

After making love with the girls was over, I said," Aria I need you to seal Richard soul after your strength has recovered".

Ariadoa nodded her head and then she dressed and also did Karin and Karina.

Then I looked at Cheri and said," after getting dressed you can leave with your friends".

Cheri said," okay master. Thank you for giving us freedom".

I then gave her one thousand diamond coins and said," distribute it within yourself and try to stay low for some time as I don't know you girls would be hunted or not".

Cheri nodded her head in understanding and she said," master we will move towards base 3 and settle there".

I said," okay do as you please".

Then those girls walked into teleportation formation and were finally free.

Accordingly, I looked at Richard who looked no better than dead. Seeing this I smiled and said," Richard do you want to die".

Richard's eyes lit up and he said," yes Robin please give me death".

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