
Emperor's Decision

"I heard enough of all of you so now rest your mouths and I must say you all are very hot-blooded cuz of which you don't even care about your life." The Emperor said as his voice sounded angry at the end.


"Giving up your life and taking others life. You all are so young and yet you have such thoughts that make me wonder about how your future would be....Lady White your anger is right at your place and we all are well aware of your loss and we sympathise with it but still, that doesn't give you the right to take an innocent life. 


And Ethan as a Knight you must know your duties and to say you will give your life to them but have you forgotten the ought your age to this nation? Ethan Balor White, you don't belong to anyone but to yourself and this empire! You are a Knight who is born to protect not beg! 


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