
Bombs on the train

(a few hours later)

"alright that enough for today" qrow said as we just finished clearing a grimm nest

"we'll head back to the camp site" he said as he looked at us

We've been fighting none stop for the past 7 hours give or take to clear this grimm infested shit hole the others were not used to fighting for long periods of time with zero rest, so naturally they'd look like they are on the verge of death

"like I said you need to pace yourself, there's no need to show off wasted movements eat stamina and semblance drain more" he said as he turned around

"let's move" he said as we followed behind him but since they were tired, so much so it was a wonder that they were still walking let alone standing

"what did he mean" Wiess asked random

"hmm" I looked back understanding that the question was for me

"back then when he asked us what did he mean"

"uncle qrow has always been the type to give you shit to figure out on your own, even when it came to training, but even so he doesn't give task that you can't handle"

"he asked a question directed at all of you, but each of you view it differently"

"yet he didn't ask you" Onyx said as I shrugged

"true but my reason for being a huntress have always stayed the same, even with all my wants the core of me being in beacon has stayed the same" I said as I walked faster

'to protect'

"keep up or you will be left behind" I said moving ahead of the team

After an hour walk we were able to get to a large slightly stable ruined building that we left our bags at, a few minutes after getting here

"right Ruby Blake you'll scout the area, Wiess look out, Yang fire Onyx tent, from that point you'll switch ever few hours" he said as he walked off the edge of the window

"right Blake" I said as I walked to the door as she followef

"why did he say that we would scout" she asked as we jumped to the ruined flight of stairs

"night vision or in my case heightened senses that's why we were pick, we can move through pitch black" I said as I we walked out of the building before we came across a pack of beowolf

"I'll handle this" I said as I placed my scythe down and cracked my knuckles as she sat on a car

"hy Ruby" Blake asked as I snapped the neck of a beowolf

"yeah" I answered as I looked at her as she stabbed a beowolf in the head

"your uncle, Yang said he was the one who trained you" she said as I nodded

"yeah he was, what's up" I asked as a beowolf charged with it's mouth open as I grabbed it top and bottom jaw as I began to pull them open as I ripped it off

"I'm just wondering if your this strong how strong is your uncle"

"he makes a living of killing titan, he's strong and an experienced hunter"

"and your training" she asked as I nodded before I moved my arm to the side

"my aura is slightly special mainly because" I said as a wolf lunged at my arm and bite down on it as she moved

"I heal is better than most so because of that I was able to take far more punishment and keep pushing, I underwent training that would kill all who would go through it" I said as I flexed my arm as my aura hardened, breaking the teeth of the wolf I removed it head and my arm quickly healed

"the scars"

"huh it nothing some injuries don't heal as well but" I nodded

"at a point you learn to lock away your emotions, pain stops being... Pain" I said as I grabbed her as we move into the building as I covered her in aura

"shhh" I said as I saw a group of deathstroke

"what do we do"

"take them out" I said as I took out my scythe and Dominate

"I'll make this quick" I said as I walked out and ran out as I sent out 9 shots as ruby then moved passed the bullets and sliced there stingers off as the bullets blow into them

"tch not dead" I said as they were about to roar I sliced there jaws off before I grabbed one of the stokers asmy aura flared

"Blake" I said as I throw it at her as she sliced in half and landed next to me

"we need to make this quick"

"hai" I said as we moved, I matched her as we moved in harmony, or that what she felt I was main covering her back

"I'm impressed" she said as I sliced the last stoker in half

"about my skill"

"NO your ability to fight with others I didn't notice before, or is it because.... Nevermind"

"hmm let's take an hour before heading back" I said as we began to walk

"do you think he knows"

"highly likely, I'd be surprised if he didn't" I said as we scouted for a bit before we went back

"your back" Onyx asked as I walked passed him

"yeah we took out a few straggles but we should be safe" Blake answer as she went to the fire

"you guys get some sleep, I'll take watch" I said as I took point as I saw Qrow flying to a highly populated area

'seems he found them before we came here' I thought as I moved

'giant grimm... Why the fuck are there two wyvern' I thought as I took out my scroll

(the next day midnight)

"alright ladies look alive" Qrow appeared as we got up

"were have you been" Yang asked as he waved her off

"a personal mission, nothing special, but seem like there's a large gathering of white fang in the underground city" he said which caught them by surprised

"really thought I wouldn't notice you branch of and moving to the center, anyways let's get moving" he said as he turned into a crow and got on my shoulder as we took off

'hmm we are a day behind from the og but I wonder if things will go the same or will there be a change' I thought as as I took out my scroll

"follow me" I said as they did so before we made it to the underground city

"ruby go gather" qrow said as I nodded before he jumped of my shoulders as I turned into my rose form as I flew to the hide out before I reformed on top of a building as I took out a scroll and called Qrow


"their are planning on using the old subway to blow holes beneath Vale, mostly to let grimm in"

"mode of transport"

"train seems there mostly about to launch, an hour"

"right take out as many as you can secretively, we're 5 minutes away" he said as he hung up

"of course" I said as I looked out as I sighed before I took out some ice dust.. Dust and eat it as my veins began to glow blue before blue rose patels began to flow of my body as I gentle moved them to the target

"huh that took a bit" I said as parts of my body reformed as I heard an explosion

"seems like there here" I said as I clapped my hands together

"kai" I said as my roses flared as they activated the ice dust before they flashed froze most of the white fang before I jumped off the building and landed next on top oc a goon as he slammed into the ground as the others turned to Ruby ready to shoot as she dashed forward almost disappearing

She grabbed a fox faunus sword as she punched him in the gun before flipping him over as she used him as a shield blocking the bullets before she punched the body as it flew to the shooter

"why you rat-" a bull faunus shouted as he took out a mini-gun and pulled the trigger as Ruby began to walk forward as the bullet went through her body as she disappeared and reappeared in front of him as she kicked him in the nuts, he dropped as she took the mini gun as she pulled the trigger destroying mecha as more came toward Ruby a car crashed into them

Before qrow came out of the car and drank a bit before he looked at the bull faunus then at me

"he came at me"


"I was attacked" I answered as he shook his head as the other came

"that was cold" Onyx said as I dropped the gun

".... He was like 5 time my height"

"still" Qrow said as I rolled my eyes as I pointed at the moving train

"shit we wasted time" he said as we took off as qrow broke away from the group as I sighed and moved back as I grabbed the team and threw them all at the train as I turned into my rose form as shot to the train

"a warning would have been nice" Wiess said as they crashed into the car

"it would have but I didn't give one deal with it" I said as I got my hood on as Qrow got on the train

"how many bombs"

"one in each train and" I stopped as we heard explosions

'more grimm then before' I thought as Qrow sighed in annoyance

"right team OBWY you'll take the bombs Ruby stop the train"

"what about you"

"there are to many grimm moving to our location even if we stopped the train they will make it through and into the city, I'll decrease there numbers" he said as he jumped as the train moved away before he landed on the tracks as he took his sword and placed it on his shoulder and began walking forward

"is he going to be okay"

"yeah it's would take a wyvern to take uncle Qrow down" Yang said as I took out my guns and began to shot the floor creating an opening

"there are five cars four bombs, cut the black wires" I said as they nodded before they jumped into the car

"and then there was one" I said as my hand quickly moved to the side as I took the head of a griffin, as more landed in front of me as they roared

"and it brought friends" I said as I took out my scythe as I raised it above my a smile appeared on my face as my eyes began to burn with a deep red aura

"I'm going to late lose for a bit"

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