
Not alone

The people in the tavern talk a lot even after the girl and I have agreed that Ignis is handsome. I can catch their opinions and finally have an impression of what people think.

Most of them don't really care about Mages. Their worries are all about surviving. They need to feed themselves, provide for their families, pay taxes and so on. They have no time and spare brains to think too hard about what the Church wants.

We won't have an uproar if we protect Mages; nothing will happen if we don't. It means Ignis is free to act or not act, for what regards the people. Nobles are a whole nother matter, but they need to be dealt with, in another way.

We sit in the tavern some more, taking mental notes about what we hear. Aria observes me in silence for the whole time, not very interested in her surroundings. Well, I guess she has heard everything already, many times.

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