
135. The Death

"You're so evil! Who said you were my daughter-in-law!!" grandmother Lecy was about to slap Anne's face, but Anne first held the old grandmother's hand and smiled sarcastically.

"You already know you deserve to die, what if you die sooner old trash?" Anne pushed the old Granny's body against the floor, then Anne walked towards the table again. Taking one of the drugs and also the syringe, she then walked back to Grandma Lecy and showed her what was in her hand.

"You know what this is? A colorless and odorless poison, immediately works quickly to redeem your heart and make all your breath stop instantly. Then? You die without anyone knowing that I killed you, they will only know that you had a heart attack ." Before Lecy said anything, Anne first stabbed the injection containing the liquid into grandmother's arm. Then Anne got up again from her place and threw the injection into the drawer earlier, the drawer was immediately locked.

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