
Cindy and Mindy


Back in the only 'safe' room of the heavily monitored villa he had been allotted by his 'good friend' who was now reaching the peak of his political career, Tom couldn't help but frown in displeasure as he pointed his finger at his 'assistant' in frustration. "Hey you, be honest with me here… it was because you knew about Emilia's 'secret' that you switched sides first, right?"

The girl with shoulder-length ash-blonde hair blinked at him in confusion. "W-What are you talking about… switched sides?"

Even though she now knew that she was 'born' in Red Dusk, all she remembered was her life in Blue Dawn. She may not be very smart, but Cindy still believed that, regardless of her past, Red Dusk didn't deserve her allegiance now.

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