
Global Justice & Betty Director

Despite his archnemesis being one Kim Possible, Drakken was very much aware of the fact that she wasn't the only threat to his plans, not by far. She wasn't even his biggest threat. No, the biggest threat to all Drakken wanted to accomplish had to be, without a doubt, the Global Justice Network and Doctor Betty Director, it's leader. The top-secret worldwide organization, also known as GJ, had been a thorn in his side nearly as much as Kim Possible back in the original timeline. Though it was more accurate to say that they were a massive source of intel and resources for his archnemesis more than anything else.

Kim's tech guy, Wade, was the one who usually found out about Drakken's plans, of course, but Drakken knew for a fact that GJ was the source of his archnemesis' intelligence on his plans, more than once. Needless to say, they had to be dealt with one way or another, because if they found out that he was a time traveler from the future, they would do their best to remove him from play as soon as possible.

Which was why Drakken had spent the last few months working as a GJ contractor and upgrading all of their cybersecurity systems.

"Dr. Lipsky? Dr. Director will see you now."

Perking up, Drakken grins widely as he rises to his feet and gives Doctor Betty Director's assistant a nod, knowing full well that the unassuming woman sitting behind the desk outside of the GJ leader's office is a fully trained agent in her own right. And yet, when he grins at her and winks, the young woman blushes and ducks her head, smiling and shimmying in a way that lets Drakken know she's rubbing her thighs together in abject lust.

Stepping past her and through the set of double doors that lead into the good doctor's office, Drakken hums a small little tune, even as he sits down unprompted in one of the chairs in front of Betty's desk. The head of Global Justice looks at him as he sits down with her one good eye, the other hidden behind an eyepatch, likely lost in some mission or other. Drakken had never bothered to find out.

"Dr. Lipsky, welcome. Can I offer you anything to drink?"

Drakken just shakes his head and smiles.

"No, I'm fine. And please, call me Drew."

For a brief moment, Dr. Director's lips curl upwards, as if she's about to smile, before she manages to get her expression back under control.

"That wouldn't be appropriate, Dr. Lipsky. Regardless, let's get down to brass tacks. You've done good work for us; these last few months. The Global Justice Network, and thus the world itself, has never been safer. I wanted to personally thank you for your service… and discuss payment."

Drakken hums at that, nodding slowly.

"Yes, of course… payment."

Here, the slightest frown appears on Betty Director's face. She looks down at a high-tech holographic pad in front of her. It's a contract… specifically, the contract he and GJ had signed when work first began. Or rather, it was the contract that Betty Director THOUGHT they'd signed when work began. In truth, this contract was barely two days old… and had only been brought up once he had complete and utter control over Dr. Director and all of Global Justice.

"Yes, payment… as we both know, we left payment open-ended when we made up your contract. Frankly, there were some at GJ who thought you couldn't do what you said you could. That's why it was agreed that, when you finished your work, IF you finished your work, you would be allowed to ask for whatever you wanted from us, so long as it was in our power to give it."

Yeah, that certainly would never have flied if Drakken hadn't managed to spread his mind control nanites throughout every Global Justice facility across the entire world. It'd taken quite a lot of effort and hard work, and a lot of travel as well, but he'd done it… and now the entire organization was under HIS control, before he'd ever even fallen onto their radar as a supervillain.

After playing with Shego as he had, Drakken had found he had a penchant for this sort of… mind control. Playing around with contracts, making them think that because it was in a contract, they simply had no choice. Smiling wickedly, Drakken shrugs his shoulders.

"Were you one of those who thought I couldn't do it then, doctor?"

Betty straightens up a bit for a moment, before ultimately letting out a soft sigh.

"Perhaps I was, Dr. Lipsky. But if I was… you certainly managed to prove me wrong. Now then, payment."

Her clipped tone makes him think she's almost unhappy with him. But then, Drakken is in Betty's head. He can make her feel whatever way he wants her to feel. For now, he lets her maintain control of her own emotions and feelings. After all, he doesn't need to directly control her mind… not when he has the contract hanging over her head.

"Hm, yes, I've given a lot of thought to what payment I would take for my work. Anything that GJ can give me… I've decided, as it so happens. I'm taking Global Justice."

Betty's one eye widens at that, and then her shoulders slump in defeat.

"… I was worried you would say that."

Drakken just grins.

"Don't worry my dear. I'm fully intending to remain a… silent owner. You'll barely even realize I'm in charge. I still want you to lead all of the day to day operations, but from now on, you and the rest of Global Justice will answer to me."

Utterly ridiculous. Completely comical. Truly ludicrous. And yet, it's a testament to just how powerful Drakken's nanites are, because rather than call him out on his bullshit or just outright shoot him in the head where he's sitting, Dr. Betty Director has a resigned look on her face as she simply nods in agreement.

"As you wish, Dr. Lipsky, I-!"

Drakken holds up a hand, silencing the no-nonsense woman without having to say a word. Her jaw clicks shut, and she waits for him to speak, easily ceding the floor to him… now that he's her direct superior.

"Since you don't want to call me Drew, from now on you can address me as 'sir' or 'Master', Betty. Is that understood?"

Betty tenses, but ultimately bows her head in defeat once more.

"Yes, sir."

Grinning wickedly at this point, Drakken just can't hold back any longer.

"Show me your tits."

That gets GJ's leader's attention, her single eye going wide once more as her head shoots up sharply.


Drakken just lifts an eyebrow in response, staring unabashedly at her large rack, contained as it is in her form-fitting uniform.

"I'm in charge around here now, Betty. If you want to keep your job, then you'll do exactly what I say, won't you? Starting with taking off your top and your bra and showing me your tits."

Having ramped up her already great desire to remain in her position to eleven, Drakken isn't surprised when Betty only hesitates for a moment before flushing in humiliation and embarrassment but reaching up to begin removing her top all the same. She unbuttons her collar and then unzips her uniform, removing her jacket and showing off her tatas, which are currently clad in a sports bra.

As the curvaceous woman pulls down the front zipper on her sports bra as well, Drakken can't deny it… his mouth is watering. Betty Director's breasts prove to be even bigger than he initially expected as they bounce free of their confines. Unable to help himself, Drakken immediately stands and walks around the desk.

"You're in my seat, doctor. Get up."

Still incredibly embarrassed but nevertheless willing to obey, Betty rises from her own chair, letting Drakken take her place. She stands there in parade rest with her tits out as he sits down and relaxes into the fairly comfortable high back chair.

"Good… now, take off your pants as well and climb into my lap."

As she's stripping out of her pants, Drakken is pulling his cock out of its confines. Betty hesitates when she sees his growing erection, but ultimately does as she's told and climbs aboard. Unable to help himself at this point, unable to hold back for even a moment, Drakken wraps his arms around the voluptuous femme fatale and drags her in so that he can latch onto one of her fat tits with his mouth and begin sucking, slurping, and biting.

Betty Director gasps as she's debased and degraded, as she's forced to sit on his lap and just take it as he slurps and suckles at her tits, one after the other. Grabbing hold of the fat jugs with both hands, Drakken trades off between them, greatly enjoying the massive mammaries for what they are… ALL his. At the same time, inadvertently, Betty is rubbing her panty-clad crotch against his cock, her pussy grinding against his girth as he toys and plays with her to his heart's content.

Ultimately, this continues for several minutes, with Betty gasping and groaning louder and louder, her reactions growing more and more pronounced the more aggressive he gets, and the longer things go on. But it's not long before Drakken is well and truly throbbing, and he has no desire to deposit his load anywhere but inside of the good doctor.

Finally pulling back from her tits, Drakken instead takes ahold of her short brown hair and pulls the one-eyed brunette down into a savage kiss, crashing his lips against hers and forcing his tongue into her mouth, which she reluctantly submits to. This distracts Betty from what he's doing down below, though not for long. Still, by the time she realizes what's going on, Drakken has already pulled aside the woman's panties and dropped her cunt down onto his waiting erection.

She's wet, though not sopping. That's no surprise, given all Drakken is making her do is obey him, not actually enjoy this. And yet, even still, it seems like his extended physical worship of her breasts has turned her on in spite of herself. Grinning into Betty's mouth, the time traveling mad scientist begins to fuck Global Justice's leader right there in her office, bounding the naked curvy brunette up and down on his cock, one hand still gripping at her short hair and the other now on her ass, squeezing it harshly and pulling her up and down his length.

For a time, that's all Drakken does. He bounces Betty Director on his dick and relishes in the sheer sense of victory as the poor woman moans into his mouth, her pussy walls clenching and squeezing down around his cock harder and harder by the moment. She's getting more into it now, and he finds himself wondering how long it's been since she got any. Eventually, Betty cums on his cock. It's of her own volition too. She knows she has to do this, but that doesn't mean she has to enjoy it.

And yet, she does, climaxing around his dick, orgasming along his member. Maybe it's all the practice he's had with Shego making him better at sex, Drakken can't say. All he knows is that it turns him on to no end, and he gives Betty Director's booty a nice hefty smack in response, before groping and squeezing her ass all over again as he continues to bounce her up and down on his dick.

She cums one more time, before he finally tips over the edge himself and spills his load inside of her. He fills Betty Director with his seed, pumping a nice thick load of white, hot jizz right into her womb. Only after he's done giving her that little gift does Drakken stop, pulling back and relaxing into the chair. Betty, meanwhile, slumps against him, panting heavily. It's clearly been a long time since the gorgeous femme fatale went on a seduction mission or anything like that. She'd grown rusty in her time behind a desk.

Chuckling darkly, Drakken licks his lips and looks Betty in her one eye.

"Now get under the desk and clean me off, Betty."

"… Yes sir…"

Hopping off his dick, sinking to her knees, the short-haired brunette takes him into her mouth and begins to clean him off with her lips and tongue. As Drakken luxuriates in the sensation of having THE Doctor Betty Director blowing him, he reaches out and presses a button. A moment later, Betty's assistant steps into the room.

"Yes ma'am, wha- oh! Sorry sir, I thought Dr. Director was still in today!"

Drakken just grins wickedly.

"She is… she's just indisposed at the moment."

The young woman's eyes slide downwards, and in the moment of silence that follows, Drakken knows that Betty's assistant can hear her boss sucking off her boss' boss under the table. A look of pure, wanton perverse lust spreads across her face at that, and she licks her lips as she gives Drakken a grin that he readily returns. Not every member of Global Justice needed to be reluctant, after all.

"I can hear that, sir. Mm, what can I do for you, Master?"

Drakken, still grinning, puts his hands behind his head and laces his fingers together as he considers that.

"… I want you to compile a list of every female agent that Global Justice employs, my dear. I'm looking forward to getting to know every single one of them… intimately."

"Yes sir! Right away, sir!"

And like that, she's off to complete the task he's assigned her. Sighing and resting a hand atop Betty's head as he relaxes back in the woman's chair, Drakken grins wickedly, glancing to a digital calendar on the good doctor's desk.

He came back pretty early, truth be told. Too early to have much fun yet. Kim Possible… isn't ripe. But while he does have a few years to kill before he can begin to fulfill his true master plan… Drakken knows he's going to have plenty of fun during that time, regardless. Fucking his way through Global Justice and beyond will take time, after all…


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