
Always Be His Favorite

Speaking of Taemeng and Star, they were currently eating their scooped ice cream on the table inside the shop. Neither one was speaking as they ate quietly, not looking at one another. Star could not believe she was wearing her big comfortable shirt and her short shorts. She was embarrassed and wished she didn’t rush out so quickly!

She opened her mouth wanting to say something, but she filled it with ice cream.

“Star,” Taemeng finally spoke up with a sigh, “Are you upset with me?”

“N… No,” she shook her head, “Sorry. I just… I wished I changed first. I don’t look presentable. I apologize, Ah Tae.”

“You look… nice,” the male dancer said with his ears warmed, “Comfortable.”

Star laughed softly and nodded.

“I like big shirts,” her eyes immediately went to his shirt. She had wondered how much would the dancer’s shirt covered her small body.

‘Would it carry his scent for a while even after I wash it?’

Her eyes widened and she quickly looked away with her cheeks hot.

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