
Are You... Just Shy?

Suu Jin rubbed his back and held him just as tight.

He walked with the idol to the couch and cried. With all the failures and defeat he felt, he wondered if the idol prince would leave him too. So, he held tighter and kissed longer, hoping the pinkette was not going to throw him away. He didn’t like losing or failing, he had done it much in his past life, he didn’t want to be like that here too.

This was why he chose to be lazy.

Living a lazy life, there were not much expectations of you, not much responsibilities, and no chance at failing. His mind wandered, wondering if this was how Prince Peter felt as well. Maybe that was why the prince would join him lazing around the secluded areas.

“It will be alright,” Suu Jin’s angelic voice soothed him and fingers wiped away his tears.

“Will it?” He whispered and lips touched his again.

“Yes,” the idol prince kissed his tears, kissed his cheeks, and Shun felt the kisses seeped through to his heart.

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