
Training! Fasha's Choice!

(A/N: I've decided to make Fasha a love interest along with the other girl I had in mind. BUT that will be all, no more! Don't get any ideas! And I'm sure most of you can guess who the other girl is lol. I reread my other chaps and the IDK why I made it so mysterious like it was gonna be a HUGE surprise, I won't ruin it by saying who it is but I'm sure you can guess.)

It's been a few days since the morning at Bardock's home. I had Bardock explain the situation to Tora and Fasha when they arrived at his home. They readily agreed to follow the plan and were honored to be chosen out of his squad to help with this. I could tell these three were closer than the others at the bar, so while I may have broken up the squad when this all comes to the light I don't feel too bad about it.

When we arrived at my home a few hours later I had everyone their own room except Bardock and Gine obviously shared a room. I used the mind link on each of them one at a time passing on the instructions on how to meditate and learn ki sense and control. They needed to learn how to control their power levels and how to suppress them since I don't want questions on how they got stronger so quickly. Unsurprisingly Gine was the first to succeed and getting the basics of this down. Much to my surprise though Raditz learned it next. 'Must be because we learn quicker when we are children instead of an adult.' I mused. The others picked it up shortly after. Fasha was last, she has a very impatient personality so it was expected. After seeing feeling the small increase to there strength just from this alone though, she became the poster girl for meditation. She meditated the most out of everyone followed by Gine. I had told Gine that the abilities I wanted her to learn she would need very good control.

I had spruced up another underground part of the cave that was rather large to make into a makeshift gravity chamber. It was dome like and had smooth floors. I taught them some basic exercises and workouts then I stood in the middle of the room and used my ability. At the edges of the room it was around double the gravity of planet Vegeta. That's where Raditz and Gine worked out for these few days. The closer one got to me the more the gravity increased. Within a 6 foot radius around me it was 100 times planet Vegeta's gravity. I was there doing my own workout. Bardock was closest to me feeling about 35 times the gravity and everyone else was behind him doing their workouts. I also weighted everyone's clothing with my materialization ability.

"Uncle Broly! Could you please increase the weight of my clothes? I've already adjusted to this!" Raditz shouts and I look over to see him moving pretty good, unbothered. I just nod and use my ability to add another hundred pounds to his chest piece and 20 pounds to each limb. He immediately starts sweating and struggling again. Speaking of Raditz I have him wearing armor just like his dad's. I made Tora wear full leg tights as well. Honestly these dudes showed too much skin in the anime and manga I was very put off by it. 'That's right Broly's house has a fucking dude pants rule!' I mused

"Me as well Broly dear." Fasha calls out. She had been flirting shamelessly with me since they day we met and if I'm honest I was becoming increasingly attracted to the girl. She was a few years older than me but I didn't really care about that. I was more concerned with the fact I was going to meet a certain someone in about 11 months and change and I didn't know how she would feel if I pursued both girls. ' I'll just have to see how things go I suppose.' I muse.

"I will in a while, I need some time to recharge that ability. I'm not practiced enough in yet to use it that much." I tell her. But looking at her she still looks like she's using quite a bit of effort with what she has. I told the truth I did need to recharge more, but it was also due to her not being ready, I didn't want to hurt her pride though. I can tell she's trying hard to stand out and get my attention. She has it in her head that she needs to be strong enough to stand at my side, it hasn't stopped her flirting though. I turn my gravity ability off and they all stand up and look at me questioningly. "I think it's time to pass on something else to you all." I tell them and they line up. "I will share this, but you will have to be careful on missions and such not to show this, you must continue as you always have in front of others." I tell them and they nod in response. I place two fingers on their heads one at a time and pass on all the martial arts I have in my head onto them. They all look exhausted and in slight pain afterwards like they have headaches. 'It was a lot of information.' "Okay everyone take the rest of the day and sleep, I will go buy more food and cook, wont be Gine's cooking but it'll be edible." I tell them and they all nod. "I'll come by when I get back and check on each of you to make sure there wont be any side effects." I tell them and they disperse back into their rooms. Gine has cooked each meal these last few days and completely emptied my walk in food locker. The room was a bit deeper under ground and I routed water to run along the walls from a bit deeper underground making the room cold, everyone was shocked when I showed them this. They all wanted to know how I had done this. I lied and told them I had learned the method on the planet I was on for my mission. They accepted this explanation just fine.


Fasha POV:

I napped for a while adjusting to all the information Broly passed on to me. There was A LOT! 'What else does he have inside that head? He just keeps surprising us more and more, completely changing the way I've thought about everything.' I muse thinking back to the conversation Bardock, Tora and I had at Bardock's house before coming here. 'His ideals are completely different than what we've known until now, I can feel Bardock and Tora are more accepting of this. Honestly I don't care one way or the other, only issue is Broly doesn't seem to catch the hints I've been sending him. None of the other squad members interested me or excited me the way he does... I just want him to see me...' I muse rolling over in the comfy bed in my room. I'm facing away from the door just cuddled up with a large green furry blanket that looks a lot like the pelt Broly wears around his waist. Ever since I came here I've been obsessed with this room. There's a very comfortable bed, A large cabinet with extra sets of my new armor he designed for me, my own bathroom with a good sized shower and a 'hot tub' he called it. It's very relaxing to get into after a work out. Our squad never really paid much attention to comfortable things or even what he called 'hygiene' but Broly says the we have to stay clothed in common areas and bathed because he doesn't want a stinky home. At first it was an adjustment but now I don't know how I'm going to handle not having long baths while we go on missions.

I hear my door opening. 'Broly said he was going to check on us all.' I think blushing a bit. 'Why am I so flustered?! And why the fuck is he so sexy though? Unreasonably tall but sexy still!' I think feeling him sit on the edge of my bed before raising his hand to put it on my head. I turn over and look at him in his eyes which shocks him a bit before he just does his little half smile and puts his hand on my head. I then feel a warmth spread from his hand like a wave of comfort throughout my whole body. He's healed me before so I know that's what this is but I still can't get over how good it feels.

"T-thanks Broly.." I tell him shyly. I usually don't act like this but this guy has me all soft hearted like Gine... 'I don't know why but I don't mind it as long as it's just around him' I think with a smile.

"You're welcome, if you're feeling better go eat the others will be there after I finish healing their minds." He says about to remove his hand.

I grab it and place it on my cheek and I can see the surprise on his face. "Just a moment more...Please." I tell him and I can feel my cheeks heating up. He just nods and rubs my cheek with his thumb. "I've seen you struggling with something every time you look at me can you tell me?" I ask.

He looks thoughtful for a moment like he always does before he speaks. "There is a girl out there somewhere that I've seen in my visions... She doesn't even know I exist yet but I know I will meet her and we'll be happy together..." He says looking down at his lap and I can feel a my heart breaking a bit. "But then there is you... You are very interesting and unexpected and I can feel something for you... But I don't think its fair to you or the other girl if I accept either of these feelings so I am very conflicted." He says and I feel a bit hopeful at those words..

"So.. you look so miserable because you feel like you need to choose but you hate the idea of choosing one over the other..." I say and he just nods. "So don't choose..." I tell him and he just looks at me confused. "We saiyans are very selfish in nature... We love a good fight and cherish the struggle because we come out stronger at the end of it... Personally I feel more selfish than I think others are.. So if I get what I want by having to share a bit with someone else so be it, cause in the end it's still mine too." I tell him and I can clearly see the shock on his face. "BUT! You better just know that if I'm sharing you with this girl, there won't be anymore! Just her and me you got it?! And don't worry about her... I'll have a talk with her when the time comes so it wont mess up you chances having us both... Got it?!" I tell him grabbing his hand.

He threads his fingers through mine. "If you're sure.." He says. My hear leaps at those three words. I know he's not a man of very many words so I know he isn't belittling me or anything by just saying that. Hell when we got here Bardock was acting a bit wild like we do and Broly put his fingers on his head and pushed the thought "stop that shit" into Bardock's head just so he wouldn't have to speak. He stands pressing a kiss to my head before giving me his half smile and turning to check on the others. 'You may be out there and may have been planned for but I get him first mystery girl!' I think triumphantly.

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