
As I Please

Ryu's gaze became brighter and his Dao Heart seemed to have become multiples lighter.

Ryu had never been the type to inch forward his battle strength like this. There was only one reason he had. For every one less talent he showed, there would be one less enemy he had. He was already an enemy of the Qilins before Starlight forced his Fire Dragon Bloodline out. His soul was already the target of greed for no other reason than the fact he existed. He had no doubt that the oddity of his Unbalance Mantra had caught the attention of more than just a few, and he couldn't have been more correct if even the Dao Sovereign himself reacted to it.

He had been holding onto a faint hope, a faint inkling that so long as he did his best to minimize the number who wanted his head, maybe he would be able to find a narrow path to survival. No matter what anyone said, one less monstrous Clan or Sect chasing after you wasn't just one less enemy, it was one less army after your head.

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