
Season 3 - Past Vs Future (Part 5)

Sarah did not waste time as after she had given the orders she appeared before the attacker. The flowing black hair, the slim white body and the red eyes looked like a reflection of Sarah. But Sarah did not lose her concentration because of the similarities as she attacked with great speed and accuracy for the head of her opponent. The attack seemed easy as her opponent simply evaded it and sent Sarah flying away with only her breath.

"Well, that was a disappointment as you are very weak", Sarah's opponent said with a smirk as she drew out her sword from her sheathe.

Without wasting time, her opponent attacked but was stopped by Henric's sword mid-way. Before her opponent could react, Layla gave her a punch to the face which was ended with a thousand slices by Eric. However, even after seeing her opponent's body parts in pieces, Sarah was cautious as she felt great aura arising.

"That was a nice attempt but it will be hard for you to kill me since I am Sarah from the future", their opponent said as she was regenerating. "I will have to kill so as to keep the future the way it is meant to be as you are changing the past", Future Sarah continued.

Sarah was tired of hearing this nonsense and attack with the intention to kill but as her attack was half-way to her future self's head, a great bolt of lightning struck in between them. This separated them from each other.

[Chronicles of Life]: The lightning bolt was instilled with Caleb's meaning Caleb purposely separated you two from fighting. I believe that it is because of the huge difference in power, skill and experience. Also take note that your future self can not kill you or else she would die. Therefore, I believe that she will seal you in the Time Vortex.

"I need to be more that is all I got from that", Sarah thought.

Fred appeared out of nowhere with a combination attack with Mary who was expected to guard Merlin and Stilt. Using [Black Flame] combined with [Silk Threads] forming [Flaming Web], Future Sarah was put in a tight situation as she knew the extent of damage it could cause.


On the otherhand, George's prediction was correct as a fast-moving opponent was seen East by Tom.

"George, there is a shadow moving round this area. I am following it right now and ....", Tom said as his [Telepathy] was cut off.

George immediately hurried to the East of the town only to see Tom's body lying on the ground dead with his head on a stick. Filled with rage, George's aura engulfed the whole town.


Kenna was now held down by Summer's [Shadow Puppets], her breathing was increasing rapidly as blood was sipping out of her body. Her soul was breaking until she heard a voice.

"Don't tell me that you are being corrupted by your emotions"

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