
14. Battling Bandit Group

Ben have defeated the 2 bandit guards without making any commotion. Then he tie them and close their mouth before hiding them in the bushes.

"Good job, Princess."-Ben rub Bella's head

"Milk 1!"-Bella

"Alright, alright Your Majesty. I'll give you your bonus milk later."-Ben

"What should we do now, Big bro Ben?"-Wendy

"Franklin, you stay here and watch for these 2. We will enter the cave and take out the other bandits."-Ben

"Alright, leave the already tied up guys to me."-Franklin

"Wendy, we will move stealthily and try to not alert the bandits. You stay behind me, there might be a mage among them after all."-Ben


Team Ben then go toward the cave to attack the bandits. They enter the cave and move stealthily without making any sound. Their experience in hunting animals gave them some level of mastery over the art of silent movement.

When they get rather deep, they find 2 paths in the cave. One path is to the left, while the other just straight ahead. The left path seem to be man made with some wood blocks to support it.

"Was this a mine or something?"-Ben

"Which path that we should take?"-Wendy

*sniff sniff*

"Both path are used frequently, but i hear some sounds from the straight path. Hmm, let's go strai-"-Ben

Ben suddenly see a dim light coming from the straight path and stop his talk. He pull Wendy to hide behind the wall of the left path. They wait for a moment, and can see someone is walking with a torch.

Ben wait until the bandit get close, and he immediately attack. Ben jump and put Bella on the bandit's face to cover the bandit's mouth. Ben also immediately choke him with a rear choke until the bandit pass out.

"Milk 2!"-Bella

"Alright, alright."-Ben

Ben tie the bandit and put him on the side near the wall. Then they go to the straight path where the bandit came from. They walk silently and finally reach the deepest part. There, they didn't find anyone, but find many items laying around.

"This is their storage room, so they must be on the other path. Let's return then!"-Ben

They leave the room and move to the other path. However, they suddenly hear many footsteps coming. Then soon, they see many people coming while carrying weapons & torches.

"We've been compromised. You guys, stay behind! Wendy, prepare for battle!"-Ben


The girls stay behind while Ben is in front. Soon, the enemies arrived and they face each other.

"I thought it will be some strong mages or knights, but they're just kids and.... cats?"-Bandit 1

"12 normal bandits, one mage."-Ben

"Oho, you can find out that i'm a mage? You have a good sense, kid."-Bandit Mage

"Wendy, help me fight the normal people, but leave the mage to me! Also, don't use big scale magic!"-Ben


"Damn, he's underestimating us! Did you think a little girl like that can defeat us?"-Bandit 2

"Save your rant! They're mages, not your ordinary kids, so be careful!"-Bandit Mage

When the bandits talk, Ben & Wendy move without warning. They attack the normal bandits with their martial arts. They cover their hands and legs with their elements to attack the bandits.

Ben can fight the bandits with his hand to hand combat easily, but Wendy isn't. She is not experienced to fight real person in a real battle. She has only fight with Ben & Roubaul in sparring, which is different from real battle.

"Wendy, you can use spell, but use small scale spell!"-Ben


Wendy then gather magic power on her hands and create a whirlwind on it.

"Sky Dragon's Crushing Fang!"-Wendy

Wendy swing her hand and strike the enemies, leaving a trail of wind behind. The attack hit the bandits and injure them, altough it's not too deep. The power behind Wendy's magic is still not that high, but it's still strong enough to fight normal people like them.

Ben also fight the bandits with his fire covered fists and feets. His strength is far stronger than Wendy, and even stronger than these bandits. Added with the fire magic, his attacks are packed with power. Just one hit can injure the bandit greatly and defeat them shortly after.

The bandit mages, which is also the leader of the bandit group grit his teeth in frustation. His mens are defeated by 2 kids easily, especially by Ben. Ben have defeated 8 of his men, while Wendy have defeated 3. Now there's only him left in the group.

"Hmph, you kids sure have some power in your body to defeat my mens easily. But don't think that i will be defeated easily like them."-Bandit Mage is still confident

"Wendy, step back and take a rest!"-Ben

Wendy get back and sit with Carla & Bella. She pant a little because she feel tired by the battle. The bandits might be normal people, but they can fight rather well. So for the inexperienced Wendy, they're some good opponents. Well, she is just a 7 y.o, so her stamina isn't that good.

"Prepare to die, brat!"-Bandit Mage

The bandit mage take out his long sized staff. Then he create a white magic circle using the staff.

"Lightning Snake Bite!"-Bandit Mage

The bandit mage make a snake made of lightning that fly toward Ben. Ben can't dodge because the girls are behind him. So Ben put his hand in front of him and spread his palm, then a red magic circle appear.

"Sun Dragon's Fire Jaws!"-Ben

A big dragon mouth made of fire appear and bite the lightning snake, destroying it.

"Tch, then how about this? Lightning Roots!"-Bandit Mage

The bandit mage stab his staff to the ground and create a big white magic circle below him. Then from the magic circle, a lot of lightning currents come out and move on the ground like slithering snakes. The lightning currents spread on the cave's wall & floor.

Ben didn't have the perfect counter for this attack without destroying the cave. So he decide to defend it, by covering his whole body with sun plasma. The lightning currents hit him and electrocute him.



"BIG BRO BEN!"-Wendy


"STAY BACK! I can handle this."-Ben

The lightning attack stop soon, and Ben is still standing, he only get minor injuries.

"Is that what you got? Heh, that's weak."-Ben smirk

"Tch, i'll show you what i can do."-Bandit Mage want to strike again

"Too bad, this is my turn."-Ben

A magic circle already appear in front of Ben when the bandit finish his talk. Ben then put his right palm on the magic circle.

"Sun Dragon's Rays!"-Ben

Many lines of sunrays come out from the magic circle. They shoot straight like beams toward the bandit mage. The mage try to dodge, but no one can match the speed of light.


"AARRGGGH!"-Bandit mage

After Ben's attack stopped, the bandit mage is laying on the ground, unconscious. That attack will surely kill a normal people, but a mage will be able to survive it. The bandit mage have some injuries & burn mark from that attack, but he is still alive, so it's fine.


Wendy immediately heal Ben after he finish his attack.

"Thanks, Wendy. Are you guys okay?"-Ben

"We should be the one who ask you."-Carla

Bella immediately fly around Ben to check if he's fine.

"Hahaha, i'm fine, that's just a small sting."-Ben

"Yeah, we'll believe you if you don't scream like that."-Carla

"That's just a reflex because i got electrocuted."-Ben

"Hihihi, you should believe Ben nii-san, Carla."-Wendy

"Sigh, alright, alright, let's not talk about this and finish our job."-Ben

Ben then tie all the bandits and drag them outside. But when he come accross the other path, Ben decide to check it. They follow the path and only find some dirty mattress & other furnitures. It's just the bandit's bedroom.

They leave it and continue to drag the bandit out. Franklin who hide behind the bush worrily finally come out and get relieved. He heard the battle sound and get worried. He's ready to get inside if Team Ben take some minutes longer.

Franklin then go back to the town alone. He will ask the town's guard to take the bandits and the stolen goods. It didn't take long for the guards to arrive and take the bandits away. Team Ben also return to mayor's office, and their job is done.


Support me on Pa_treon if you like my story and want to read some chapters ahead. It will help me to buy internet data too.

I've upload Chapter 31 & 32 there today.


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