
Chapter Sixteen: Riddle's Rendezvous

Students bustled by in several groups, each of their excited faces hidden beneath thick woollen scarves and sweaters. Chatter reigned over the streets of Hogsmeade as several students attempted to find a perfect costume for the impending Halloween and champions celebration ball due for All Hallows Eve. Gusts of cold wind blew through the village, each spray of the fresh autumn breeze making gaggles of girls either giggle or shiver depending on their preferences.

While most people were busy browsing shops there were still quite a few who hogged the tables at the Three Broomsticks, the crowd of Hogwarts students in the alleys of Hogsmeade simultaneously thinning and increasing as people swarmed in and out of stores and eateries.

It had been a day since Dippet announced the ball, yet the fourth years and up had taken it upon themselves to excitedly swarm towards Hogsmeade on the first given opportunity.

Pureblood girls jiggled their bags of galleons as they moved through the shops, mud-bloods clutched their wizard and muggle currency while fancying costumes paying homage to their legacy. Chaos ensured as various people glanced at one another before turning away, too busy ogling items for themselves or each other. It was clear no one paid any mind to the several puffs of air and excited shouts of shopkeepers.

No, everyone was focused on ensuring they snagged the best costume. And Cordelia fell into that category.

The calculative bookworm and her group of seven had decided to adorn winter cloaks as they browsed the shops, their attire doing little to conserve any warmth. Ignatius and Orion happened to be the only ones who had forseen the windy cold, each of the boys adorning winter jackets that caused Aurora and Cordelia to cling to their boyfriend and brother respectively. After all, the Fawley heir and Black-McMillan girl happened to be the ones who were affected by the cold more than anyone else.

"Do you think Le Couturière will be open around this time?"

Aurora's question drew the brunette's sapphire gaze away from a display window, her left hand clutching a cup of butterbeer as she addressed the blonde creature lover.

"It might be, after all, it opens after lunch."

Theodore groaned at the remark, the noise being echoed by Orion, Rodolphus and Ignatius as they were forced to follow the girls around while the latter floated from one shop to another. It seemed regardless of the copious amounts of grand costumes the pureblood girls hadn't quite found something they liked.

Usually, the boys would be as picky as the girls if not more so, but Theodore had decided to dress up as a Dementor, Orion would be the human version of a Thestral, and Ignatius had decided to be Zonko himself, throwing homage to the various pranks pulled curtsey of Mr Zonko's supplies.

Rodolphus and Druella had decided to have matching outfits which was why he didn't complain as the Black witch led him towards the dingy yet cute white and yellow seamstress shop with pink lights all across the ceiling. The décor was enough to make a pureblood woman proud, the plush couches and neat carpets being impeccably clean.

While to the untrained eye Anastasia Couturière's shop looked bland and lacked good robes, the purebloods knew otherwise.

Only pureblood witches and wizards were allowed to see the seamstress's actual talent, her store being a front while the backroom happened to be an extended changing and sewing room that contained gowns, robes, costumes, and everything else a pureblood witch would want. Obviously, she had a special section for the males as well, which made her store famous amongst prejudiced purebloods refusing to share their garments with mud-bloods.

It was a horrible thing Madame Anastasia was running, but the popularity with her customers ensured her store was up and running for the past half a century, the current owner really just being the daughter of the late clothing and fashion goddess Ursula Couturière. The woman had single-handedly crafted a whole legacy of clothing for the pureblood females, introducing creature-based costumes for the pureblood generations to come.

Unfortunately, she had passed away a year ago when an Auror killed her while a raid of her potions that allowed the gown to fit like a glove. It was a peculiar reason for a raid if people didn't know how prejudiced the Couturière were. The gowns were made to wind tightly around muggles and muggle-borns if they dared wear a Couturière's creation, the material choking the mud-blood within before setting on fire and turning the body to ash.

The technique was horrid and awful. But for Cordelia and Druella it seemed magical and an almost impeccable plot for murder, in fact, many people had used Couturière's gowns to suffocate their enemies. The Black family was known for entertaining the Couturière's new creations and lending a hand in terms of supplies. After all, if you wanted your clothes to kill a whole race you need potions and ingredients that tend to be very hard to find.

"Good evening ladies and gents, I presume you're here for your Hogwarts costumes?"

Nine heads nodded at Anastasia as she stood in front of a light brown desk, the woman's atrocious green hair bringing a smile to Cordelia's lips as she subtly winked at the older female. Melania had constantly ordered custom made gowns for her and her daughter from Le Couturière, which was why their families happened to be quite close. That ensured Anastasia would save the best costumes for the Black ladies.

Arcturus had been an important supplier for the Couturière materials for the past few years, all of the seamstress's potions going through Arcturus's part of the ministry to ensure she was never caught. While some would be disgusted on knowing their father was involved in muggle and mud-blood genocide, Cordelia frankly didn't care for her father's acts, knowing that hate crimes would carry on regardless of her slight unease.

It was either she spoke up and got disowned or killed, or she kept quiet and got a new gown each time Couturière had a successful transaction. Lia preferred the latter.

"Right this way, the Malfoy boy just entered with a twenty-something group, I couldn't stop the little whores from raiding mother's latest collection."

Druella openly laughed at the statement, the boisterous chuckle making Lia and Phyllis giggle while Aurora merely frowned and followed after them.

The room Anastasia led them into was covered in various garments, the mannequins moving to display their dresses in the most appealing manner. A vast circular room was covered with several shelves, the assorted shapes hosting various accessories and minor clothing items. But the items that dragged wizards and witches to the dingy little place happened to be resting on various racks and mannequins, the plastic beings switching their clothes every few minutes and muttering instructions to lost magic folk.

Right off the bat, Druella dragged Rodolphus away, their digits interlocked as the golden-eyed witch rambled on about various costume options. Cordelia smirked at her cousin's mannerism, aware that she was subtly falling for the Lestrange boy. It was cute to see her two best friends develop their friendship, much like Aurora and Ignatius who happened to be more subtle as they hurried off, looking at various creature-based costumes.

That left Phyllis, Orion and Theodore to wander the place with Cordelia.

The room was huge, each corner being draped with velvet sheets that subtly covered various shelves filled to the brim, several pureblood wizards and witches wandered the room as they searched for good costumes, most of them rushing towards the changing rooms with a house-elf in tow, the latter carrying piles of clothing.

"We should have got Tinky."

Orion's words made Cordelia laugh as she walked away with her brother, promising to meet Phyllis beside the first changing room in twenty minutes as Theo joined the Parkinson heir. Orion immediately walked towards the creature costumes, attempting to get his sister to match with him. The blue-eyed brunette profusely refused, sneering each time her brother proposed the idea.

"Did you speak to mother?"

The query successfully distracted Orion as he turned away from the numerous racks and shelves, smiling at his sister before replying. It was clear Orion understood what she was doing, but took the bait nonetheless.

"Yes, she replied to my letter and said she was very proud, that father will throw a ball in our name when we get back for the winter vacation."

Lia scoffed at the reply, gazing at a very suggestive snake outfit while her brother looked at the array of various Thestral alternatives.

"He does realize the champions will be chosen by then, and it won't matter who was chosen to go to Hogwarts."

Orion nodded, drawing his sliver gaze towards his sister who happened to be moving her palm over the snake costume. The horrified gasp that echoed around them made the blue-eyed witch laugh as her brother yanked her away from the reptile costumes, muttering curses about how Couturière should consider doing at least one line that wasn't revealing.

"Don't even think about wearing that, father will disown you the moment he sees it."

The sixteen-year-old nodded at her younger brother, hooking her arm with his and walking towards the darker outfits based on wizard fiction. Ones that were closer to the male section and allowed Orion to gaze at a few outfits too.

"You're right, such outfits are designed for more private affairs."

Giggles burst out of the Black-McMillan girl as Orion yanked his arm away, slapping her on the back of her head and muttering curse words under his breath.

Regardless of how old or experienced Lia got, her brother would never admit that she was bound to end up wearing something revealing at one point. Personally, the girl couldn't fathom wearing something in public that went beyond a backless gown or a slight V-neck but annoying her brother was a fun task and proved to help the time speed by.

"I need to drown you in holy water, honestly, you've been spending too much time around Ella."

The statement made Cordelia openly laugh as she once again reached for her brother's arm, curling their arms around each other and tsking at his tone.

"You're lucky Druella and Rodolphus are too busy sucking face to hear you."

Orion wrinkled his nose and looked around the vast velvet room, spotting the brunette couple right away as they leaned beside a Quidditch based collection and seemed to lose themselves in one another.

For a moment Cordelia couldn't help but feel slightly spiteful. Ella and Rodolphus and Rora and Ignatius had each other, Phyllis was a free butterfly who would get one boyfriend after the other. Orion could get several girls but just refused due to his shy personality and Theodore was head over heels for the Yaxley girl. That left Lia alone in terms of a relationship.

After she and Aldrich had cut things off the Black heir hadn't yearned for physical contact, in fact, she craved to put a stop to her romantic life for a little while and instead focus on school, yet her mind had been amiss for the past few days as she saw the couples support one another mentally. Cordelia didn't have that, and she was afraid she wouldn't have it until she was twenty-two and her parents decided to marry her off.

"Hey I'll see you in a bit, I just spotted Yaxley."

Lia nodded at her brother's remark, letting go of his arm and pretending his words didn't impact her thought process heavily. It wasn't Orion's fault that the Yaxley twins had just walked in. Her brother was friends with them and thus was allowed to mingle.

Lia attempted to turn her attention towards the costumes as she riffled her fingers over the various costumes. Cornflower blue eyes turned towards the side, hoping to look at another costume but instead landing on a frivolous sight.

Tom Marvolo Riddle seemed to be entertaining two Slytherin sixth-year witches as they led him around the female section, the witches continuously fighting to grasp his attention. The red-headed girl clinging to his right arm happened to drag him away from the other girl and towards a diabolic unicorn-based outfit, the evident lack of material making Cordelia blush and turn away from the sight.

It was ridiculous how he seemed to have so many girls desperate to seek his attention yet didn't seem to care. What was even worse was how Riddle would pretend to indulge in a pureblood witch's desperate tries to seduce him before dumping her and forgetting about the female population for quite a few days. Cordelia had even heard a rumour where Thalia Travers had gone as far as to lounge in Tom's dorm room and refused to leave until he professed his love for her.

At least he has people fawning over him.

The thought made the conflicted witch sigh as she abandoned the rack before her, gazing at a mannequin as she allowed her mind to run a mile a minute.

Wasn't she the one who refused to get into any relationships? The pureblood witch who had been asked out quite a few times after her messy break up with Aldrich yet refused all of the wizards that sought her out. It was hypocritical, really. First, she pushed away any form of romantic relationships, and then, at the cusp of the Triwizard Tournament where she needed to focus, her brain craved to have someone to talk to and express her feelings with.

Yes, she had her loving friends and brother, but Lia couldn't help but feel lost as she realized everyone seemed to be attached to someone more than they liked her. As if she was all of her friends' second option. Theodore and Phyllis happened to be the only ones who hadn't delved into a relationship but the Nott heir was clearly smitten with his betrothed and the honey-skinned Parkinson girl would flirt with various different males each day.

"Merlin, I'm pathetic."

Cordelia hadn't realized she said it out loud until a familiar boy's voice reached her ears, his words making the blue-eyed misanthrope stop her internal conflict to turn around and meet a set of almond eyes.

"Finally, something we can agree upon."

Tom's words made the Black heir sneer as she turned away, realizing why Orion wished for a quick escape. Her brother happened to be part of Riddle's future plans and thus respected the brunette enough to abandon his sister.

"I'd say I fancy seeing you here but I can't deal with you right now, Riddle."

A augh surpassed Tom's lips at Cordelia's words, yet the sound made the brunette witch flinch as the male took up Orion's position and looped their arms.

Contrary to their night in the library, Tom's laugh lacked any genuine feeling and instead sounded mirthful and sarcastic, as if he chose to simply entertain her words due to their presence in public. The thought made her fingers subconsciously tighten around his bicep, questioning what his intent happened to be.

Riddle was quite a peculiar person. There hadn't been a moment where Cordelia had seen him genuinely happy with a carefree persona. Even when the male would smile or joke around (which itself happened once in a blue moon) it was always as if there was a certain extent his emotions could go to, like a barrier was stopping him from feeling pure joy. The thought made Lia scowl, she couldn't fathom why her brain had decided to choose today to do a bunch of soul searching, in terms of herself and others.

"Why aren't you entertaining one of your harlots?"

She chose to change the subject and hopefully cease her mind's reeling. Riddle didn't seem to be on the same page as her as he took offence at her words and coincidentally bumped Cordelia into a clothing rack, the girl's robes mixing with a glittery costume that made her black robes shine pink in an unflattering way. Not wanting to draw anyone's attention, the male pulled her further into the female section and replied in kind, acting like a child who didn't just steal from the chocolate frog collection.

"If you must know, they get quite...annoying."

Cordelia laughed at his remark, ignoring the glare sent her way as she led him away from the animal costumes and towards the creature ones. She fished out her wand and pointed the dragon heartstring wand at her clothes, muttering a cleaning spell to get rid of the glitter. Just as Lia looked up to reply to the brunette male glancing at her, the pureblood spotted something that made her stop and stare.

On her way past the Quidditch section, Lia gazed at Druella sporting a golden snitch outfit that touched her knees. The dress was a faded gold colour, the gold mixing with flecks of black to create an illusion of movement as Druella twirled. Towards the top, a sweetheart's neck a set of hummingbird wings beat steadily, the pace slow enough to not cause Druella to take off yet fast enough to make air move around her. The gold feathers looked immaculately real as the Black witch twirled once again, pausing as Rodolphus whispered something to her.

Cordelia couldn't help but lowly whistle at how greatly the outfit went along with Druella's eyes, the sound causing the Lestrange boy to look up, clearing thinking another male was looking at Ella.

"You look amazing, Ella."

Druella giggled at her cousin's appreciation, smiling as she leaned against Rodolphus and replied.

"Now I just need to figure out what to dress him as so we can match."

Cordelia hummed and took a moment to consider the statement, thinking of different costumes that would go with the snitch.

"You have a favourite Quidditch team, right?"

Rodolphus nodded at the witch's question, not quite catching on.

"Well then dress as that team's seeker, and have Ella be your snitch."

A smirk adorned Druella's features as she smiled at the suggestion, thanking Cordelia and subtly nodding towards Riddle before she dragged Rodolphus into the male section to search for a good outfit.

Lia smiled at her friends' retreating forms and turned back to Tom, wordlessly leading him forward until the male returned from whatever he was thinking and led his companion to the racks he wished to see. But it seemed the duo happened to encounter several of Cordelia's friends as they walked, each of the purebloods being close enough for her to acknowledge them as Riddle led her towards his destination.

The next time Tom and Cordelia stopped happened to be when she encountered Aurora who adorned a Niffler outfit and was discussing something with Phyllis, the latter wearing a snake-skin mermaid gown that flattered her curves perfectly. The two girls noticed Cordelia before she did and hurried towards the Black and Riddle pair.

"You haven't found a costume yet?"

Aurora's question made Tom raise his eyebrows and smirk, turning towards Cordelia and mimicking her friends' curiosity. Annoyed at Aurora's dramatics Lia attempted to break away from Riddle as she answered, but the male subtly pulled her closer to him and prompted her to answer right there.

"No, Orion was trying to get me to match with him."

Phyllis laughed at the statement and sneakily attempted to look at anything but Tom, her distress regarding their past circumstances evident. Aurora, however, seemed to be out of the loop as she twirled a strand of her blonde hair and smiled at Lia, lightning blue eyes portraying mischief to rival her boyfriend's shenanigans.

"Well, it's a good thing Tom's helping you look. We'll leave you to it."

Before Cordelia could express her distress over the matter the bubbly blonde girl dragged the honey-skinned Parkinson heir away from their friend, a huff leaving Lia's lips as she cursed Ignatius's tendency to rub off on people.

Riddle, on the other hand, seemed to be having the time of his life as he pulled the brunette girl away from her retreating friends and towards yet another section of the costumes, his arm leaving hers for the first time to examine a particular black gown.

"It was foolish for Orion to try and match with you when we're attending the ball together."

The boy's statement made Cordelia roll her eyes but still nod in agreement, leaning against an armchair as Riddle riffled through a rack of clothes. She didn't quite like the idea of him picking out her costume, but she presumed it was only fair considering she didn't know what Tom would be dressed as.

"He was just being an annoying younger brother, as usual."

Tom hummed, subtly choosing to not acknowledge her words as he turned towards another rack and moved his lean digits through the clothes.

"Do you have any siblings?"

The sudden question made the duo pause as Cordelia sat up from the armchair's arm, aware that it wasn't the right moment for her to pry into Riddle's life. Refusing to seem dubious in front of the infamous golden boy, she stood her ground and waited as his cocoa eyes continued examining her. Finally, when she presumed he would say something, he merely turned towards the side and looked at a shelf of accessories while muttering a response. One she had seen coming.

"It's none of your business, Black."

A scoff left her lips as Cordelia abandoned her position near the chair, approaching Tom and leaning over his shoulder to pick out the right size of gloves he was holding. An inkling of an idea regarding the outfit he was putting together zoomed through her mind as she realized they were in the mythology section, but the witch shrugged it off and refused to ruin the surprise. She instead chose to lean against the shelf in front of her partner to meet Tom's gaze and block his hand's movement.

"I find that quite unlikely. It's annoying to admit you seem to be part of my business now."

Tom sent her a smirk at the remark, moving his palms to rest on either side of her waist, his digits clutching the edge of the shelf behind her. Cold seemed to radiate from his fingers, the thought making Lia furrow her eyebrows, he wasn't touching her, yet his aura and body temperature radiated an unpleasant icy feeling.

"Well then, you should change your business."

His words drew an automatic scoff from her, their proximity slightly fazing Cordelia as she leaned further into the shelf and gazed into his eyes before replying.

"Maybe you should just stop weaselling your way into my business."

It was quite troublesome how much the word 'business' meant in context to their situation, a sigh falling from Tom's lips as he pulled back for a second before returning, his movements too quick for the witch to process what was going on.

This time Cordelia gasped and was ready to hex him as Riddle wrapped an arm around her waist, pushing her into the shelf and dropping his head to whisper quietly enough so no one could eavesdrop.

"Once you stop spying on my knights, I'll stop."

She frowned at Tom's statement, realizing the boy hadn't let his guard down and had clearly noticed her attempts to decipher why the Slytherin males would continuously leave the Common Room every night only to return at two am with bruises and cuts adorning their frames.

Cordelia didn't get a chance to respond to his statement as Tom nipped at her left ear lobe and pulled away, walking away with a confident gait as the bookworm witch flustered and attempted to collect herself.

It took her a moment to register there was something in her arms that wasn't there before, but when she did Lia let out a laugh and gazed at the black, silver and blue costume amusedly. Accessories with subtle moons, stars, skulls, and other magical or mystical ornaments with silver jewels lay scattered on the desk beside the shelf, the colour scheme and ornaments hinting at the costume's character perfectly.

"The underworld's queen of the night."

Cordelia had to admit one thing as she approached Anastasia to tailor the Nyx costume and add a few extra touches, Tom Riddle had good taste.

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