
"Some Angel could come and save her"

[December 6th, 2021]

The distinct smell of the hospital ward, familiar to her. Last night's famous moments were still in her head, despite being diagnosed with further nuisances.

"I'm afraid we would have to admit her!" She still remembered Dr. Matthias' words from last night. A bit of a twist, but how come she forgot everything else and remembered the things that happened in her faint consciousness. "Amnesia… I'm so sorry, Mrs. Friesen!" She still remembered her mother crying her eyes out all night long.

She opened her eyes to see the plain white ceiling of the ward, herself in a hospital gown. An IV cannula injected in her pale hand, and an EKG monitor, showing her live pulse rate. But what for? She thought to herself. She sat up on the bed, emotionlessly. Her face couldn't get any more neutral than that.

Her eyes were drained of their moisture. Looking straight ahead, she felt weight on her thighs. She looked down to see an unidentifiable boy sleeping soundly. She lifted her weak hand, closed all her fingers into a fist, leaving only the index finger. She pointed it down slowly and poked his head in an attempt to wake him up. However, he was deep asleep. His hair was familiar, jet black.

"Aurora!" Her mother, who entered the room with refreshments, was overjoyed to see her awake.

She quickly placed the refreshments on the table and ran towards the bed, tapping the boy's shoulder.

"Sean, she's up!" She called him.

Sean lifted his head quickly, upon hearing that, and looked at Aurora with full eyes.

"S-She's awake?" He murmured, before compressing his eyes back to his normal state, letting out a deep sigh.

He quickly stood up from the metal back-stool and left the room to call for the doctor.

"Aurora," Her mother addressed in the meantime. "How are you feeling?"

Aurora was too lost to think about anything.

"Hm?" She uttered in a low tone, almost inaudible.

Dr. Matthias entered the room followed by Sean. The doctor picked her reports up, studying them carefully.

"Aurora, do you remember me?" He asked politely.

She stared at him, squinting her eyes narrow.

"Doctor…" She murmured.

"Yes, but my name?"

"Doctor… Umm…" She whispered. "M-Matthias?" She was unsure as she raised her eyebrows opposing a question.

"That's right." He smiled to encourage her. "What about him?" He pointed at Sean.

"Sean." She said without hesitation.

"And? What is he to you?"

"My boyfriend?"

Her mother gasped loudly.

"Is that true?" She asked Sean, her eyes widened.

"Yes… I'm surprised she remembers that." Sean answered.

"Oh, Sean!" Her mother was relieved.

"Why are you guys asking me obvious questions?" Aurora asked.

"You… didn't guess my name quickly so…" Dr. Matthias said.

"I've been forgetful. But amnesia is a bit of a stretch." She had the energy to talk well, finally.

Dr. Matthias went through her reports once again. 'She does have amnesia, so what's this?' He thought to himself, questioning her unusual behavior. He did understand that brain tumors are able to change a lot of things, including behavior. But how did she remember everything again? He advised her to stay admitted for now in order to run more tests.

Her parents and Sean had decided not to inform others for the time being for the sake of her health. However, now they decided to inform the rest so they may visit her as her health seemed better.

"Aurora, are you sure you remember everything?" Her father asked

"I… Think." She hesitated.

"And you're dating Sean?" He added, "It's a surprise… A good one."

"Mhm…" She murmured. "Dad…" She called him out. "I, uh…"

"Yes?" He asked. "Don't hesitate."

"Do you know Palanquin Lady?"


"We were talking yesterday... But I'm not sure about what. It's one of Sean's alters. I think she was against it."

"The relationship?"


Her father always wanted to see this relationship. He secretly planned for their enormous wedding in his head. However, both Aurora and her mother were aware of it. So, whatever the hell that Palanquin Lady wanted, wasn't a big deal for him.

"Just do what you want to do. You don't need to listen to anyone."

Right. She could just do whatever she wanted. It was fine, even if she didn't remember. Suddenly, the door opened with a loud, aggressive sound. It was Giselle, who had rushed over after hearing about her.

"I… Am disappointed." Giselle said glaring at her father, while her mother and Sean had gone outside to get her test results. "Why do I have to know so late? I should've accompanied you to your romantic walk or something…" Giselle complained.

"I'd tell you, but I just woke up." Aurora explained herself quickly then looked at her dad for explanation.

"T-The… Doctor just diagnosed her with amnesia, so we naturally thought letting more people know wouldn't be the best decision."

Giselle shockingly looked at Aurora, before walking towards her. She grabbed her hands as her eyes widened.

"D-Do you remember now?... Or is it legit?" Giselle asked in concern.

"I'm not sure… But I remember you. And dad, mom, Sean… Ethan and Lucy. Speaking of which, they should be really mad, why aren't they here yet?"

"Mr. Goggles had some allergic reaction, I believe. They went to the vet. Ethan tagged along because Mr. Goggles loves Ethan."

"Right. Sorry for worrying you."

"It's fine. It's not like it's your fault." Giselle passed half a smile. "I just hope this amnesia thing isn't true."

"My reports say it is, but as long as I remember… Who cares about reports?"

"I'm glad you're doing fine."

Her mother and Sean stepped inside, along with Dr. Matthias.

"Shit. Big statement time." Giselle murmured before moving aside to leave a way for the doctor.

He cleared his throat before reaching his conclusion.

"At first I thought it was Transient amnesia, where you forget both past events and future memories. But, upon running further tests, it's progressive amnesia. It's not coming and going. It's progressing." He explained. "But the amount of memory loss can depend on various factors. You did develop it because of glioblastoma but as we control the growth of the tumor, hopefully the amount of memory loss can be decreased. Also, you are to stay at the hospital permanently from now on."

"No way." She objected.

"No way?"

"I'm not staying at the hospital!"

"We talked about this, Aurora."

"When?!" She complained. "Dad! I don't wanna stay at the hospital!"

Of course, she had the right to object. Imagine being told you're about to die, followed by a memory loss and then hospitalization?

"What's the point of hospital when I'm going to die anyway?!" She shouted sorrowfully.

Her mother gasped deeply in awe upon hearing her daughter talk about dying. It didn't take her a second to burst into tears.

"How can you say that?" Her mother whispered while sobbing quietly.

"I can say that because I'm the one dying. Shouldn't I get to decide if I stay at the hospital or not-"

"Enough!" Her mother raised her voice. "Stop talking about dying… You're not going to die."

Her father quickly grabbed her arm and tried to drag her out of the room.

"She needs space, honey." He whispered into her ear while dragging her away; also having the rest leave her alone.

They sat outside her room trying to comfort her mother, sitting on the metal chairs.

"H-How can she say that so easily?!" Her mother exclaimed in sorrow. "It's not fair…"

"Death is never fair, Mrs. Friesen." Sean said, straightforwardly. "As bitter as it sounds, it's never fair for either of the two; The one who's leaving, and ones that are staying."

"I know. But I don't want to believe she's dy-" She teared up heavily. "How are you so calm?" She asked Sean.

"I'm not sure." Sean uttered slowly. "I feel like the least we all can do for her is to stay calm."

She wiped her tears clean with a handkerchief.

"Will you… Be fine?" She asked. "I'm a mother. So even believing this hurts. But you're her boyfriend… You've known her for more than 8 years. Maybe even more than I know her. Will you be fine when you have to see her off?" She teared up again slowly as she asked.

"I'm not sure. But those 9 years would mean nothing if I chicken out now." Sean answered confidently.

"I'm glad you decided to stay by her side." Her father caressed his shoulder.

"I still remember how much I opposed your company when Aurora first brought you home out of nowhere." Her mother reminisced.

[April 22nd, 2013]

(Trigger Warning : Abuse)

She stood up on the crates to look inside the little circled window, with stained glass. Aurora's height was still 4'5'', hence 2 crates weren't enough to peak inside. However, she was at the age of curiosity. She had to look inside no matter what.

She was curious about these neighbors as she always heard cries and screams. She was too scared to bring it up to her parents.

She had to look inside to find out who was hurting. 'Dad will scold me for going to someone's house without their permission.' She thought to herself as her tiny, soft hands tried to pull another crate. She was out of breath, but she had to rescue the crying soul! The crate wasn't too heavy. Maybe the heaviest standard of heavy things for 10 year old children.

"Psst!" She called the boy she saw from the window but he didn't seem to catch on.

The boy was covered in bruises, his eyes blindfolded. The little sound Aurora made had someone open the door. She gasped lightly before pulling her head down, before the man approaching sees her.

"What was that sound?!" He shouted. "I think I told you to shut the f*** up!"

He approached the boy, who didn't make a single sound. He clenched his hair in his fist and lifted him up.


The boy didn't groan, let alone say a word.

"That's why I hate you kids!" He shouted yet again before slamming his head down to the floor causing it to bleed.

Aurora covered her mouth in fear. The boy seemed her age! She couldn't imagine going through that.

"You wanna apologize now? C'mon! Do it!" He ordered the boy as he placed his foot on top of his head, squishing it down. "Apologize like that mother of yours."

The boy didn't utter a single word. Aurora couldn't understand why he couldn't say a single word to save himself.

"Tch!" The man untied his blindfold, holding his face in his hands aggressively and facing it towards his eyes. "Look at this glare. Which one are you? Huh?!"

"None of your business." The boy finally spoke.

The man laughed hysterically.

"Uncle?!" He exclaimed as he laughed. "No wonder you won't say a word."

He threw his face away from himself and stood up, leaving the room. 'Is he going to leave him like that?!' Aurora thought to herself in concern.

The boy looked at the window finally. He walked towards it, making eye-contact with Aurora. His expressions paused for a moment. Then he blinked, noticing he had an injury on his forehead. Aurora wasn't sure if she should say anything, as he already got into trouble because of her.

"Uncle says it's fine." The boy said. "You don't have to worry about the injuries."

Uncle? What?



Clearly, the boy didn't like her company one bit. But he also assured her so she won't blame herself.

"No. You leave… With me." Aurora suggested.

The boy looked intrigued. More eager than ever. However, there was no way she could get him out, so he went back and sat on the dark, dusty floor again, completely ignoring her. She heard the main door open.

She climbed down the crates quickly and saw the man who hit the boy leaving the house. Bingo! She went around the lawn in search of something to break the window with. After a series of searching here and there, she found a broken handle of a lawn-mower.

Though it was heavy, she quickly grabbed it and climbed onto the crates. Apparently, the man was a factory manager, so his lawn was full of junk. Aurora gripped the handle tightly before smashing it into the window, though it didn't break.

The boy stared at her with widened eyes. He didn't make a single noise or an expression while getting beaten up but her little act caught his attention so quickly. She smashed the window the second time and it broke. Surprised, she broke the little edges of the remaining glass so the boy won't get hurt while coming out.

"Wah!" She was surprised at her own skills.

But the boy was surprised to have come across such a lunatic, who didn't even leave after seeing him getting beaten up. Of course, she wasn't the first one he came across. But the first one who didn't give up on him. She successfully broke all the edges in front of him.

"Come out! He stepped out… We have time!" She exclaimed to the boy, offering her hand.

The boy paused for a moment, as if he was conversing with his inner self. He blinked before standing up and taking her hand, flying out the window like some angel. She helped him down the crates, then out of the house. She held his hand tightly as they ran away.

His wounds were treated at her house by her mother, who objected to his stay. However, Aurora was more than determined to keep him there.

"We don't even know his name!" Her mother exclaimed, thinking if he could be a dangerous child considering how beat up he was. What if some gangsters break into their house for kidnapping their child?!

"What's your name?" Aurora innocently asked for his name, as if that was the condition for him to be staying over.



The Andersons, the ones with one of the biggest business in all Toronto, requested for his adoption after a week. Since the Friesens and Andersons were long, trusted family friends, even Aurora, who held Sean's hand the entire week and slept beside him, thinking someone would steal him, agreed cheerfully.

The Andersons took his issues to the court and had his birth parents, his father, transfer the guardian rights to them as he was mentally unstable. His wife died after she gave birth to Sean and he blamed the poor boy for her death.

Furthermore, Sean was diagnosed with DID, however, the Andersons couldn't be more than happy to have him as their son. For Aurora it was an achievement, and a never-ending friendship. Maybe, ending, considering they were romantically interested in each other since Middle-school, where they met Giselle, Lucy and Ethan.

[December 6th, 2020]

She couldn't recall any of the events for this day.

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Thank you for reading.

Haru_Cattycreators' thoughts
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