
Horrors Of The Old One...

Chapter 17 - Horrors Of The Old One...

For a moment he was sure time just stopped for him, his mind trying to comprehend exactly what Rem just said.

And due to how absurd and incredulous the mental image for him was, his brain failed to do it's job

Which means his brain temporarily went down, again.

And it's not helping that he just woke up, and as everyone knows, he is not in the brightest mood when he first wakes up.

Of course Rem notice that his mind was going somewhere once again and she wasted no time in bringing him back to the living world by pinching his cheeks again.

Were it normal days she is sure she going to enjoy doing this to him but since the situation now pretty dire, she feel nothing but irritated... Okay maybe a bit of amusement but only a bit

"Aaron-sama! Don't go back to sleep or go to somewhere! This is serious matter!" She said seriously while playing with the pseudo Saber cheeks, she must admit, he does have soft cheeks. Now she can understand why he seems enjoying this

"Alwight! Alwight!" He said as he flailed in her grip. He place both his hands on top of hers and easily remove them from him -much to Rem's annoyance- then he begin to rub his eyes, after that he shake his head strongly "Okay, okay..." He take deep breath before let it out slowly "What you saying again?"

"The Capital is under attack!" Rem said almost in yelling voice

Aaron stare at her, face mixture of disbelief and... Confusion?

"The Capital... As if Capital the main city of Lugnica?"


"The Capital... As if the most guarded city in this land?"



"Aaron-sama! Now is not the time!" Rem snapped at him with irritated look

"Sorry! Sorry!" Aaron hastily apologized "It just..." He take another deep breath, hand pinching his nose and he shook his head, dismissing any useless thought "Alright, alright. Explain to me from the beginning."

Rem open her mouth, however before she can say anything the door of Aaron's room flung open rather forcefully, making both she and Aaron turned to it

"Aaron! Quick we have to-You still sleep?!" Emilia yelled when notice Aaron still in his sleeping outfit

"Emi? What-"

"Look! There's no time! Go change your cloth! Rem, prepare the dragon! We leaving soon!"

"Yes Emilia-sama."

Rem bowed to the half elf before she give one last look at Aaron who only blinking in confusion then she leave the half elf and the pseudo Saber alone

"Emi..." Aaron raised single eyebrow to her "Why we going to the Capital?" He inquired

"Why?" Emilia sounded flabbergasted and shocked at the question "Why?! Isn't it obvious?! Aaron! The Capital is under attack!"

"So?" He pressed in uncaring voice "Pardon me for my lack of enthusiasm but... You do realize that Lugnica is dubbed as the Kingdom who is strongest right? Even if right now we weakened but we still strong, Vollachia that harbor ill feeling toward us even think thrice before attacking." He tilt his head "Do you get what I mean? Even if the Capital attacked there won't be anything big happen, it still going to-"

"But I can't just not coming like that!" Emilia cut him with straight voice "Aaron! There people in there! Even if the Capital manage to repel the attacker but there still-"

"Alright, alright I get it." It was his turn to cut her, he take another deep breath "You... You're right, I'm sorry for not thinking this through. My mind kind of mess now and..."

Emilia flinched, guilt start to crawl inside her stomach. Due to the sudden urgent she become panic, and she forget that Aaron actually sick, he just recovered from two days sleeping

"I.. No, I'm sorry, I..." She bit her lips and looked down, feeling guilty and ashamed "I... I did not considering your situation. You just wake up after nearly..." Gods, why she... Why she yelling at him like that? She should know better... Perhaps got awakened in middle of night also bothering her "You can stay if you want Aaron, you just recovering after all and I don't want you to-"

"No, let's agree that we both were in fault." He cut her again while sighing this time "You were right about we should go, you're Royal Candidate after all." If she not going then imagine just how bad her image in front of nobles could be? She already in thin line due to her heritage and if she not come there it can be taken as sign of lacking of love to the Kingdom

But he don't want her to go to there

Because something is obviously not right in here

In any Arc's of the story, never once the Capital of Lugnica attacked. Be it from other country or outside force; such as Witch Cult or group of Assassin where Elsa and other belong

Obviously because assaulting the Capital directly is stupid. It was home of the Royal Guard's, despite there large slum over there but it doesn't change that it was the strongest city of this nation. Nation where despite it has been isolated and closed from outside help for years it still stand strong, unconquered and undefeated

Not to mention there Reinhard van Astrea as well, the most powerful character in Re:Zero universe, the one that capable to go toe on toe against Satella herself, the Witch that has swallowed half of the World and bring them to their knees

And now there someone or something out there that blatantly attack that place, place where the strongest living being in this World live

'Just what the hell is going on?!' Capital being attacked?! Great Gods! How's that even possible?! What kind of things he did to resulting such thing?! There's no way this caused by his act!

Which mean... It was outsider... Just like the Prophecy...

"Alright, let's go then." He said with firm expression

"Right." Emilia nodded "I will waiting-"

"There's no need for that."

Aaron hopped from his bed, the moment his feet touch the ground and he stand, a countless gold colored of moth-sized light started to forming around him, shrouding him. They only appear in one second before they all gone and the blond no longer in his sleeping outfit but in his armor

"I'm ready." He said

The half elf blinked few times. She forgot that Aaron can summon his armor anytime "Alright."

Both of them waste no time to get out from the room and walk toward the entrance of the mansion in fast pace

"Give me the summary of the situation." Aaron asked

"We don't know." Emilia answered grimly "We don't know the situation but we do know that the Capital is under attack."


"As one of important person for Lugnica, Roswaal have emergency alarm in case things like this happen. He hand it to Ram and ten minutes ago it set off."

Hmmm, that was not unexpected "And what time is it now?"

"4:25 solartime." She answered

"... We probably going to be there at six then." He murmured. Usually it take three hours from their place to Capital but that is under normal speed, however if they push it they can arrive one half hour early

And things probably finished at that time, and either the result is positive or negative, it will be better if they did not come

Still... It will do a good things to keep coming for the sake to keep Emilia's image. If nobles see her there and helping people, her image will raise further, especially if she healed someone important.

Not to mention he also curious and want to know what happened

It wasn't long before they arrive at the front yard, they granted by sight of Rem who pulling pair of black colored earth Dragon that bonded to carriage

"It is ready Emilia-sama, Aaron-sama." She informed

"Good." Emilia nodded "We should depart as fast as possible then."

"Wait." Aaron interjected, making both girl turn to him "If I may know, are we going to be faster if we did not use carriage?"

"Yes." Rem answered "Aaron-sama can arrive in Capital within hour or more -but not much- if Aaron-sama not using carriage."

"Then, isn't it will be better if we go without them?" He suggested

Rem shake her head "We only have two dragons."

"You and Emi go together, I will be alone, or one of you can-"

""Rem/I will be with you!"" Rem and Emilia offered at same time. Both girl blinked once before looking at each other, then they awkwardly shift their gazes away

Aaron also blinked at them, his eyes darted to the duo for a few seconds "Oookay..." He trailed in unsure voice. That, that was awkward... And strange as Hell "Unfortunately Rem, I can't bring you with me, it will be only Emi and I." While Emilia beamed at being choosen but Rem clearly not happy judging from her pouty face, and Aaron quickly added "You have to stay here, just in case if something happened."

There's no guarantee that the village will be remain safe. He maybe don't know who the attacker that assault Capital right now but it could be Witch Cult, and if it did then he don't think they will be happy he kill Petelgeuse.

Or it could be another group since jumping conclusion to Witch Cult is too fast but he don't care. He... Already feel close to the village, he like them, he enjoy his time with Petra when helping her designing cloth and teasing with her, he enjoy his time with Luka when teaching how to swing axe and telling him stories, he enjoy his time with Ken and other young men when they joking and chatting

And while he not that close to them... Not as Rem and Emi... But the thought of letting them die left very bitter taste and unpleasant feeling in his mouth and stomach

Rem complain seems died in her throat when notice his serious look. She slowly give nod in return "Very well, Rem shall stay in here and look over the village."

"And inform Beatrice-san or at least find a way to contact her when you not with her so she can teleport you if things get wrong." Aaron said with firm look "I don't want something bad happen to you Rem, so please don't push yourself." He added in softer voice

Rem feel her heart beat faster for a second when hear that kind of tone from him

"Don't worry, Rem won't charging alone if she found something suspicious." She assured the blond gently "Aaron-sama will find Rem when he goes home with food ready! A Wolgarm meat!"

While cooking the demon beast is not appealing idea for her but the image of her precious person look so in pleasure and happy while eating is too much to let go!

And now his face that turned to bright expression make her heart flutter



"Very well! I will be back home as fast as possible."

The way he twitch after that, Rem sure he was about to hug her. Despite how he looked she knew that Aaron Pendragon is actually affectionate to someone he consider close, he just hesitate to express it since he afraid it will make him look silly and bother people

Silly Aaron-sama, Rem don't mind if he hug her

Still... He going to leave her... And goes with... Emilia-sama, alone... The thought give her unpleasant feeling and she need to do something, something as reassurance to calm her feeling

Aaron eyes widened when he feel a finger touching his lips, he feel soft pressure to his chest and found himself stare at the beautiful face of the demon that smile at him

"Rem shall take that as a promise." She said kindly

The blond only can blink at the sudden closeness and having his personal space invaded, mind taken by surprise

"Uh... Sure then?"

He agreed in unsure voice, unknown where is this going. However he not that stupid as he realize what Rem actually trying to do

Emilia's glare can't be more obvious after all

He feel heat started to creep to his cheeks when he smell the blue haired oni, even if they just awakened and probably not have any chance to taking bath but Rem's smell certainly still... Good

"Umm, I... I..." He loss of words for moment before he shake his head "I will go now then." He said as he turned to Emilia who looking at them with flat face "Let's go Emi."

"Yeah, let's..." She sounded not as enthusias as before

Aaron wisely ignore her since he knew saying anything will only make him dig his own grave and turned to the dragon. Truthfully he can't ride one, his Riding ability only allow him to ride normal animals and not magical beast, however Subaru proved to be capable to ride on one so surely he could as well

And unlike him, he had ride a horse in village when he spending time in there, and let just say it was quite... Experience

"Aaron." Emilia called him


"I... I can't ride it." She confessed, her face marked by pink hue "I don't know how to ride it, I'm not even know how to ride horse."

"The dragon is tame enough." Aaron replied "I'm sure you can ride it even if you doesn't know how." He turned to Rem "It is tame right?"

"It is. Don't worry about that Aaron-sama." Rem assured

"But it still can out from control if something happen, and I also don't know how to sit in there properly." Emilia face become reddened at this point "And we were in hurry, if we got split up somehow..."

"... You're right, there chance whoever attacking Capital also blocking the path to there." Aaron murmured after moment of thinking "Very insightful of you to notice this, good Emi." He praised her who become bashful at his word "Alright, then you will ride with me. We use one dragon only."

And with that Aaron started to walk to the dragon, trying to get on it and missing Emilia happy face and Rem glowering at her from behind. The blond dismiss his armor and clad in his black coat outfit -the armor will make him too heavy and decrease the speed- then he sit on the reptilian creature, trying to get as comfortable as he can and his ride seems not mind

After making sure he sit in good position he turn to his friend "Alright, come on Emi." Aaron gestured as he extend his hand to her

Emilia stare at the offered hand for a second before she took it and allow herself to be pulled, then she sit behind him and started to get herself as comfortable as she could

"... Aaron?"


"It... It will be fine right? I mean, the wind and..."

The pseudo Saber lips curled upward at that, it was cute in his opinion "The Divine Protection that this earth dragon have will assure us that no wind will harm us, surely you know that?" He asked rhetorically and the half elf have decency to look sheepish at that "As for the ride... Well, if you hold onto something firm enough then everything would be fine."

"Hold to what?"

'... Good question.' Aaron thought as he notice there's nothing that can be used "Well... You can hold my waist."

"Like this?"

Emilia's hands snaked to his waist, circling them and the half elf bend her body forward while clutching him tightly

Aaron feel something soft pressed on his back and he blushed when realize that it was Emilia's chest. While her chest not as big as Rem but it still has... Some shape that make him can feel them. His blush only intensified when the girl now practically resting on her shoulder, he can even feel her breath to his neck and smell her!

"E-Emi!" He tried his best to not squeak but obviously he fail "T-Too close! Too close!" He stuttered

"A-Ah? S-Sorry." Emilia quickly retracted herself from him, albeit her hands still there but she no longer pressing herself against him

There awkward silence between them, their faces were red, Emilia literally squirming in her seat, and Aaron seems doesn't know what to say

Meanwhile Rem right eye twitched uncontrollably

It was so sweet, so cute what just happened, but it make her want to let out frustration groan

Why it can't be happened with her?!

'It seems Emilia-sama is more cunning than I thought!' She thought while huffing inwardly

"A-Anyway, hold on to me but don't be too close alright?" Aaron started, breaking the ice while trying to regain his composure

"O-Okay." Emilia stuttered and gripping his waist, circling his stomach while trying her best to not leaning too forward at him

He turned back to Rem and give the oni nod "We will leave then."

"Alright, be careful in your way Aaron-sama, Emilia-sama." Rem replied with bow

Aaron only give small grunt before he maneuver the dragon he ride. Briefly he wonder just what waiting for them, they probably going to arrive in one hour and half at most but he sure they would be there in less, a plenty of time to make a plan

This clearly going to be very long ride

With one flick of the long leather reins in his hands the magical creature let out small snort before it started to run


"E-Emi! Your hands! Go up!"

"Eh? S-Sorry!"

He feel his blush now creep to his neck as he try his best to keep his mind forward and calm -and just wake up clearly not helping that, every male get boner in morning after all- while staring forward to the dark path in front of him

Like he thought, this will be very long ride and awkward one as well

It has been twenty minutes ever since our departure

There's no conversation between us, only solemn silence that filled with sound of winds rushing and the earth dragon's reptilian limbs that trotted in the ground

It because I don't know what to say and I'm sure Emilia also thinking that

I don't know what in her mind right now and I can't find myself to care about it

I know that was thought that belong to ass and jerk but my mind still completely focused to thing that I going to face soon

Someone attacking Capital

I can understand Priestella, despite it status as one of the five major cities in Lugnica and place that used as main trading stocks with Kararagi but it not safe.

Priestella is not safe

It was located in the edge of continent, meaning it have less path to evacuate if something happen since the only choice they have is to cross the Tigracy River -river that separate it from Kararagi- and sailing on ship is way slower than in the land. And meaning it also very far from main city, if attack happened then it would take an hours for the Capital reinforcement to arrive in there

I doubt there will be city that remain by that time if it facing full frontal assault

Arc Five proof of this, the Witch Cult practically crippled the city and taking control of it in less than day

But the Capital?

Capital is in the central of Lugnica, it is the main fortress, it is the where Lugnica is strongest, and moreover it is where Reinhard fucking vantastic Astrea live!

Even Pandora who can control reality around her is not stupid enough to confront him directly, Pandora who respected and feared by the Witch Cult, a cult that filled with fanatic that won't even think twice to jump at spike to impale themselves

Yeah that was clearly enough to make anyone in this World think thrice before decide engaging him

Vollachia that reluctant to assault Lugnica after their Emperor meet Reinnhard, a country hesitate to attack their weakened rival because of one person

Just showing how much worth Reinhard is

And now there's someone out there that boldly attack him

Under any normal circumstance I would laugh my ass while rolling in the ground, because that was so ridiculous beyond any measure, even right now my mind still whispering doubt to me

But there another part of me... Another that whispering that this is wrong

Something is not right

And I don't know what I should do

I try to make any plan, I try to make any scenario in my mind, I try to imagine all possibility... And I come out with nothing

This... This can be a fluke, an act of suicidal, and I won't be surprised if it did. However at same time, this act was too stupid to the point that even idiot won't even consider it!

But I know it is not...

I tensed when feel Emilia's grip loosened and her hand brush my thigh, I also feel there weight on my back

"Emi?" I called while tilt my head to look back, I notice a trail of silver from corner of my vision

"Hm?" She sounded tired and she was shaking for moment "Wha? Oh sorry Aaron." She murmured as she straighten herself in her seat

I quirked my eyebrow and trying to get better look at her from my position "You're tired." I stated

"Yeah, I'm still sleepy." She muttered while raising one hand and rubbing her eyes

That was surprise giving we go back to bed early "Trouble in sleeping?"

"Mmm, you can say so."

I briefly glanced at the sky, it was still dark, the sun still has yet to be seen, and we still have quite time before reaching our destination.

I pull the leather reins softly, giving my ride a signal to slow down and stop. The beast clearly smart enough to recognize it as it started to slowing

"Aaron?" Emilia called me from behind, obviously notice what I did

"We going to stop for moment." I said as the earth dragon finally stopped. I pat Emilia's hand and she release her grip from me, then I hop down from the dragon

"Aaron? What's wrong?" She asked

"Nothing much, go to the front Emi."

"Eh? Aaron I can't-"

"You not going to drive, I will, just go."

"Uhh, sure then."

She move from behind to the front while I remove my coat

"Here." I hand it to her "Wear this."


She took it with confused face before decide to wear it and after she did, I hop back to the dragon and take seat behind her, then I circle my arms around her and take the leather reins

"A-Aaron?" She called, her voice become high pitched

Unlike when she behind me, I was practically taller than her and my hands also longer, so there still gap between us and my head also above hers since the back seat is higher

"You can sleep while resting on me, we can't have you look tired in front of people." Can't have her fell asleep when she's on my back, she can fall and I don't know it

"E-Eh?! B-But-"

"Off we go!" I said as I flick the reins once more and the dragon started to walk again, cutting Emilia from protesting further

Emilia is my friend and I dare to say she almost like family, so I don't mind too much to be this close to her... Except if things getting too far, like having her asset pressed to me or when we getting too close

... Yeah, this is close, I know, but I do not see her face at least so...

Though I still feel heat to my cheeks, God damnit Aaron! Stay focus!

Emilia still tense under me, I can feel she pretty nervous so I decide to comfort her "Hey, hey, calm down, you're pretty tense."


"Relax." I added with sigh "Emi, try to rest on me okay?"


She did as I asked, resting her body to me and I feel her heat body, she still tense and nervous judging by how she's still as rock but I can feel that she trying to relax, she mumbling something under her breath but I can't hear it

I did not make any comment or ask and keep my eyes to the front, I already memorize the path to Capital since it actually not that complicated. It was dark in here but I still can see perfectly well

If I recall we should turn to left after this, there's tree that marked where is i-ah, there you are. I grip the reins and give tug of direction to my ride and it obey my order without making any noise

Another silence descend to us, I keep focusing on my ride and to street to ensure we not get loss. Briefly I looking down at Emilia and notice that apparently she feel asleep, her chest raise and sunk peacefully

I only smiled at the sight before focused back to the front, it seems this ride won't be that bad after all

Something is wrong

It has been fifty minutes ever since I leave from the mansion, everything around me still surrounded by forest and the sun still not showing any sign to show up

Something is wrong

The clouds in the sky pretty thick, even if it was night I barely able to see anything since the moon got blocked by them

And is it just me or... I swear I saw something strange with the moon before it got shrouded by clouds... It... It almost like... Broken?

Something is-

The dragon I rode suddenly let out shriek and started to buckled, this make me jerked and I quickly balance myself so I not fall or thrown

"Hey! Hey!" I barked as I try to calm the animal down while pulling the rein "Calm down! Calm down!"

It refuse to calm though, it struggling and flailing wildly as if it was wild animal instead of tamed and intelligence one like moment ago

And because of that Emilia slipped from my grip and fell to the ground

"Fuck!" I cursed aloud


The earth dragon let out shriek and growl as it stomping the ground wildly. At this rate it going to hit Emilia! I waste no time to raise my hand and brought it down, punching it directly in the head

And seeing my punch can easily destroy boulder? It certainly very effective

It let out pathetic whimper as it begin to stumbling in it legs, I jump out from the dragon just in time when it collapse and sprawling to the ground

I ignore it thought as my mind instantly went to Emilia, God damnit! Hopefully she's fine! I waste no time to rush at her and scoop her in instant

"Emi? Are you okay? Emi."

I shook her lightly and she let out whimper, does the fall did big damage to her? No, unlikely, Emilia is stronger than normal Human due to her heritage, she can jump straight two meters if she want. Her endurance though, while true they only few levels above normal people

Still that was a bit nasty fall, I can see there blood from her forehead as I try to wake her up

But she did not, she moaning, whimpering, and trembling in my grip, she was sweating badly as if right now she is in middle of horrendous nightmare

"Emi! Emi! EMI!"

I yell directly to her ear when she still did not awake after I using gentle method, and it looks working as she let out loud gasp, her eyes wide open in instant and I can see the panic in there

"Emi." I called "What is-"

I was being cut off as she gripped my hand strongly, clutching on it as if it was thing that keeping her alive, her violet eyes and face was expressing nothing but deep fear and panic

"W-We have to go now!" She stammered frantically "W-We have to leave! We have to run! H-HE coming for us! Aaron! H-HE searching for us!"

Run? Leave? This... This is so unlike her, what make her so terrified? What she saw in her dream?

And who the hell is "HE" she talking about?

"Emi, calm down, I-"

"THE SPIRITS ARE DYING!" She screamed at my face "They are dying! T-They are warped! T-They are eaten! N-No more reincarnation!" She explode into a mess, her eyes started to getting wet "Oh Gods, Aaron, t-they all... T-They all..." She begin to hyperventilate, her breath become unstable and I quickly act

I slap both my hands to her cheeks -not too hardly of course- and force her to look into my face, my calm and sharp green eyes meet her panic and afraid violet's

"Listen. To. Me." I said as firm as I could "Emi, I don't know what causing this panic but you have to calm down. Explain to me ev-"

I was being cut once again as she grab my arms, freeing her self and look into me in eyes "We don't have time! We have to flee right now! We-"

As she started to rant I clicked my tongue, damn she begin to panicking. Just what terrifying her so much?!

"We have to leave!" She pull me to stand "W-We still can make it, w-we still out from HIS range and-"

And she suddenly stiffened, like a puppet that have their strings pulled for moment, then her eyes rolled to the back and she slumped as if the strings cut down

"Emi!" I quickly catch her. Shit! Shit! What the fucking hell actually happened right now?! Just! Just what in name of Sage of Sixth Path and Asura is going on?!

"She's right, you have to leave now."

A multiple of voices speak, and instantly my whole body become alert, I rose to my feet, I call Excalibur to my hand in instant and my armor started to forming around me

"Who's there?!" I barked

The voices... It come from almost all direction. Am I surrounded?! An ambush?! Is this what Emilia trying to tell me?! Damn! I let my guard down too much!

"You need to leave now, both of you."

It come from behind this time and I waste no time to spun, searching for the unknown and-

I gaped at the... Thing... Creature... Woman... That stood few foots away from me

She was... Transparent... She look like not solid. Her whole body was blue, light blue, remind me of sea, everything is blue. Save for her long hair that reach her back, it color was green, emerald green like a color of forest and her eyes brown, whole brown, from sclera to pupils

And she was pretty, beautiful, dare I said the most attractive woman I ever seen. Surpassing even Emilia. It not like because she's so beautiful to the point like an Angel but...

There's this... Feeling... She's beautiful, but her beauty is look so... Humane... So... Right... It was... Truly a sight to behold...

And the fact she naked like a baby that just born with a figure that will make any men drooling is not helping my mind condition

"Thank you for your compliment, coming from someone like you perhaps it mean something

I jolted out from my stupor when she spoke, her lips was unmoving, her face set into smile expression.

It was at that moment I realize that despite how humane she look -save for the skins and eyes- that she was anything but one.

"Who..." I loss of words for moment and I can feel my lips begin to get dry "What are you?"

She's obviously not Human, her appearance clearly show that, but what make bother me the most is her presence. She is not Human, but she is also not Demihuman, she is not animal, she is not plant, she is not.. Not...

She is... She is... Beyond that... Beyond Human... Beyond Demihuman... Beyond... Servants...

"What are you?"

I feel myself steps back unconsciously, eyes wide and heart beating faster than normal, cold sweats started to break and washing over me. Is this the person that Emilia spoke of? No wonder she react like that, as spirit contractor she can communicate with them or understand what they said at least and this woman that stand in front of me is...

But still... She said it was HE but it's a she! Could it be she got it wrong?

No... Not with the way she panic moment ago, she can't be wrong...

"Do not worry child, I am not the one who responsible for your friend condition. I do put her into sleep but it is better than her panicking."

Her voice... Voices... Also disturbing. It was like hearing children, teenager, adult women, and grandmother, and it wasn't just one, but multiple, each of them holding multiple voices

Almost like hundred voices spoke as one

Wait! She knew I'm worried about Emilia, is she-

"I can't read your mind, not completely, only the surface."

I keep my body tense, never once I let my guard down as I stare at her ghastly figure directly

"Listen, I don't have much time. Like she said, HE coming from you, you and her."

She give pointing look to Emilia who laying in ground before shift her gaze back to me. Then she took steps toward me and I raise Excalibur

"Don't get any closer." I ordered

She did not pause and keep walking forward, I about to speak again when she suddenly gone from my sight and appear directly in my face


"Calm down child, I do not wish to harm you."

She hold my hand and prevent me from moving Excalibur, her grip is strong! Strong! And I mean really strong to the point I can't move!

Not just she's fast enough to move to me before I can react but she also...

What is she?!

"Listen to me child."

She remove her grip from my sword and stare at me directly in eyes

"You have to leave from here, away from Lugnica. This Kingdom has beyond saving. Right now there's nothing you can do."

"W-What do you mean beyond saving?!" I demanded, nostril flared "Lugnica is powerful Kingdom, and there's also Reinhard van Astrea in there and-"

"Reinhard van Astrea has fallen."

I feel my blood freeze in instant

W-What this woman trying to say? Reinhard... Has fallen? That was impossible! That was... "That was absurd!" I yelled at her, voice filled with disbelief. Reinhard losing?! That was equal to saying that Heracles losing against Sasaki Kojirō! Which is equal to IMPOSSIBLE! Seeing he can't do anything to harm him, literally! "Reinhard van Astrea is the strongest person I know, he's pretty much invincible!"

He can't die since he can raise once again due to Phoenix Protection and he also seems immune to mental attack. He also capable to predicting his opponent attack and have Magic Resistance -though it different from mine- and much, much more

The woman in front of me merely stare with impassive face, despite how humane her face look like but there no single twitch of muscles in there

"You're right, Reinhard van Astrea is strong, the strongest as matter of fact. But you must know that HE is the worst opponent for him, a natural enemy, and Reinhard van Astrea walked straight to HIM."

I feel my lips become dry further hearing that. Natural enemy. Like Gilgamesh and EMIYA. The moment EMIYA pull out his Reality Marble Gilgamesh is as good as lose. In there EMIYA projections is countless, he can move his swords faster than Gilgamesh and for every weapons he fired EMIYA will always have their copies ready. Even if he try to pull EA there's no way EMIYA will let him do that.

The only chance Gilgamesh can win is if he goes all out from the beginning and giving his personality, I doubt that will happen

"You need to get out from here. Out of this island, don't let HIM found you or the half elf."

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Just wait!" I demanded, unconsciously I take step back and hold my head. Shit! This, this... All of this... It's... "Explain!" I said to her "Look, I don't know how much time we have but I need to know at least the situation! I need to know who I going to face!"

The entity in front of me look at my eyes directly, as if trying to search for something. It only for a moment before she nodded

"It all began with the Head of the Karsten who trying to hunt Hakugei. It has been sighted to be around after all due to the fog it produce."

I blinked, Crusch hunting Hakugei? But... Doesn't she did that because of Subaru offer? So why she go out like that?

Then again if I recall she did intent to hunt Hakugei, she prepare weapons and army after all. Subaru only tell her the specific location and guide her to face it directly

"But what she didn't expect is that Hakugei already on it way to Capital. It meet them in midway and since that girl split her army to track it down first, things did not go well for them."

I grimaced. So in summary Crusch trying to track Hakugei by spread her army but one of them ran straight to it. Yeah, talk about bad luck

"Wait Hakugei heading to Capital. Then is that mean it is the one who attacking Capital?" I asked with slight shock

The blue woman only stare at me for moment, then her face that set into smiley expression changed, her lips curled down, her eyes narrowed, the way her facial expression move is mechanical, almost like a robot

"Those Worms!"

Her voices begin to vibrating, fury was clear in there and I feel our surrounding shaking slightly, not big but enough for me to feel it

"They try to summon HIM. They try to enslave HIM. They are fool! There something you should abandon and never learn! And they violate it! They violate it and summon that ABOMINATION!"

Even when she yell and raging but her mouth still not moving, the voices though... It was loud enough to make a wave and brushing trees around us, I also notice there crack around us, I realize that it was the ground, the earth, they cracked as if invisible force started to moving them, and I realize that this woman causing earthquake just by being angry

"Those mongrels! They don't know what they did! And now HE broke free from them! Has grown too powerful! HE maybe not targeting them for now, but after HE done with you and the half elf?! They will be the next!"

Her lips still not moving, her beautiful face still set to scowl, she almost look like statue, save for the glow in her eyes, it radiating power, pulsing as if they were alive

"Who?" I finally found my voice after a moment of silence "Who is he?"

The entity in front of me curled her lips slightly, her scowling face softened and even if she did not open her mouth but I can tell she about to say it to me

But it seems Fate not in my side


It was... It was... It was...

To call it roar would be mockery, to call it scream would be insult, to call it shout would be degrading.

No... What it was... It was...

It was something, something that... So ugly, so dark, so... Wrong, so... Twisted...

It was like a voice from nightmare

Just by hearing that... That voice, that sound, it giving me pain. My eyes clenched shut, my teeth gritted tightly, my hands move to my ears to cut my hearing from that, that voice.

"Get up."

Then her voices come

Unlike... Whatever that thing voice, she was kind, calm, gentle and soothing. Just by hearing her voice I feel refreshed

It was when I open my eyes and looked up at her I realize that I was kneeling, that I was writhing in ground, that I was bleeding from my mouth, ears and nose, that I was suffering just by hearing the voice of that, that creature.

"Lugnica... Has fallen."

Her voices were grim and solemn, it as if she already accept what she spoke and it already pass long ago

"You, you and that sword is our only hope, but your body is in pain, you can't use it, not with your current condition."

She tilt her face to Emilia who not far from us

"That girl... She have potential thanks to her true nature, but right now she's as good as you. Not to mention her memory started to recover, HE just broke the barrier."

I want to ask questions, I want to say something, there's so many of them, but right now I can't. Because I feel my head just got pierced by thousand needle at same time, I barely able to hear her voice now

"And the Beast of the End died not with bang but with silent, died when he sleep, what a irony."

Beast of the End? Puck, she talking about Puck. He died? What's that even mean? And memory! If I recall Emilia's memory is...

"I can't heal you, your power and that Witch influence prevent me from effecting you. However I can give you temporary Blessing, enough to ensure you both safety, and for you to capable wound HIM if HE catch up with you."

I feel my body shifted, a hands touching my face softly, bringing them up, my vision that blurry started to become focus once again as I caught sight of her beautiful face that looking down at me, and the pain in my brain...

"I already fix that half elf, she will be able to think calmer for few days enough so she understand the situation and not panic. You can carry her without fearing her skins will torn apart from your speed, now go child. You're my Hope to stop that abomination, save this World, I'm begging you."

Before I can say anything to her there flash of light, bright enough to blind me and force me to close my eyes once again. It lasted for few seconds and when I reopen my eyes she's gone

I let out groan as I slowly stood, I feel... I feel... Good actually

I blinked once as I started to observe my surrounding, my mind feels good, as matter of fact I feels so clear for the first time

"Just what the hell was happened?" I murmured aloud to the empty area

There no answer of course, only silence. I shouldn't expect someone to answer me in first place and...

I need to get out from here

I waste no time to approach Emilia, grab her in bridal style and make sure she's okay, after that I give one last glance to behind me, to the direction where Lugnica supposed to be

To the direction where that... That... Nightmare sound come from

Even remembering it I still shudder, fear crossed to my mind. Whatever that thing is... It clearly not good news, and I have no intention to stay in here

So I ran back to where I was coming, I ran back to the manor, I push my legs forcefully despite I'm not fully recover, I activate Mana Burst to propel my speed, easily make me broke the sound barrier momentarily

I know I should worried about Lugnica, about this World, about everything. If things become complicated it mean my goal to going home also become more hard. And now Lugnica is destroyed, this should make me panic and put me to catatonic

But I'm not

Because right now all of them not crossed into my mind, no... What I thinking right now...

Is to get out from here, away from here, as fast and as soon as possible...

Because whatever creature... Whatever entity... Whatever thing that has destroy Lugnica and now searching for me and Emilia...

Is something that worse than anything my nightmare can produce

He don't know how long he has running, perhaps five minutes, perhaps ten minutes, perhaps more, or perhaps less. But what sure is that his legs started to hurt and he can feel his body protest, screaming in pain, his legs particularly really begging him to stop

So stop he did

He don't know where he is now and how far he is from Arlham Village or the mansion but he's sure he already far away from Capital

He allow himself to rest on nearby tree after drop Emilia gently to the ground while tugging her head to his lap, his breath heavy, sweats washing over him and he clutching his chest

'Damn, I still not recover yet. What the hell actually happened to me?'

His body feels like on fire, it was the same sensation he feels when he got fever only it was worst. There pain and soreness over his whole body as if he just run through training from Hell

He don't know what happened to him, it was clear that his Magic Resistance apparently running wild but it should be cured now or at least become better since he awake and can do activity like usual

Well... Not like usual seeing right now he panting like there's no tomorrow

'Does my body still not accustomed and need more adjustment? Was I used too much Mana once again?' He not expert in this kind of things truthfully, he can't sense what is wrong with his body after all

It doesn't matter though, he have something more important to think about

What he should do now?

By any mean... All that happened... All that just...

Gods... How... How? How all of this...

Lugnica is as good as gone, that was what that woman said... And while the idea is so incredulous but that... That sound, roar, yell, scream, whatever that was clearly not a bluff... It enough to make him believe that...

How is he going to back to his home now?

The Capital is destroyed, Lugnica is gone, the place where the focus of the main story is as good as dead, the place that can send him back to his World is obliterated

The solution of this should be obvious... If he can't find way to go home then...

Return by Death

He have to die and go back to his last checkpoint, preventing this from happening, that is the only option available for him if he want to go back to his own World, this timeline as good as dead and gone, nothing useful anymore in here

Except searching for information...

'Though I don't think that also available for me.'

If he want to go back to search for information he shouldn't run in first place. He should confront whatever that chasing him, trying to find more information to be used later after he return but...

He ran...

He ran away...

Like a coward... He flee because of fear... He afraid for his life... His life that practically immortal...

What a joke...

"You're my Hope to stop that abomination, save this World, I'm begging you."

The last words of that woman... It was what make him ran... It was what make him escape...

It was what make him think clearly

This World...

Truthfully Aaron did not care about this World, not at all, if he can go home then half of this World can burned for all he care.

... Okay that was lie, he would feel depressed, sad and self-loathing but... That was what he wish for in first place right? He want to go home, this place is not his home, this is crazy place where everyone literally after his head!

He who come from place of peace... He has no intention to live in here...

"Save this World."

He briefly glanced at Emilia, the girl face was serene, peaceful, no longer troubled like before when she had nightmare

Taking look of her face is all he need to make his decision

'I will go check on this threat, but I can't leave Emi here alone.'

He will bring her back to the manor first, secure her, then he will leave. He don't know either the whole World will be reversed or he will be thrown to another timeline and replace his alternate self but whichever it is... There won't be any harm to make sure this World has some... Hope

He about to swoop Emilia again and resume his ran however a shook from bush nearby alert him and in instant he was on his feet, Excalibur drawn and ready

The green plant split, revealing a reptilian creature that familiar to Aaron who blinked in confusion

'What earth dragon doing in here?' He asked inwardly as he carefully approach the beast, earth dragon is not beast that you often found in wild, especially around here 'And there's saddle on it! A tamed one? Where the owner?' He wondered as he look around to find someone but he found none, he gaze back to the beast, hoping to find answer

And he found it

Now he look closer and the darkness not conceal it. This earth dragon is... Familiar... It main scale color were blue like a sea, on top of it head there tint of green like a forest, and it eyes... They were brown like earth...

There's no need to be suspicious or wary... This beast is for him...

His legs still hurt, his body still aching, running again would waste his energy further but the village is no longer far, he can reach them easily now

He returned to Emilia, lifting her body and gently placed her on top of the beast. He about to climb up to the saddle when he notice there's something strapped on the dragon's saddle

'Hmm? Is that a sword?' He mused as he retract his leg, his eyes observing the object for a moment. Indeed, it was a sword, sheathed and wrapped, why there's weapon in here?

He about to take it before he feel a rip in the air, a concentration of mana that gathering, quickly he turned around just in time to see a familiar portal appear in middle of the space

And through it, come two familiar individual

"Ram? Rem?" He asked while blinking in surprise

Indeed, they are Rem and Ram, with the former unconscious and carried by the latter. Both of them appear to be just went through something big, their skirts ripped slightly, exhaustion was clear on Ram eyes, there's blood flowed down from her forehead. Same thing occur to Rem, no, as matter of fact she was worse, her outfit more tattered than her sister

"By Gods, what happened?!" Aaron waste no time to approach the duo in instant, his face show horrified expression at their condition

"A-Aaron-sama...?" Ram croaked out, seeming surprised to found him here, she only lasted for few seconds before she dropped to the ground with Rem on top of her

The blond quickly check on them, he remove Rem from her sister first and-

His horrified look intensified and his eyes widened in terror

"R-Rem's arm..." He murmured in shocked voice "What happened to her..."

He can't finish his word, too horrified at the bleeding stump where the blue oni left hand supposed to be, it was wrapped by a bandage that turned to brown due to the blood and he feel bile rose to his throat

"A-Attack on the mansion." Ram choked out as she slowly spin to lay on her back

"Attack on the mansion." Aaron repeated in dumbfounded manner, his brain trying to comprehend about it for moment before he shook his head. He quickly stood from Rem and walk to her, then help her to sit and lean her to tree, after that he goes back to the blue oni.

By Gods... She was in very bad condition, there's blood everywhere, she look paler than usual, she look so fragile right now. And it bring so much pain to his heart to see her like this...

"She's fine, it maybe look bad but Beatrice-sama has cast healing spell on her." Ram commented as she trying to get comfortable in her position "We just don't get chance to clean her blood."

"You sure?" Aaron eyes never leaving Rem while asking that, concern and worry was so obvious in his face


"Okay..." He nodded "Okay." Gods, how he feel useless right now. He can shatter bones and flesh with a single punch, he can destroy steels and rocks like they were a mere woods, he can move so fast and break sound barrier temporarily. But for all his power and strength there's nothing he can do to make the girl... Make his friend that now wounded and unconscious to get better...

He briefly wonder how it would be if he got Caster power, Paracelsus von Hohenheim mainly, someone who expert in Jewelcraft, creator of Azoth Sword, expert in Alchemist and also creator of Philosopher's stone that capable to be used to heal any injuries

'Don't go there, no need for "what if" or such things, handle something that important and real.' He thought as he turned to Ram "And what about you?"

"... Ram is fine." She answered plainly "Minor compared to Rem."

"That's good then." Aaron murmured, he take one deep breath "Okay, tell me what happened, what actually-"

His question went unfinished but answered nonetheless, by another rip and tear that appear on the space, however this time the portal is... Unfamiliar, and dare he said, it was ominous. The portal stood tall about nine feet, the design... It remind Aaron of dark portal from dark themed game

And what inside it... It was...

'Great Gods... What in name of...'

It was colors... Multiple colors. So many of them, like a water in sea. Normally it would be a... Nice view, unique at least, however to him...

It was wrong

The colors... They all blended in wrong way, they all wrong, they all mixed and fused together in twisted way. Where it supposed to create a new color that beautiful it produce some kind of sick and mockery of colors instead.

And what come out from it... Is truly twisted creature, just like the portal

It was... What it was...

It was a horrifying creature

It whole body is resemble a man, a man that have his spine bended in unnatural and painful way. It skin was grey, a decaying and rotten skin, one that belong to carcass or mummy. Its head is a mockery of ape-like creature and mixed with some kind of canine animals, it sharp dagger-like fangs is crooked, stained, dirty, covered in saliva. Its eyes are recessed deep inside of it eye holes, so small and barely visible, the only sign that can tell it have eyes is because eerie glowing yellow light inside the hole. It has arms that long, probably around three foot with huge claws that resemble scythe


Whatever this creature... Whatever it nature... This thing... Is abomination, a creature that shouldn't born. A creature that couldn't be possibly made naturally, for mother nature would have never birthed such a twisted creature

This creature was so wrong on high level to the point it made him balk just by gazing at it, made his mind went blank and trying to process the horror that presented to him


The terrifying shriek from Ram snapped him from his dazed state and in instant he move, gone Aaron Wilson who come from peaceful World and balked at the idea of carrying sword everywhere, replaced by Aaron Pendragon, a young man who has face monsters and madman that responsible for slaughter of countless lives

The abomination only able to guttural growl for a second before Excalibur come and slice it mockery of head, beheading it in instant and the creature dropped to the ground, dead, like a puppet loose their strings

The pseudo Saber stare at the crimson liquid that stained his holy sword and the one that creating pool beneath it dead body

He turned back to the pink oni, eyes demanding "What the hell is this?!"

Ram stare back at him, eyes defiant and firm "Ram doesn't know exactly what it is. Did Aaron-sama kn-"

"I'M NOT WORK UNDER WITCHES NOR I HAVE GOSPEL BOOK!" Aaron screamed, fury and anger was clear in his voice and his eyes glowing with hum of power "Stop making assumption about me working under Witches, you are more working for them than me. Don't you dare speak otherwise, you knew Roswaal work under Echidna and you work under him, don't try to avoid it." As if trying to make his point he raise Excalibur and point it directly to her face "I'm not in mood Ram, not in mood, now speak." He ordered

Normally he going to be more rational, more calm, more reasonable. However the appearance of this... This thing, and the news of Capital destroyed pretty much burdening his mind, pushing him to the edge. Mostly it was the former because the presence of the creature carry with it is...

Wrong... So wrong...

Ram meanwhile keep steady, her eyes drifted to the invisible sword that pointed at her, despite it naked to eyes but for someone who specialize in Wind magic like her seeing how long it is not problem

Then her eyes goes back to the young man and she see everything

"... Aaron-sama truly being honest." She spoke, her voice was unusual, a mixture of defeated and relief. It as if she just got confirmation from God

Hearing the tone Aaron taken back, he slowly lift down his sword, his angry feature softened a bit and he stare at her with indecipherable face

"Yes. Yes, I am. I never work for the witches." He said in calm voice. His eyes locked to Ram's relieved face, confusion gnawing inside him. The way she spoke and look... Why she seems... Relieved? Why she...

"Ram knew Ram is beautiful but don't stare too much Aaron-sama, not in our current situation."

His right eye twitched, this girl... "I..."

The oni straightened herself, using tree to help her stand while sighing "Let's focus to get out from here, Aaron-sama invalid and unimportant words can wait later. Ram shall start explain everything."

And the worse part is she right, his reply can wait later since they right now in more urgent situation

Doesn't mean he have to like it though

Aaron : 0, Ram : 1

Still... He can't help but feel... Happy at inside that they started their banter again. True they did not talk to each other only for few days but...

"Alright, explain." He said as he keep an eye to his surrounding, trying to make sure they stay safe

"That thing, it come from the village." Ram informed in grim voice, her eyes drifted to the carcass and she wrinkled her nose in disdain "Beatrice-sama inform us twenty minutes after you and Emilia-sama departure that she figure out what happened to those children we brought in." She close her eyes and take several deep breath "They... They're no longer children, there something..." The way she said "something" was like spitting venom, as if saying it bring horrifying memory "Something inside them, something engorging them from inside and..."

It did not need to take genius to put the puzzle together, and Aaron feel he freeze for the second time at that day, freeze in terror and horror as he understand what she implying

"The village..." He croaked out, voice filled with desperation "What happened to the village?"

"... Rem and Ram goes to the village after that, trying to take the children away but by the time we arrive... The village already infested by them.."

Aaron feel all his energy drained hearing that. The village... Great God... The village is gone? Ken, Petra, Luka, Ray, everyone...

"We tried to stop them but it useless, they were too much, too many. Beatrice-sama teleported us back, however these creatures apparently can teleport too and..."

He feel numb... He feel his whole body dropped and it take everything he have to not fall to his knee. Memories of him spending times with the villager flashed in his eyes for a second, how Petra's laugh, how Luka's smile, how Ken's grin, and everyone else

They all die...

'I... I can fix this! I can fix this!' He quickly thought of that in order to calm himself. Yes, yes, he can fix this, he can prevent this from happening! Focus to the current thing! Move on! Go forward! "Then those..." He gestured to the dead creature "Things. How many of them? As far I recall there was only six children, so it mean now-" He paused when notice Ram shook her head, her eyes closed as if she trying to banish painful memory and it make his throat become more dry "Ram?"

"... There's... There dozens of them... It only six at beginning but..." Ram take one deep breath, very clear that just by remembering it brought shiver to her "They... Infect the villager."

He feel his heart skip few beats after that

"Infect... The villager...?" No, no, no, no. Then... Then... The one he just killed... "Who... Who was it?" He asked, his eyes drifted to the corpse of the depraved creature that laying in ground, the terror that grip his heart growing bigger

Ram was silent for few seconds, then she tilted her head away, refusing to look at him

"Ram..." He take one step forward to the corpse while looking at the maid "Who... Who..."

"... ... Petra..." She answered in pained voice "It... It was Petra... That one was used to be Petra..."

And his World crashed down after hearing that confirmation

"No... No, no, no, NO!" Aaron yelled in denial, eyes wide and frantic, he quickly turn to the dead beast and feel bile rose to his throat "This! This abomination! This creature can't be Petra!"

He brought Excalibur up, eyes filled with ominous gleam, his face turned to snarl as he glaring at the depraved being below him

Ram obviously know what she about to do and her eyes widened "Wait Aaron-sama don't-"

Too late

The holy sword brought down like a sword of vengeful Angel, easily slicing the dead body in vertical manner, mutilating it and-

The Sword of Promised Victory fell from his hands when he see what inside of the abomination body

"P... Petra?" He called weakly

Inside the body of the twisted being is not organs, flesh, muscle and blood is in there, yes. But there's no organs... It was another body, Human body, Petra's body

Her cute and pretty face was deformed, revealing flesh and muscles, there's even bone in there, it as if she just hit by very potent acid and got melted alive. The only sign that it was Petra is the usual red ribbon she always wore and necklace that dangling around her neck, necklace that she told him it given by her mother before she passed away

He did not realize that he was already kneeling in front of the body of the abomination, did not realize that he throw up everything inside his stomach, did not realize that he has tore apart the body with his bare hands to pull what remain of his friend from the monster carcass, did not realize that he was crying, weeping while hugging the girl body seeking any comfort from what left of her

"Aaron-sama, I have design suit for you!"

"Aaron-sama, can you help me pick the flowers over there?"

"Aaron-sama, I'm started to learning how to cook, do you want to taste it?"

Countless memories of Petra flashed in his mind in that instant, her smiling face, her sulking face, her pouting face... Her silly attitude that remind him of his little sister sometime...

How... How all of this could happen? How?! Gods above... HOW?!


He feel hand on his shoulder and he turned around, he see Ram kneeling on his side, her usual stony and stoic face adorned by look of sympathy for once, there sadness as well in her eyes

"There's nothing we can do right now, we have to leave. Getting to safety is our top priority."

She tried to sound calm and steady, but even he can tell that was a lie, a mask, she's as disturbed as him... Well not to his level but it was clear that she's not stranger to death of someone close to her

'She's right... I... Have to go... I have to...'

The only console he have now is that he know he can fix this. He can go back and fix this. He can't fall now, he can't break in here, he have goal to reach, people to safe, he have to move on

'And Subaru experience this... How many times he saw his precious people killed and butchered? Yet, he still keep going.' He chuckled dryly inside his mind as he gently place Petra's body to the ground, his eyes stare at the deformed face of the girl "I will fix this, I swear." He murmured, so low that no one but himself can hear it. He slowly raise to his feet once again and turned to Ram who waiting for him, already patching Rem and place her on top of the earth dragon along with Emilia, the saddle proved to be big enough since both their figure quite petite

The oni notice that he already done taking his time and approach him "Ram do not know what happened but it was obvious that we have to leave now. But may Ram know at least why Aaron-sama not in Capital and goes back to village?"

"... The Capital is destroyed." Aaron said, prompting the oni eyes widened "I did not see it directly by my own eyes but..." He don't know how to put it, what should he say to her? That some strange woman come and tell him to run since some kind of unknown abomination destroyed Capital and now searching for him 'I don't think I have any reason to lie now.'

So he told her that

"... Aaron-sama do realize just how ridiculous it sounds like?" Ram asked with narrowed eyes "The Great Demon Beast is powerful, yes, they can brought down army, but they not invincible."

He can agree with that, while Hakugei is undoubtedly powerful and dangerous but they not the strongest. Each Kingdom can bring them down with their whole army. The only reason they still exist until now is because no one can find them, they pretty much good at run, hit and hide

Hakugei attacking Capital is suicide decision, there's no way it going to survive if it assault the place where the strongest living being exist directly like that

But it not Hakugei that destroy the Capital

"Look I don't know about it as much as you, however that woman I meeting..." Aaron bit his lips in uncertainty "I have a guess who is she and if I right..."

Ram frowned, albeit it lacking bite that she always carry in last few days, she about to open her mouth to ask when she notice another shift in air

And Aaron sense it too

They manifested from the space, tearing reality apart like a fragile glass, six of them, hovering above the earth in sky, painting the beautiful night with their mockery appearance as if insulting them.

Then they come out, jumping from the portal like a wild animal

"Ram guard Emi and Rem!" Aaron ordered in instant the moment the creatures landed and surround them like predator circling their prey

The pink oni immediately obeyed as she close herself to her sister and the half elf, it was clear that she exhausted and won't be much help but her eyes show that she willing to go down for them without any hesitation

Aaron knew he should move and cut one of them just when they landed, he knew he should finish them since he was at disadvantage with Ram, Emilia and Rem need protection, he knew he should strike first

But he can't... He hesitate...

Because no matter how depraved and twisted these abomination...

They were people he know... People he would protect...

And that hesitation cost him

The creatures that mockery of his people move forward, the roar they let out is just like their appearance, twisted and ugly. It wasn't roar, it wasn't shriek, it wasn't shout, no, it sounds that indescribable, it was something that the World did not and will never allow to be heard.

And they fast, not fast at his level but still fast nonetheless

And there many of them

Aaron only manage to cleave one of them before his Instinct scream at him that there attack from behind and he move, Mana Burst empowering his body and-


It was clumsy, but he manage to block the attack from behind despite pain that jolted to his body, his breath hitched for a moment but he hold down the pain and manage to slice off the creature clawed hand

He can't do anything about the third attack though

He never get solid hit ever since he come here, from fighting against Wolgarm and even Petelgeuse, all his injury is not inflicted to him in point blank, his Instinct and superhuman speed make sure of that

But right now... He doesn't have his speed

Something hit him, straight in chest, and despite there armor covering his body it actually enough to make him gag and cough, sputtering for breath. And when he feel pain from his back he realize that he just got flung away by a hit and must be crashed to something solid

'Fuck! I feel it! That thing have Servant level strength! Not much but... D rank? C rank?' It still far stronger than normal Human, heck even stronger than Elsa! Thrice or more!

He tried to stand while gasping for breath, hand went to his chest and he noted there dent on his armor, indicating just how powerful the attack is. He broke out from his dazed state when his instinct screaming once again and he waste no time to obey it

Rolling in ground, he just in time to avoid a claw that carve the earth where he was moment ago, he quickly rise to his knee and Excalibur gripped once again but another monster already behind him with it claw ready

Fortunately for him, he's not alone


A burst of arc shaped wind launched forward and hit the abomination that was about to strike him, it did not cut it body or kill it but it enough to stop it advance, and in that short spawn Aaron already able to regain his composure and strike back, Excalibur easily cleave the horror into two

He ignore the sick feeling that gnawing inside him and avoid looking at the body to not see those who he know trapped inside them, he focused to another monster that now started to paying attention to Ram and in flash he was there

He spun using Mana Burst once again, and another burst of pain flow through his body but he force himself to ignore it and keep push forward, knowing that one small mistake might cost him dearly

Even if he going to return and redo the World he has no intention to watch his friends die in front of him

There only four of them remain, four of creatures that possessing strength at level of Servant or at least ten times stronger than men -judging by their strength it probably more- and he have three people to protect right now, not the best situation

It going to hurt, his Magic Core still not recover and his whole body can't handle much Mana, but...

It will be worthy

Mana explode from his body, followed by pain but he tried his best to ignore them, he was in front of Ram in flash, slicing one of the monster hand and he pull back his sword, cutting it horizontally into two

He flow his Mana to Excalibur, and once again he feel his brain started to getting fuzzy but he ignore it, he keep pushing forward and bring down the sword, producing air blast that sharp enough to cut two of the monsters

Only one left

The last one seems know that it need to be more careful than it brethern, it did not advancing, it observing him, beneath those sunken eyes there intelligence

And it died before it realize what happened

Aaron was there in flash, his face curled to snarl. How dare this thing?! How dare this abomination?! It infected his people and try to look sentient! It has no right! It has no right!

Three strikes in less than second, mutilating the creature in grotesque manner, separating it head, torso, bottom and finished by vertical strike that turned it into pieces of flesh before they even touch the ground

And the moment they did, power leaving from Aaron as the young man fell to his knee, teeth gritted, one hand using Excalibur to support himself while the other clutching his head in attempt to reduce the ache that lingering in there

It not only his head but his whole body actually, he feel like he started to burning from inside once again, not as bad as when he was unconscious but... The pain still so obvious

"Aaron-sama, are you okay?" Ram voice is steady as always but there urgent in there as she now on his side, trying to help him to stand

Keyword, trying. The armor he wore make him quite heavy

"J-Just g-give me a minute." He gasped as he fell to his butt, sitting in ground while trying to control his breath and relax his muscles as much as he could to reduce the ache

They stay silence for few minutes, the only sounds that filled the night is Aaron's ragging breath

"Okay, okay, I'm calm and okay now." He muttered as he try to stand, Ram immediately helped him

"Aaron-sama sure? Ram don't want Aaron-sama become liability, Aaron-sama already burden enough."

"Oh ha, ha, very funny, who was the one that go down after shooting ten spells?"

"And who was the one that helped Aaron-sama moment ago?"


Aaron : 0, Ram : 2

The pseudo Saber shook his head and take one deep breath "They will return." It was a statement, a fact

"... Yes, they're connected to one another and capable to create portal."

There another silence between them, they both know that their situation now not helping at all, with both of them weakened, Emilia and Rem that unconscious...

It will be disaster

"You must go." He said, breaking the ice "Take both of them with you." He glanced at the half elf and oni that rested on the earth dragon

"... And what would Aaron-sama do?" She asked, face stolid

"I will hold them here."

"They can teleport, it is useless, Aaron-sama should come with us."

"No they won't chase you, they will chasing after me first because I am the main threat, and by the time I'm done, you will be already out from their range."

Ram stared at him, her face stoic and without emotion. She know where is this going, and she sure Aaron also aware of it too

"Something chasing us Ram." Aaron said, voice solemn as he stood and look at her directly in eyes "Something that responsible for the destruction of Capital, it coming for me and Emi. You need to get out now, away from this island, go to Kararagi, seek for safety, whatever happened Emi must went through this alive."

"... Did Aaron-sama know that Roswaal-sama order Ram before his departure to obey every single Aaron-sama command?"

Aaron blinked, surprised at the news that come out from nowhere. Well, that explain why Ram seems accepting his order without much problem despite they had issue when fighting the Witch Cult

"That's good." He said with slight pause "Then right now I order you to leave, go now."

"Aaron-sama is top priority, more than Emilia-sama." Ram said in drone voice "Your safety is the most important."

The blond fight the urge to bare his teeth at the response, now is not the time to argue like this! The faster she gone with Emilia and Rem, the safer they would be!

And most importantly, he can't see them if they died

"Ram... I-"

"What would Rem and Emilia-sama say when they wake up and know that you throwing your life away for them?"

The question make him stopped from speaking any further. Indeed, what would they say when they being told about his demise?

He never think about it actually, Subaru himself also never think about it. Because the World will undo, they will go back to the past the moment the died so those all never happened

However after seeing that there's timeline after Subaru's death, it change everything, especially what happened to him. The fact he was here right now mean the multiverse theory is exist, it is true, reality. Not just he landed in universe that actually fiction in his World but he got power from another fiction universe

And... What if the moment he died... He just got send to another timeline instead undo the World?

It mean this timeline still going to be exist, Rem, Emilia, and Ram, they still going to be alive and...

"I'm sorry." He said, and he sounded so sincere, his face express sadness and there guilt in his eyes "Ram, I'm sorry..."

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