


"Did she vomit?"

"Maybe. I am not sure." Randy gasped and shook his head.

"She's tachycardic. Her skin feels wet and cold and her breathing is slowing down. Take her blood pressure."

"I ... Mom ... don't..." Lord Top kept muttering on the moving bed.

"He is incoherent and unconscious with serious alcohol toxic. Take her into the emergency room and call Doctor Jenkins over"


Lord Top lay on the moving bed. Several nurses quickly pushed it into the emergency room. Randy hurriedly followed them, but soon he was kept outside. A nurse handed over a form and said, "Fill out the form and pay the bill."

The first column was "The patient's Name".

Randy pondered for a few seconds, but he couldn't remember Lord Top's real name.

He reached out to get his phone from his pocket, but it was empty. Then it occurred to him that his phone had been taken away.

Since Randy was in a trance, the nurse asked him anxiously, "Why didn't you fill it out?"

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