
Chapter Twenty-Eight: A Picture Can Say A Lot

After a conflicting, possibly life-threatening, situation people usually took some time away from crowds and cameras to focus on themselves.

Cordelia, unfortunately, wasn't provided with that luxury.

The brunette bookworm was instead thrust into the limelight with flashing cameras and broad fake smiles. The six champions awoke to professors asking them to arrive at the Banquet Hall at seven am.

While most of the champions had a good night's sleep with grand dreams, it was a long sleepless night for Cordelia. She spent the greater part of the night touring the palace's halls in her sleepwear, the silk nightie barely combating against the harsh winds. When the anxious pureblood finally returned back to her bed, she was awoken an hour later with a splitting headache.

However, her position as a pureblood princess didn't allow any form of tardiness, thus Cordelia couldn't do much but gulp down a calming draught and follow the French professor before her.

Thankfully the blonde woman wasn't keen on conversation and allowed Cordelia a few minutes of silence. It wasn't nearly enough for her to recover from the previous night, but the blue-eyed witch appreciated it nonetheless. Unfortunately, her relief didn't last very long and was stolen as soon as she entered the Banquet Hall.

Shiny chandeliers and lit candles met her as Cordelia entered the hall. Once her eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness the brunette noticed she was the last to make an appearance.

The three headmasters stood clustered near the back with a redhead woman and a painter with quills and parchment floating near him. Another painter similar to the first set up his paints and canvas near the front, facing the two rows of chairs.

"The interview, of course."

While the Triwizard Tournament was a rather quick ordeal, it had many events before its start, much like any other pureblood occasion. Most of the events were irrelevant, such as the dinner parties and talking to the headmasters for advice.

The only relevant event before the first task happened to be the champions interview, and Cordelia showing up with a loose tie and lazy gait didn't help matters. Tom, however, appeared to make a good enough impression for both of them and had no trouble chatting up the champions as she took her time approaching them.

"You're late."

"And you're thriving."

Her response wasn't taken very nicely as Cordelia stopped beside Tom, but she couldn't miss the light smirk across his lips as the headmasters finally addressed the champions.

"Now that all of you are present-" Madame Maxime took a moment to promptly gaze at Cordelia "-we can begin with the portrait."

The large woman turned towards the left and wandlessly dulled the candles, allowing the chandelier's crystals to glow their brightest. She then strolled towards the rows of chairs and took a seat in the centre of the first row, the Beauxbaton champions sitting right behind her.

Cordelia and Tom followed their lead and sat behind Dippet and Dumbledore, waiting for the Dumstrangs to take their seats on the left before turning towards the painter.

"This shouldn't take too long, only an hour or two. I shall start from the right and as each champion is sketched they will be taken away by Natalie for a short interview."

While the painter promised the painting would be over quickly, it had taken over an hour to sketch the Dumstrang boys and Estelle. The three of them including the Dumstrang professors had taken their leave as soon as they could which left Cordelia frowning as she cursed the painter for not starting from the right.

To make matters worse Tom hadn't muttered a single word throughout the ordeal, choosing to sit with his back as straight as a slate even if the painter hadn't begun painting them.

Cordelia presumed his silence was influenced by Dumbledore's presence, but something led her to think otherwise. Perhaps it was the way he clenched his fist and leaned as far back as he could, or maybe it had to do with his occasional eyeroll as he stared at the other champions.

Regardless of what exactly made Cordelia suspiciously look at the Dumstrang boys as they left, she couldn't help but turn towards Tom with furrowed eyebrows.

"What did they say?"

Even though she was quiet enough to ensure no one heard her, Tom's initial response was to glare at her and suspiciously look around them. It wasn't until Cordelia lightly kicked his shin that Riddle finally turned towards her, his glare still remaining.


She rolled her eyes at the response, turning towards the painter just as he gestured for Madame Maxime to leave.

"I wonder if the Dumstrang boys would say the same."

Tom didn't take too kindly to the remark as he flicked her wrist, causing Cordelia to turn back towards him.

"My business is none of your concern."

"It is if you look like a hermit who was just turned down by the love of his life."

Tom flinched at her reply, this time turning completely towards Cordelia as she did the same. For a moment he didn't do anything and simply stared at her, but when he finally decided to speak he was interrupted by the painter.

"Would the lovebirds care to turn to the front?"

The question had Tom and Cordelia snapping to the front just as Dippet and Dumbledore turned towards them. The two professors sent each other smirks as they turned back to the front, not noticing the blush across Cordelia's cheeks.

"So, miss Cordelia, how do you like Beauxbaton?"

Cordelia shrugged at the reporter, leaning back as she replied.

"It's quite beautiful."

The reporter nodded at her, quickly scribbling something down before turning towards her yet again.

"Do you think you have what it takes to win this Tournament?"

This question made Cordelia smirk as she stared down the reporter, waiting for a moment before replying.

"I believe the Triwizard Tournament requires more than brains and brawns. It requires skill. Skill to come up with a solution to problems you never knew existed, skill to overcome a situation you never saw coming. Do I believe I have that skill? Certainly, and I am willing to bet on myself regardless of the situation."

Natalie seemed satisfied by the answer as she leaned back in her chair, briefly glancing at Tom's approaching form before she asked a final question.

"Do you believe if it came to you and Tom Riddle going up against each other you would soften due to your relationship?"

The blonde reporter's annunciation of the last word had Cordelia narrowing her gaze as she leaned forward, getting ready to leave as Tom finally came into hearing range.

"Everyone in this tournament is a competitor to me, regardless of their position."

Natalie smirked at the reply and scribbled away as Cordelia left her seat and turned towards the side, meeting Tom's gaze just as he took a seat.

She didn't have much time to dawdle, however, as Cordelia spotted a certain bearded professor taking his leave. A huff left her as Cordelia speed-walked to catch up with Dumbledore, second-guessing herself even as she followed him.

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