
How Did It Make You Feel?

The card game consisted of werewolves, a witch, a hunter, and the rest were villagers. Everyone must work together to uncover the werewolves or else they were all dead. The game got heated as they played their third game. Ping Ping was adamant he was not a werewolf, but Wen Dong was suspicious of him. They only had one werewolf left, a witch, and 3 villagers. So, Wen Dong tried to convince the rest that the baby pinkette was the one who was a werewolf.

“You think Ping Ping is sweet, but didn’t you see how vicious he could be? He didn’t even give Marik a chance to tell his side before he was accusing him. He was a villager too.”

“Ah Dong! I am a villager! I wouldn’t be werewolf. I am too cute,” Ping stated and posed cutely, which only earned him more suspicious looks.

“You aren’t helping yourself, Ah Ping,” Shun stated leaning in with brows dipped and a stare.

“Gege!” Ping pouted and Shun tilted his head with a hum.

“I vote Ping Ping,” Wen Dong said with his hand raised.

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