
Chapter 19: Nightly Meeting

Dodging the slash attack of the War Shadows claw's in front of me I jumped back.

After doing so I immediately brought up my spear and used the bladed tip to slice the monsters chest open diagonally. Which caused it to jump back.

The moment it did so I rammed the tip of my spear into its chest, killing it in an instant.

As its body turned into smoke and its magic stone hit the ground, I heard the cracking of the dungeon coming from behind and above me.

The moment I did so I turned around, and saw three new War Shadows descending from the ceiling.

Even so I am not worried at all.

Since the moment those War Shadows landed on the ground each of them was cut down without any hesitation.

Courtesy of Ryuu.

During this past year she's really become a true member of the Athena familia, and a true friend to all of us.

Also, even though I've changed her original fate by having her join the Athena familia for some reason unknown to me she looks exactly like she did in the Astrea Record game back in my old life.

Clothing and all.

[Ryuu Astrea Record Image]

She even still wears her mask, and ask us to only call her Ryuu when inside the dungeon and around other adventurers.

However she's not that way with us personally.

She never wears her mask in our home, which I love.

"Nice work as always Ryuu." I told her.

She simply nodded.

As she did so Ryner and Leonmitchelli finished off the last of the War Shadows that appeared from the dungeon and tried to kill us.

"Finally." Leonmitchelli said. "Now we can go home in peace." She mused.

Since we are on our way out of the dungeon.

In this past year our familia has been able to progress all the way down to the 12th floor.

Not to shabby if I do say so myself.

Especially since once we hit the 13th floor my [Geo Archon] skill will finally activate, and then I can really start raking in the excelia and status increase.

But first things first.

I won't touch the middle floors until my familia and I decided as a whole we are ready.

Since thanks to reading the light novels and watching the Danmachi anime I know just how fucked up the dungeon is the deeper you go.

Just remember the hell original Ryuu and Bell experienced on the 37th floor also known as the "White Palace" still sends shivers up my spine.

Still one day I will brave that place and conquer it.

I am an adventurer after all, and pushing into the unknown and dangerous is what we do.

The four of us gathered up the War Shadow magic stones.

Once we did so we continued to make our way out of the dungeon until we arrived on the surface.

Then once we did so we headed home.

Entering we found Athena, Millhiore, and Gaul waiting for us.

"Welcome back everyone." Athena told us.

"Thanks." I said.

"Yes, thank you goddess Athena." Ryuu spoke. Pulling down her face mask as she did so.

"So, how was the dungeon today?" Gaul asked.

"Eh, same old same old." Ryner mused.

"Except on our way out we ran into a collection of War Shadows." Leonmitchelli explained. "Though they had nothing on us." She said.

"Well I'm glad everyone made it home safely." Millhiore said. "Also dinner is ready."

"Good. I'm starving." I said.

Once I did so I headed up to my room and washed up before coming back down for dinner. The others doing the same thing.

Having a nice meal we laughed and talked while we ate.

Then once it was over we had our nightly familia meeting.

But before that everyone had their status checked.

Once that was taken care of we all sat in the living room and looked at each others statuses.


Name: Morax Lapis

Level: One

Strength: A810

Endurance: B769

Dexterity: A801

Agility: A832

Magic: B778


Geo Force: Allows the user to create and manipulate earth constructs such as weapons. The more complex the constructs are the faster Mind is drained.

Chant: Ground and soil, heed my command and come forth!

Slot 2: ?

Slot 3: ?


Geo Archon: Increases the effect and power of any earth-based magic. It also doubles the user's strength and agility stats anytime they are in combat within rocky terrain. This allows one to be able to sense people within a 50 meter radius upon rocky terrain, but only if they are part of one's familia.

Developmental Abilities:


Name: Ryner Lute

Level: One

Strength: C612

Endurance: C600

Dexterity: A850

Agility: A840

Magic: A869


Izuchi: Allows the user to conjure forth lighting and direct it and shape it at their will.

Chant: What I seek is thunder, Izuchi!

Slot 2:?

Slot 3:?


High Magus: Increases the power, range, and attack strength of any of the user's magic. As well speeds up the recovery of their mind, generally preventing Mind Down unless they are in dire straits.

Developmental Abilities:


Name: Ryuu Lion

Level: One

Strength: C620

Endurance: C640

Dexterity: B720

Agility: A880

Magic: A810


Noah Heal: A healing-type magic which heals the targets wounds and restorers stamina, though it takes time for the magic to take affect. Effect rises in forested areas.

Chant: The song of a now distant forest. The nostalgic song of life. Please bring the mercy of healing to those that seek you.

Slot 2:?

Slot 3:?


Developmental Abilities:


Name: Leonmitchelli Galette de Rois

Level: One

Strength: A855

Endurance: A848

Dexterity: A820

Agility: C605

Magic: I0


Slot 1:?

Slot 2:?

Slot 3:?


Night Vision: Allows one to see perfectly in dim-lit areas and even pitch black darkness as if it were daytime.

Development Abilities:


Name: Gaul Galette de Rois

Level: One

Strength: A840

Endurance: A869

Dexterity: B721

Agility: C602

Magic: I0



Night Vision: Allows one to see perfectly in dim-lit areas and even pitch black darkness as if it were daytime.

Developmental Abilities:


Name: Millhiore Biscotti

Level: One

Strength: B740

Endurance: B735

Dexterity: A820

Agility: B766

Magic: I0



Developmental Abilities:


Looking at everyone's status I smiled, nodding as I did so.

This is the fruits of our labor for the past year. Our blood and sweat we've poured into grinding in the dungeon.

All of it having culminated to now.

Where everyone can now level up with no issues.

Everyone has a status above D rank, now all we need to go is go on some adventures and our entire familia will hit level 2.

Not bad.

Not bad at all.

"As usual all of you look to be doing wonderful." Athena said as she looked at all our status sheets. "I am so proud of you all."

"Thank you goddess." I told her.

"Yeah thanks." Gaul said. "But dammit, I wish I had some magic so my magic status would increase."

"Little brother you know its not that easy to get magic." Leonmitchelli said.

She's right.

Even if one does receive Falna there is no guarantee they will ever acquire magic. Even if they do level up.

The fact that Ryner, Ryuu, and I all have magic despite still only being level one's is pretty rare.

"I know but still, I want magic." Gaul said.

"Don't get so down Gaul. There is still a chance for you to acquire magic of your own as you level up." I said.

"Yeah, and if that doesn't work you could always try to find a grimoire." Ryner added.

"Right, like I would ever be lucky enough to get my hands on one of those." Gaul commented.

He's not wrong.

Grimoires are that fucking rare.

"Do not worry Gaul, I am sure you will be able to use magic one day." Ryuu said. Giving him a soft smile as she did so.

"Ah, thanks Ryuu." Gaul said.

She gave a curt nod in response.

"Ok, let's move on." I said. "All of us meet the requirements to level up, so I think its time we did so. Who is with me?" I asked.

Since I know some people like to max our their stats before leveling up.

Though I am not like that.

I don't think I can acquire S-rank stats like Bell and at the moment I don't care to try. Not with Evilus and its allies getting more violent every single day.

Right now I need power to weather the coming shit storm over the next few years.

But that doesn't mean I'm throwing power to the wind for speed. I've made a vow to myself before leveling up that I always want my Strength and Agility stats to be A-rank.

So I can always use my [Geo Archon] skill to its fullest potential.

"I am." Gaul said.

"Me too." Leonmitchelli added.

"I want to level up as well." Ryuu spoke.

"Count me in." Ryner said.

"Yes, let's do this." Millhiore said.

"Alright, so its settled then. Tomorrow we start our quest for all of us to level up." I said.

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

So with that we adjourned the nightly meeting and then all headed off to bed.

Getting a good nights rest to prepare for the task ahead of us.

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