't spend any more time with you, Ben. If I do, I'm afraid I'll fall in love with you."

I smiled and stroked her back. I could very easily imagine myself with Summer as my girlfriend. "Would that really be so bad?"

"I'm going to college, Ben. I'm leaving home and moving on with my life."

"UCLA isn't so far away," I pointed out, regretting it the moment I said it. Summer was starting a new chapter in her life. Who was I to try and hold her back? "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be pushing this."

She sighed. "Ben, you've helped me so much. I'd have been a wreck this whole week if it wasn't for you, and I may very well have failed all my finals. But just because I've had your support doesn't mean I'm not screwed up inside." She took a deep breath. "I've been through this enough times to know, Ben. I'm rebounding. I want to believe that these feelings I have for you are real. Most of the feelings probably ARE real; you're a sweet guy. But ... I'm smart enough to know that some of the feelings are pure rebound. And I don't want to build a relationship on a rebound. It wouldn't be fair to either one of us."

I sighed. "I know, I know." My 17-year-old brain understood. But my 17-year-old heart didn't want to admit it.

Summer turned in my arms then and crawled up until her face was level with mine. She touched my cheek with one hand and then leaned forward, softly pressing her lips to mine.

The tender kiss increased in pressure until she tilted her head and opened her mouth. My hands snaked up behind her head and held her to me as I probed with my tongue. She whimpered and moaned as our tongues touched and then we were breathing heavily through our noses as our kiss built and built into a full- blown heavy makeout session.

I lost track of how long we kissed. I was deliriously happy and yet felt the dark cloud in the back of my head, creeping over the horizon and steadily approaching. And as if by mutual consent, Summer and I slowed down our kisses until we finally pulled apart, panting for air while staring into each other's eyes from inches away.

It had been a thrilling kiss, and yet the instant it was over I immediately began wondering if that was our last. I got a pained look in my eyes and sighing, Summer moved up and pecked my forehead.

Stroking my cheek, she said quietly, "In another world, one where I'm not on the rebound from Jae and I'm not leaving for college in a few months, who knows where life might have taken the two of us?"

I closed my eyes and nodded. And when I opened them all my tension flooded out of me. I could accept. I took a deep breath and then looked at Summer's pretty face. "Can we still be friends?"

She smiled. "Of course!"

I nodded and then sat up. Scooting my butt over, I moved towards the edge of the bed and started looking around for my shoes.

Summer sighed and sat up against the pillows, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. And then in a hesitant voice, she said softly, "Ben?"

I paused while reaching for my shoe and turned to look at her. "Hmm?"

"You're leaving for this summer camp, when?"

"June 30th. Saturday."

"Two weeks?"

I nodded.

"And then you'll be gone for a month?"

I nodded again.

She took a deep breath and hugged her knees tightly. "Ben, I don't want you to visit me at all for those two weeks you're still here. Not after graduation."

Hurt, my eyebrows furrowed and I sat back against the bed heavily. "What? Why?" I moaned. I'd expected that Summer and I wouldn't be cuddling every afternoon or holding hands all day anymore, but I assumed she and I could still hang out and talk or even just go somewhere and be quiet together. I really DID feel quite relaxed when I was just near to her and saying nothing.

"Promise me, Ben. Promise." Her voice cracked and new tears were forming in her eyes.

With a pained expression, I nodded slowly. "OK. I promise. Two weeks. But I reserve the right to visit come August."

She barked a short laugh. "Okay." And then she let out a long exhalation, seeming relieved.

"But why, Summer?" I whimpered. "I'll do it. Not after graduation. But why?"

"Please, Ben? I ... I'm over Jae. I KNOW it," she said firmly.

I nodded. "That's good, that's good." But I didn't understand what that had to do with me.

Summer sighed. "But now ... now I'm going to need time to get over you."

"Get over?" I asked. "We're just friends, Summer. We'll always be friends."

"I know we will. But ... it's already too late. I have feelings for you, Ben; feelings that I'm going to have to get over. And I can't do that if you're still around."

I sighed and turned my head away, nodding slowly. "Me, too."

She reached out and squeezed my hand. I squeezed back, never wanting to let go. But it was time to let go. I leaned over and pecked Summer on the cheek, resigned to our fates. She was right. In another world, who knew where life might have taken the two of us? But this was the only world we really had. It was a world where the timing was off, where she was rebounding from a boyfriend and I was just a teenager with too many hormones and a tendency to be led around by my erection.

I stood up and looked towards my shoes again. But instead of reaching for them, I found myself unable to move. I didn't want to let go of her hand just yet. It was as if the moment I let go, it would all be over, and the hopeless romantic in me wished some magical, cosmic event would happen to change this world and make it possible for me and Summer to be together.

She didn't let go of my hand either. I don't pretend to know what was running through her mind, but I believed it was something similar to mine.

And then letting out one last breath of air ... I let go.

My hand was free in the air for less than a second, because almost as soon as I released her, Summer grabbed my hand again and yanked me back towards her. I spun instinctively and her other hand went up to my face, guiding me to her lips as we kissed with passion and love and terror at losing each other.

Our clothes went flying in every direction. And before I knew it, Summer was fully naked with those impossibly big and round tits sitting upright and being compressed down by my bare chest. Her hand wrapped around my cock and guided it to her sexual center, and once she got my mushroom head slotted into position her hand darted around and pulled on my buttcheek while I drove myself into her, grunting in effort while she threw her head back and moaned happily at the penetration.

The second after my pelvic bone slammed into hers, Summer grabbed my head and we kissed with a frantic energy. Mid-kiss, I withdrew my hips several inches and then rammed myself forward, the impact breaking our kiss for a moment before our lips found each other once again. And after I did it three more times she finally had to turn her head to gasp for oxygen and start whimpering her pleasure while I pistoned in and out of her tight, clenching pussy.

"Oh, Ben! Oh I wanted this so much! Fuck me! Fuck me! Deeper! Oh, Ben, Ben, Ben! Love me! Fill me! Fuck me!"

"Summer!" I grunted and drilled into her with wild abandon. "Summer!" I groaned in absolute rapture that after nearly a week of cuddling and affection that we were once again joined together in the most intimate of positions.

Her legs were crossed behind my ass, tugging me all the way inside her body with every thrust. Our mouths found each other over and over as we made love with our tongues just as much as with our loins. And when I felt her body shudder beneath me and her inner muscles clamp down around my invading shaft, she kissed me so hard my teeth hurt.

Seconds later, I joined her, thrusting my cock in to the hilt and spewing out a diluvial torrent of jism deep into her clasping pussy.

"Ohhh!" Summer groaned in ecstasy while we both felt our climaxes coursing through our bodies, and her hips kept twitching for several minutes long after I'd finished filling her up with my cum.

After we'd both recovered, I set my forehead down onto the pillow beside Summer's head. She turned her face to me and gave me a tender kiss on the cheek. And then I rotated my face to hers so that I could get another one, this time on the lips.

I was supporting most of my weight on my own elbows, but I still felt the lush curves of her body pressed against my chest while my cock deflated inside of her. I truly had enjoyed making love with Summer, but I searched her crystal blue eyes for any signs of regret. Even when I was trying to be a "good guy" and share warm, platonic affection without sex, I still wound up getting laid, and I worried it was my fault.

But there was no regret in Summer's eyes as she smiled at me and patted my back. "Now I'm REALLY going to need time to get over you," she said softly. "If we made love like that one more time there's no WAY I wouldn't fall head over heels in love with you."

My cock twitched at that thought, and Summer felt it inside her. My eyes lit up and I grinned, "Well, if you put it that way, maybe we should have another go."

Summer giggled but pushed gently at my shoulders. Obediently, I rolled off and pulled my prick out of her, lying beside her while staring at the ceiling. She slid her hand into mine and gave it a squeeze. "In another world, Ben. But for now, it's time for you to go."

I wasn't expecting to see Summer again until Saturday's graduation ceremony. But on Friday morning, just as I came up from the parking lot with Brooke, the beautiful California blonde was standing there waiting for me.

"Hi..." Summer said sweetly as she wrapped her arms around me in a fierce hug.

"Hi!" I replied in surprise while patting her on the back. "What are you doing here? I thought you and the Senior girls were going to the beach today?

"We are, but not until later. Candy said she's gonna sleep in until noon." Summer giggled, a sound that both brightened my spirits and broke my heart. I'd miss the sound of her voice. "I just wanted to see you before we left," Summer finished.

"I'm glad." I squeezed her hand.

We walked into the school together and eventually, we got into the general vicinity of my next final's classroom. Summer realized we were stopping and she pulled me over to a quiet alcove. "Ben..." Her voice cracked. "I meant what I said. After Saturday, we can't see each other anymore."

I felt my shoulders sag, but I nodded in agreement. "I understand."

She tilted her head to mine and leaned in as if to kiss me, but we both paused and after another moment's hesitation, she turned her head and we hugged each other tightly. "Thank you, Ben."

"You're very welcome," I replied in a soft voice while stroking her back.

We hugged for another few seconds before I felt that little tingle on the back of my neck that told me someone was watching us. I pulled back and looked over to see Adrienne standing there, giving us a funny look.

I returned to Summer and tenderly pecked her forehead. And then I released her away. She blinked away the little moisture forming in her eyes and sighed, turning and only then seeing Adrienne.

"Hey," Adrienne offered.

"Hey," Summer replied and then canted her head to the side with a wry grin on her face. "I'm so jealous of you, A.D."

Adrienne furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and looked back and forth between me and Summer. "Jealous? For what?"

"For him," Summer tilted her head towards me. "I only got a week. You still have him all next year."

Adrienne bit her lip and looked at the ground, not entirely sure how to respond to that. But Summer just turned and touched her right hand to my cheek and squeezed my hand with her left.

And then with a little smile, Summer let go of me and walked away.

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