
Chapter 32


I was alone at home and bored. I'd been looking at college options-local ones-but there was only so long I could keep it up. At least, when I did it at Adele's place, I could look up and see her sitting not too far away from me.

She was the whole reason I was going through with this, after all. Having my motivation right there was usu-ally enough to keep me going.

Of course, I wasn't doing it just for her. I was do-ing it for us, for our future. For the baby. I was still keep-ing it under wraps while trying to find the best time to tell Adele this good piece of news. That I might be going to the same college she would, so we wouldn't have to be separated. At least, not for too long if she ended up wait-ing until after she had the baby to go. And then, we could raise him or her together.

She'd been going to the doctors. Lately, I thought to myself. Is it still too early for an ultrasound? Then we could find out if the baby is a boy or a girl...

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