
The two assassins

The assassin tried to kick her, but she missed.

Although the princess was carrying a baby, she was fast enough to deflate the assassin's attack. She bent a bit, and turned, before she kicked the assassin, Right on the head.

Starry staggered a bit, but she immediately righted her stance.

"Just like I deduced, you are not the first assassin."

The leg work of the first assassin and the silent way they killed can't be used to compare to the clumsy ways of the second assassin.

"I don't care which number I got. All I know is this, I will show you what I'm made of." She raced towards the princess, and this time, she succeeded in kicking the princess on her stomach.

Cyp staggered back a bit, before she righted her stance, and went straight to the kill.

She kicked the assassin while making sure that Bin was safely in her arms. She was fast, and precise in deflating blows.

"You are fast."

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