
Chapter 8 - Altren the human fryer

Growling stomach woke Zhou kang up. He sat up, pulling the thick sheets down. 'ughhh my head hurts...'

he jumped down from his bed and walked to the bathroom. Cleaning up was really fast after which wore the clothes he found nearby. His stuff was all on a table next to their bunk beds.

"Now let's take a look at this guy's schedule. Wait, I don't even know what this guy's major is?" he picked out all the books inside the bag. Only psychology and other textbooks related to this were on the table.

"Psychology major.... not bad. But I'm very bad at discerning human behaviour."

Maybe it was because of his years living as a system he lost human touch. He had his consciousness, but he could not differentiate people's intentions towards him. Prime example was his meeting with his brother. He initially thought that guy was a ruffian, but much to his surprise, he was a soft, cuddly teddy bear.

'Yeah, a teddy bear that can grow scales and punch a table into dust,'

He placed the book down carefully. A small slip of paper slid out from one of them.

"What's this now." he picked it up. It was his class schedules. It was neatly arranged and colour coordinated. But the funny thing is the entire chart was full.

"Oh, my god was this guy a nerd. No wonder everyone gave me a look when I said I was skipping. How am I going to keep up with this curriculum," he really had no idea. From morning to evening seven, his schedule was fully packed.

After that this guy worked part time in a few cafes and a library.

"It's going to be really hard,"

Suddenly, his phone pinged loudly. He picked it up. There was a text from a guy named A.

"Did I save some thug's number? Or.... do I have any other siblings," the last time he had ignored a call from his brother Gwyn and the circumstanced lead to him busting into his room.

He did not want that to happen again.

'Shit, let me reply to it fast,'

He hastily read the text. It only said a few words. ['Meet me by the library at 7pm,']

"Why should I meet this guy," he read the contact information. There was nothing else other than his number. "I need to do a lot of research regarding this original owner. It looks like he had a lot on his plate,"

Last night, he found a lot of info on the Gemini twins. They first appeared five years ago and tried to steal an expensive diamond. But Alta and Zain stopped them.

From then on, wherever they went, Alta had followed like a lost puppy. Sometime this hero names Zain would pop out and take them down.

"hmmm Alta and Zain. What is it that they want from a failed villain?"

Thinking of this topic, his mind wandered to his own body. He glances at his hands. It looked dainty and soft as a baby's butt. 'How can this hand's owner be a villain?'

"Wonder what my powers are, though,"

The news article did not cover reading this topic. "Maybe this information is meant to confidential,"

He even searched in social media to find out about his so-called powers but nothing came up.

Zhu kang suddenly remembered his brother's scaly arms. "Ah, I hope I'm not a fish-man....."

His phone pinged once again. This time from that same A guy. ['I heard you skipped class. Is anything the problem? Should I drop by?']

This time, he replied. ['No I am doing good,']

['Really? Any way I brought porridge, open the door,'] that person replied instantly.

Zhu kang glanced at the door with his eyes wide open. 'Huh, he came here!!! What should I do? Should I just pretend to be away?..'

"I know you are in there." the guy shouted from the other side.

'Darn now I have no option but to open up.'

He opened the door partially. "You can pass it in,"

The person just pushed the door and rammed himself in. This man walked so fast that he could not even see his face.

Zhu kang watched him worry as the man settled down casually on the love gel guy's bed.

"Your dorm looks nice,"

He just rolled his eyes. 'Buddy, do you not see the unwashed underpants hanging right in front of your face? You are still calling it nice?' he just wanted to pluck the underpants out of the way and see his face but knowing that it was love gel guy's he did not want to get even near it.

"I told you I was doing fine."

That man dazzling smirked. Only a few parts of his face were seen, his curved smiling lips, his strong jaw line and his hair. His blond hair shone brightly with a golden tinge in them. "I know, but I wanted to check on you myself...."


"I wanted to know when we are going to start our group project together," the man anxiously whispered.

It felt like he was anticipating something else.. Zhu kang narrowed his eyes slightly. "I see...when is it due?"

"Next week, but let's finish it early as we can,"

"Okay, let's go finish it then," he picked up his bag. He was fairly confident that he can manage this project. 'What is Google for? He-he...'

The man shot up. "Really? That's great. Let's go, my car is waiting,"

Only then did Zhu kang see his full face. His sea blue eyes peered at him with anticipation.

'wait a minute, that face looks very familiar. Isn't that?..'

"Altren?!" Zhu kang gasped loudly. 'Oh my god, the human fryer Altren!! We go to the same college!!!!!!!!!!'

Altren froze. "What? what is it? Is there a spider on me?"

"n—no.... just wanted to say your name..." he tried to smile but failed miserably. Just being close to him made his body shiver uncontrollably. Maybe it was the original owner's residual fear, or maybe his own fear of this hero.

'His lighting punched must hurt really bad.... what if he finds out I am one of the Gemini twins?.... mommmyyyyyyy,'

"What are you waiting for? Let's go," he pulled him out the door by gripping his hand.

"Wait.. Where?" Zhu kang tightly gripped the doorframe.

"To your place dummy." Altren tugged at him a bit and he went flying towards him. The young hero held his shoulders and stabilised him. "Be careful..."

Zhu kang was still in shock. There was a block of wood in his palm. He tossed it aside. "What do you mean by my place?"

Altren's eyes went cold for a second. "You said that we will finish the project at your place, right?"

"Did I? Sorry, I forgot ha-ha," he awkwardly laughed.

Only then did Altren smile again. "Let's go, my uncle is waiting for a long time down there,'

'Mommy, he is so scary'

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