
184. Dragon Knight

"Hoo, it looks stronger now and it looks like a Dragon Knight rather than a Dragon. Let's see its power before I finish this," says Ben as he looks at the 2nd form of Dorma Anim.

The Dorma Anime suddenly jumps high to the sky and opens its mouth. It shoots multiple big magic bullets onto him at a high rate. Ben moves around to avoid the incoming bullets while slashing those that he can't dodge.

The bullets hit the ground and create some big explosions. These bullets don't have heat or fire properties so Ben can't take it head-on. It seems the King has learned from his mistakes and changed his strategy.

"He uses pure magic bullet just like the previous roar spell. Well, at least he learned, or he will be too stupid," says Bem as he approaches the Dorma Anim.

Before Ben can get close though, Dorma Anim lands on the ground. Then it swings its right sword toward Ben and he blocks it with his sword. He gets flung back and as he flies, the ground beneath him erupts after some purple light beams come out of the ground.


Many spots on the ground around Ben erupt quite strongly. Faust sees Ben gets engulfed by the eruption and laughs. But then he remembers Ben's tenacity, so he swings his sword 3 more times to make some more eruptions.

"Hahaha, this is the power of Dorma Anim. You shouldn't look down on your opponent, brat! Now you have paid the price," says Faust.

"Heh, the price must be very cheap, or maybe it's free. This thing isn't as impressive as what you said it'd be," says Ben from inside the scattered dust.

As the dust disperses, Ben can be seen standing on where he was before. He is encased in a big dark purple energy ball. It is a gravity barrier spell that he found in Magic Library. He used it to block the eruptions' impacts.

"Well, I must praise you to have such a strong robot. Too bad that I am your opponent. You will have a chance if you fight the other Dragon Slayers in my guild, even if they fight together. I don't want to show off too much in my new guild, but there's no one here besides us, so I think it's fine. I also want to test this new skill," says Ben as he holds his Pendragon sword and charges it with Solar Energy.

"Tch, what are you blabbering about? This fight isn't over yet," says Faust.

Dorma Anim opens its mouth again and then shoots a big magic beam. This roar spell is far stronger than the first one that it used while still in normal form. Ben will need to use a lot of Magic Power to counter this with his roar spell.

But it won't make Ben fazes, it makes him even more excited instead. It is a rare chance to test his new skill against a very strong attack. He holds the sword in his right hand but he raises it on his left.

"Sun Dragon Twister!"

Ben swings his sword down before raising it to his right as if he makes a circling motion. He even spins his body a few times in the air following his swing. Then a big golden spiral slash attack comes out of his sword and moves toward the magic beam.


The 2 attacks collide and get into a stalemate for a brief moment before Ben's attack cuts through the beam. It slices the magic beam into small parts as it keeps moving toward Dorma Anim. Faust is in disbelief seeing his attack get cut like bread.

"Shit!" curses Faust as he controls Dorma Anim to get away.

Dorma Anim succeeds to evade Ben's attack that keeps moving and cuts some attractions in the Amusement Park. Ben is very satisfied with this new attack because it is very powerful.

But of course, it needs a lot of Magic Power to be used to produce that much attack power. His proficiency over this technique isn't that high yet. So he needs to use more Magic Power to make it very strong, and the effect is greater than his anticipation.

"N-No way! Dorma Anim is the greatest power that used Ethernano in the surrounding. That attack was the strongest attack that it can make. How could you break it easily?" asks Faust in frustration.

"How? Simple. Because I am stronger, that's the sole reason for every victory. Those who have higher power will always win, that's how it is. Your machine is good, but it's not good enough to defeat me," says Ben while smirking.

"DAMN BRAT!" says Faust angrily.

Faust gets angry and attacks Ben with the Dorma Anim. He uses everything from Roar, swords attacks, eruption, bullets, and missiles. Ben grins as he counters every attack happily.

It's a chance for him to fight a rather strong opponent with his sword, after all. He hasn't had the chance to do this before, so he is happy with this opportunity. Besides, he wants to know his limit if he just uses his magic sword and doesn't go all out.

Ben is rather overwhelmed at first, but then he gets more used to it. His swordplay becomes better and better as he fights. He is very happy because this fight is also like training for him.

But then he gets reminded that he can't play for too long. He has something to do after this so he needs to finish this fast. The sword training can wait until he returns to Earth Land.

"Sorry about this, old man. But this game needs to finish soon," says Ben.

"Game?! You think this is a game?" asks Faust angrily.

"That's right, this is a game," says Ben who suddenly appears in front of Dorma Anim's face.

Faust is surprised and controls Dorma Anim to move back. But Ben is faster than him and has prepared a sword attack. Pendragon glows very bright as it gets engulfed in golden flame.

"This is the end," says Ben as he slashes at Dorma Anim's neck.

A golden slashing arc is generated from Pendragon and hits Dorma Anim's neck. It cuts through the neck easily and the head gets separated from its body. The cutting mark is glowing red because the attack was very hot that which makes the metal glows bright red.

Dorma Anim falls as Ben also lands on the ground. Ben goes up to the Dorma Anim's stomach and he covers his hands with solar energy to make them shaped like Dragon's claws. Then he plunges his claws onto the robot and rips it apart.

After he ripped the robot, he finds the scared King Faust inside. Ben grins sinisterly then he sends a punch at the old king but stops right in front of the old guy's face. Still, Ben's killing intent on that punch is enough to make the old guy faint.

"Mystogan won't be angry because I do this to his dad, right?" ponders Ben.

"I won't be angry," says Mystogan who suddenly appears.

"Oh, you're here. I was too focused on the battle that I didn't sense you. So, how is the plan?" asks Ben.

"It went well. I've found an Anima big enough to send Magnolia back and I've done that. Now I just need to send you guys back and also send every Ethernano in this world to Earth Land," says Mystogan.

"Are you sure about that? You still can use magic even with thin Ethernano here," says Ben.

"It's fine. This world needs to change," says Mystogan.

"Alright then, do as you wish. But as I've asked you before, I want to know everything about Anima. In exchange, I will teach you some technologies that don't need the use of Magic Power. I won't tell you everything though because I want to give some to my other self," says Ben.

"That's fine. He is not an enemy of this world, so I can trust him. Besides, he should be much smarter than me in technology. So he will do better," says Mystogan.

"That's great. Now, let's put all of this to an end," says Ben while grinning.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 219 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 230 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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