
409. Win or Lose

Ben wants to finish the fight soon because the Ishgar Mages almost arrive. He planned to make them come here around this time, but the war didn't go as he expected. Defeating Alvarez was easy, but defeating Acnologia is very difficult.

If he hasn't defeated Alvarez, then the Mages can fight Alvarez's soldiers while he fights Acnologia. If he has just started fighting Acnologia, then the Mages can clean up the mess in Alvarez. But now the situation is not good because he and Acnologia almost settle their fight.

Rather than helping him, they will be burdens because he needs to be careful with his attacks. Luckily, Ben has briefed Mest who comes here with him. Mest teleports to the Fairy Ship and tells them to stop advancing.

"Now is not a good time to interfere. We will only make things harder for Ben because he can't go all out. So I advise you to fall back and give him room to fight," says Mest.

The other ships are connected virtually to Fairy Ships, so everyone hears what Mest said.

"Hey Mest, where's Ben? And who is that Gold Dragon?" asks Laxus.

"That is Ben," says Mest.

"Huh? What do you mean?" asks the others.

"That Gold Dragon is Ben. He can transform into a Dragon," says Mest.

Everyone is shocked because it's the first time they know this, except for Wendy, Bella, & Carla who knew this already.

"No way! Dragonization!?" says Anna in surprise.

"Hmm? Who are you?" asks Mest confusedly.

"She is my ancestor who traveled from the past through Eclipse Gate. She came to help us face Acnologia," says Lucy.

Mest becomes suspicious instead, so Makarov said, "It's alright, she is trustworthy."

"If Master says so," says Mest.

"Tell me, is it a Dragonization?" asks Anna.

"No, Ben said it's not the effect of Dragonization. He has dealt with the problem of his Dragon Seed, so Dragonization is not possible for him. But by solving that problem, he got the ability to transform into a Dragon freely through magic," says Mest.

"What?! Don't tell me!?" shouts Anna in surprise. The other knowledgeable Mages are also surprised when they hear it.

"Yeah, he used Take Over Magic: Dragon Soul," says Mest.

When they are still surprised, Mest adds, "Ben is a Dragon Slayer who has slew real Dragons. He said their souls got absorbed by him. Dragon Slayers' souls are unique. They have their human soul and a Dragon Soul embedded in their Dragon Seed. The souls of the Dragons they slew enhanced their Dragon Souls. Other Dragon Slayers will get Dragonized faster, but Ben could control it perfectly. Now, he can utilize that Dragon Soul by using Take Over Magic."

Everyone is in disbelief because even the Mage from the past, Anna never thought that it was possible. Well, she never even thought of that possibility. Besides, it's too absurd to thought of because all Dragon Slayers in the past always got Dragonized or died.

Well, it's up to them to believe it because that's really a gist of what Ben did. That wasn't the full explanation, but that was the gist of it. His Take Over Magic will get stronger if he slays Dragons, so he will get even stronger after slaying Acnologia.

"That's that, but what about the Alvarez Empire? We can fight them to end this war soo-," says Gray before Mest cuts him off.

"They have been defeated. Zeref has died along with all his Etherious Demons. Only 6 Spriggans are left alive, but they have been immobilized. No one stood a chance against those 2 nightmares. So the only enemy left is Acnologia," says Mest.

"T-then we can also fight Acnologia," says Natsu while having motion sickness.

"Fighting who? Natsu, I know you want to fight and help, but you will only make things harder for Ben. Have you forgotten why Ben lost an arm last year? It was because he needed to protect you fools while fighting," says Mest coldly.

Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, Sting, & Rogue who hear it clench their fist in frustration.

"But we've gotten stronger now," says Sting.

"And so is Acnologia. I'm sure some people realize this, but Acnologia is different now. He is stronger and seems to have more sense. In the past, he just looked like a beast, but now he looks like a real intelligent being. The current him is too dangerous for any of us here," says Mest.

Gray still protests, "But-."

"Either you listen to me, or I will send you all back to Ishgar with this," says Mest while taking a small marble out of his pocket.

"Ben made this device to teleport everything in a 1 km radius back to Ishgar. So do as I say or you'll leave this place instantly," says Mest.

They finally do as Mest said and fall back quite far. But they still choose a spot where they can watch the battle. They still want to make sure that everything will go nicely and end with Ben's victory.

The Mages watch as Ben fights against Acnologia and now they know why they shouldn't get closer. Not only they would be burdens, but the impact of the clashes and the stray attacks can also kill them anytime. They see a whole mountain gets destroyed by Acnologia's attack that gets evaded by Ben and vice-versa.

The battle between these 2 Dragons is very destructive and deadlier than any battles they've ever seen. Even Gildarts isn't sure he can help in any way even if his Magic is Dragon Slayer Magic. The hotheads and reckless guys are also stunned by the battle's intensity that they don't think about meddling anymore.

Ben and Acnologia exchange many super-powerful attacks that shatter their surroundings. They shoot super powerful magic spells that clash against each other and create massive impacts. Both of them seem equal in the eyes of the spectators.

But Ben knows things will be bad if they fight for too long. He is gaining the upper hand slowly, but it won't guarantee his win. Acnologia might do something unbelievable when he gets cornered to survive and win this battle.

His prediction turns out to be right when he starts to overwhelm Acnologia in power. He destroys Acnologia's attacks easily and his attack always hit Acnologia. In close combat, Ben gets much faster in his movement and he keeps hitting Acnologia while also stopping Acnologia's direct attacks easily.

Acnologia who is full of injuries now is looking angrily at Ben who looks fine because his injuries always get healed. Then Acnologia peeks at the distance. He looks at where the Ishgar Mages are staying right now.

With a grin, Acnologia flies very fast toward the Ishgar Mages. He knows that Ben will always protect those humans and he views it as a weakness. So he will use those humans to threaten Ben and win this battle.

But Ben has thought of this possibility since the Ishgar Mages arrived. He just watches as Acnologia flies toward his friends for a while before he suddenly disappears. A yellow flash of light moves very fast toward Acnologia.

In an instant, Ben arrives behind Acnologia and grabs Acnologia's wings, stopping his flight. Acnologia looks back in surprise because Ben has never shown this speed in their fight. The Mages who have gotten nervous are very relieved now because Ben has stopped Acnologia.

"Surprised? I didn't use this speed because I don't need to. You are too slow for me, and even now I don't need to use this. I just want to show you my real speed before you die. Also, let me tell you something. Showing your back to me is your biggest mistake because it signaled the end of our manly battle. It is now just win or lose, and you will lose," says Ben before putting his feet on Acnologia's back.

Ben then pulls Acnologia's wings while pushing Acnologia's body using his legs. Acnologia screams in agony before getting his wings ripped by Ben. He falls onto the ground with blood spraying from his wing bases while Ben is flying with a pair of wings in his hands.

The wings suddenly turn into magic particles and enter Ben's wings, making them glow brighter as they get stronger too. He never expected this to happen, but he won't refuse such a gift. Ben then dives fast toward Acnologia who has prepared a Dragon's Roar.

It's the strongest Dragon's Roar Acnologia ever made his whole life. He will kill Ben in one shot even if he needs to squeeze every bit of magic power he has. Ben can feel the massive power of this attack and he doesn't intend to evade it.

He coats his right hand with his Sun Evil Dragon God Magic while shaping it into a spear. It looks simple, but it's actually a very powerful spell that can pierce the planet itself. Then when Acnologia shoots the super duper powerful Dragon's Roar, Ben thrusts his hand spear.

Acnologia's Dragon's Roar clashes against Ben's Red-Black-Gold spear. Their clash creates a massive impact that flattens the destroyed Vistarion. It almost throws Ishgar's airship too, but the strong Mages block the shockwave with their magic.

But even just the impact of the 2's clash has troubled these powerful Mages. They need to use their best ability to block the shockwave. Now all of them realized that they were still underestimating Acnologia just now. They really hope that Ben will win this battle now or the world is doomed.

As if to answer their hope, Ben pierces Acnologia's Dragon's Roar after increasing his attack power to the max. He increases his spear's sharpness by focusing the power on the tip. His magic spear then splits Acnologia's Dragon's Roar into 2 parts.

One part flies to outer space and hits a meteor far away from the planet. While the other one hits the moon. The one that hits the moon shocks everyone on Earth Land because it actually destroys half of the moon and makes it a permanent crescent moon.

Just half of Acnologia's attack power can do that, so people can only imagine what that attack's full power can do. But for now, they focus on the battle because they are also impressed by the one who could split such an attack.

Ben finally reaches Acnologia with his powerful and super-sharp spear. Acnologia widens his eyes and realizes that it's over now. Time seems to move slowly and he can clearly see Ben's calm expression even after facing his most powerful attack.

Acnologia can also hear what Ben says clearly, "Farewell, the world's enemy."

After saying that, Ben's spear hits Acnologia's head. There's no resistance whatsoever, his spear pierces Acnologia's head easily, and it cuts Acnologia's body into 2 as Ben moves down. Ben lands on the ground and Acnologia's body falls in 2 parts. The world-shaking battle is over.


Hi guys, just a little announcement. Fairy Tail: Sun Eater has reached the last chapter in Patreon. You can read it faster there, but don't worry, I'll still upload here until the last chapter.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 455. Uta's Plan (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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