
The Start of Canon

The trio was in their homeroom class, and the teacher was just about to start class when suddenly Kaga received a piece of news that she has been waiting on for months.

Kaga took a peek at her phone and it showed the news report, "MOUNT LADY DEBUTED AT TATOOINE STATION!", with this piece of news Kaga already knew that canon has started.

After confirming it she brought back her attention to their homeroom teacher who was speaking,

"Good Morning, Class!", he greeted with the same enthusiasm he has always started with ever since Kaga has known this teacher.

The students returned the greeting and immediately sat down once again after being told, "To start off this day, I would like to address our Stars in the room and congratulate them in advance for their acceptance in U.A. High School!"

*Clap!* x???


"As expected of our pride!"

Everyone began clapping and praising the obvious stars of the room, the trio labeled as "The Royals" of the young generation with unmatched talent in any venture they decide to do.

He congratulated them after seeing their "Desired Life Course and 1st Choice of School", he was excited after seeing their choice since it brought pride to the school's name and his. Just imagine...the homeroom teacher of the legendary Royals! What a title!

The trio who liked to keep to themselves could only accept the congratulations with smiles on their faces as they felt the eyes of envy, admiration, pride, and even hate directed towards them.

Yes...no matter how great you are, you will always have a hater and the three technically don't care whatsoever, as long as you don't project killing intent then everything is fine.

'Hah...this will be a long day', the three thought simultaneously since word in their school travels fast, and word of them being congratulated to U.A. will bombard them with congratulations and praises.




Fast forward to going home time, Kaga immediately grabbed her boyfriend and best friend over, "Want to witness something fun?"

The two immediately felt that something is off since every time one of them has an idea of fun, something always just has to happen. The training offer from Kaga that she said will be fun, the Tokyo Sky Egg, and many more!

Himiko like always was the first to bite, "Ohhhh~ Where are we going?", she asked with enthusiasm since she has been quite bored lately, especially when she didn't have to go to the studio to get a photoshoot done.

"Aldera Junior High!", Kaga exclaimed.

"A school?"

"Izuku's school!"

The two gave their own responses and had different reactions, Shoto felt disinterested, while Himiko was interested with a plus ultra squeezed in there.

Seeing them about to ask more questions, Kaga gave one of her own, "It's a secret~", she said and the two could only wait to where she would take them.





Arriving on the rooftop of a building, the two were even more confused since this was nowhere near a school nor were they seeing someone.

But just as they were about to voice out their thoughts, Kaga immediately pointed towards an area where there is an overpass, with a green-haired teen walking towards it.

"Wahhhhh~ It's Izuku! Why are we spying on him?", Himiko asked in glee since she has become rather attached, evident in how she keeps pestering him when he trains at a park while she bombards him with questions.

"Something will happen to him today..a lot actually...but don't do anything, everything will be fine!", Kaga instructed them, and the two followed since they trust her instinct wholeheartedly.

Moments after the teen walked under the overpass, a dark green slimy substance began forming behind the teen, but surprisingly he immediately went into a stance.

"For someone who doesn't have a quirk he's quite brave", Shoto commented and was quite curious about the person that Himiko has eyes on.

"Hey, Himiko, what Martial Art does he train in?", Kaga asked since she doesn't really learn any other martial art apart from Renewal Taekwondo, and she hasn't completely mastered that too!

Hearing this Himiko proudly answered, "He mainly practices Krav Maga since it's what ends the fight early, though he practices Taekwondo for the kicks, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Judo for the takedowns. His motto is that his starting line is just further behind than everyone else!"

"So he wants to be a Hero?", Shoto asked after hearing the numerous martial arts the teen practiced and had specific ones too for a reason.

"Yes! Amazing right~?", Himiko at this point was blushing like a madman after remembering the determined will of Izuku that she smells off of him.

Shoto only nodded and didn't comment anymore and decided to just watch the upcoming confrontation of the Sludge and the teen.

The clash started with the sludge villain pouncing and not even caring to protect himself, though this was his mistake since not every part of him is resistant to physical damage.

With the villain's fast pounce and Izuku's analytical mind, he concluded that only the huge bulging eyes were the only thing he could touch...the teeth too but the eyes were more sensitive.

As the villain neared, the teen surprised the sludge by rushing towards him too at the last minute to catch him off guard, when Izuku moved he aimed to grab the eye of the villain.


Upon successfully grabbing hold of the eye that was floating in place of the sludge, Izuku proceeded to rain down as many elbow strikes as he could, which made the sludge writhe in pain.

As the villains shout, he easily exposed his outlining teeth that were bigger than a normal set since they were big and clunkily shaped. Taking this chance, Izuku placed his foot on half of the villain's set of teeth.

A foot planted in place, he proceeded to split the teeth and the eyeball apart from their holding, and with one impactful push from the brute strength of his trained muscles, he was able to split them apart.

With an eye and half of his set of teeth missing, the villain was splashing on the ground in pain at the loss of his body parts.


But all of a sudden the manhole cover bursts open and out came a man that was regarded as this country's mighty pillar, All Might!

"HAVE NO FEAR!", the man said as he made his way out of the dirty sewers, the voice made the sludge tremble while the boy shook in excitement, "FOR I'M HERE!"

Though the mighty symbol of peace was not needed anymore since the villain was already apprehended...well...stopped temporarily is a better term.

All Might who was seeing the villain on the ground growling in pain proceeded to send 'light' punches to knock the conscious lights out of the guy. Having the sludge knocked out, All Might went ahead and contained the villain in a plastic bottle.

The two friends of Kaga couldn't help but be shocked with the No. 1's entrance and just looked towards Kaga for answers, but they were disappointed when they just saw her grinning from ear to ear.

"Now~ Here! Here it comes!", Kaga exclaimed and pointed wildly at the scene and when the two beside her looked back, they saw the teen suddenly cling to the pants of All Might as the hero quickly left the area with a thundering jump!

"HAHAHA!", Kaga laughed at the scene and proceeded to create an ice platform for them to stand on, "Hurry, let's go!", she hurried them after seeing their shocked faces.



While on the ice platform Shoto spoke, "Himiko, are you sure you want a guy who just clung to the pants of a Hero...and could've died from falling?"

"Of course! That's his charm, crazy, isn't it?", she said not caring whatsoever about the teen's reckless act.



Soon, Kaga brought them to another building's rooftop where they could see the events unfolding of how All Might suddenly becoming Small Might and Izuku questioning whether he too could become a Hero while being quirkless.

Surprising Kaga too since All Might's answer was that he too could become a hero, just that he has to be prepared to lay down his life since being a quirkless has no advantage.

'Huh...probably All Might saw the potential in Izuku after seeing him thrash the sludge villain', Kaga thought as she continued expecting the scene unfolding in front of her.

Though with All Might's words, the teen in front of him bursts into a river of tears, "Nee~ Himiko, you sure he doesn't have a quirk? I mean...the amount of tears coming out of his eyes is...weird", Kaga asked since the scene in front of them is just too weird.

"Nahh~ He really doesn't", she casually said all the while looking through the binoculars that Kaga provided them with.


All of a sudden in a nearby residential district, an explosion occurred to which resulted in flames in the surrounding area. Small Might who saw this immediately sprung into action and proceeded to...run down the stairs...of course, Izuku followed.

With the fire in the area, the two people beside Kaga wanted to act but Kaga spoke first, "Don't worry, this will be part of it~"

The trio simply flew on Kaga's ice and once again landed on a rooftop and watched the scene happen in front of them.

They saw the Sludge villain holding an ash-blond student or Bakugo for Himiko hostage, while Heroes and the like gave their shot in trying to rescue the student, but utterly failed in doing so.

Though when Himiko noticed that it was Bakugo being held hostage she didn't really give two shits about the person, since even though the person treats Izuku as a friend, his overall personality is still like gutter trash in the eyes of Himiko.

AN: (I already stated in the previous chapter that Himiko has already met Bakugo due to constantly meeting with Izuku)

Anyway, back to the Heroes trying to give their shot in excusing themselves from responsibility~!

Mount Lady excused herself by saying that she couldn't fit since it was a one-lane road instead of a two, Kamui Woods saying he's weak against fire and announced that he will leave it to someone suited, Backdraft busy with the fire, Death Arms saying the villain was too fluid to grab.

Other Heroes flocked to the scene but also gave their own excuse and their main excuse? "Will wait for someone that has a better quirk!", is what they are declaring.

Kaga seeing this was utterly disappointed and disgusted, in her thoughts if you can't do anything then find something to do at least!

"If these Heroes actually started using their brains, they would easily find out that the Sludge villain is very oily, hence splashing him with water would do the trick since oil and water don't mix, instead all these heroes want something like brute force."

Kaga said in disgusts as she looked at the BYSTANDING Heroes waiting for a better quirk user, "Himiko, what blood pill did you consume?", she asked.

"After your explanation, I consumed Telekinesis to pull out that student~", still in her cheery mood explained, she collects various kinds of blood from Heroes and with Kaga's family connections she was able to pick and collect easily.

How did they get the blood? Simple. Pay the Heroes for their blood, and no questions asked. Getting blood from a civilian with the same quirk as the Hero will do but it will be weak!

"Ohhh! Izuku's arrived along with All Might!", Himiko said as she casts her gaze at the running teen.

"When 'your' Izuku starts running to save that blond student, that's when we move!", Kaga said with a bit of excitement...why? It's because she has always wanted to berate these useless Heroes who could only think with their quirks and not with their brains.

In the words of the sleepless Hero: Eraserhead, "One trick ponies" are what you describe them!

And exactly like Kaga predicted, Izuku began running towards Bakugo while leaving All Might stunned at the boy's action, "Now?", Shoto who has been quiet and observing the situation asked.

"NOW!", and with that, the trio started to make their move!

They jumped from where they were and landed just behind Izuku, Himiko didn't have a problem dropping from such heights since after she drank enough blood from the super regenerating villain she killed, she was able to get a matching quirk from the guy and went crazy on the muscle training!

Though the amount of blood she had to drink was ungodly...she was just lucky that Kaga was her friend and constantly regenerated the bags of blood. She basically treated the guy's blood as her temporary source of daily water until she had the guy's quirk...but it paid off!

-Back to the Action!-

The trio landed just behind Izuku and shocked the crowd with their appearance, with Shoto propelling himself with fire, Kaga just...landed, and Himiko...just landed too.

But just like they planned, Himiko proceeded to use Telekinesis to forcefully pull Izuku and Bakugo to their side, which worked since there wasn't any sludge stopping it.

With every potential casualty out of the way, Kaga proceeded to smack both palms together and quickly released a blanket of frost in the district, effectively extinguishing the fire.

Shoto helped by trapping the Sludge villain in a block of ice which halted any further movement from the villain.

All this happened in a span of seconds upon their arrival, with their appearance they solved the fire, villain, and the hostage situation without missing a beat.

The people watching this scene could only drop their jaws in shock and say, "Next Chapter!"







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