

ah, the gate of Konoha, and home to many people...okay this isn't my thing, I like being simple, it's a big ass gate.

"ah, I haven't been here for so long that I almost miss it...almost" I remark with an even voice.

"you don't sound like you are pleased with this place, I thought you liked it here" Temari pointed out with a raised eyebrow, honestly, how can I tell her that I have a giant Rat to take care of?

"... it's fine, I just have a few troublesome things to take care of, and I dont want to do it" I respond with a shrug, because it's true, I dont want to deal with Danzo.

"well let's go to the Hokage, im sure she would be glad that "the wolf sage" is back" a slight chuckle escaped her lips at that.

"...so you have a better nickname?" I ask looking at her with a smirk, as she looks away.

we continue our way to the Kage tower, ignoring everyone in the process until we reach the door of her office.

and guess what I do... kick the door down...okay I just open it, can't act cool when I want to.

"hello granny" I dodge a chair for that remark...that broke the door.

"Brat! dont call me that, Naruto is enough" the disguised granny helped at me, and I had to dodge a pen for that...wait I didn't say that, how come?

"Okay...why are you here?" she asked with a tilted head.

"I just followed this lovely lady here," I say pointing at Temari.

"I have come to deliver a message for the Kazekage," she said ignoring my remark.

"so why are you two late...for 3 hours?" asked Tsunade...oh yes.

Temari looks over at me, indicating I to present my excuse.

"well, you see, when we were coming here a black cat was stuck on a tree, so I walked up the tree to help it down, but after I got up there it was gone, so for the next half an hour I was looking for it and when I eventually helped it down, we had to take a long way around...you know the black cat and all," I say with an eye smile, hearing snickering from outside the window.

smiling at the Hokage who fell on the floor I take out the paper I got from kakashi before I left.


"here," said the one-eyed man, with gravity-defying hair handing me an envelope.

"what's this? you know Im leaving in 15 minutes right?" I ask with a raised eyebrow, not wanting to delay my departure.

"oh, nothing much open it when you have the time," he said and left with a body flicker.

"..." I remain silent as I open the envelope and see adoption papers...wait what?


opening the window I look out to see my sensei...and father to I guess.

"hey...dad," I say with an eye smile and hand him the papers of my adoption.

"..." he doesn't respond and just takes the papers and comes inside...through the window.

placing the paper on the desk of a very confused hokage he stands back to wait his turn in the conversation.

so we wait for tamari to finish her business, by that I mean her handing a scroll to Tsunade.

after she left telling me that she would wait outside, kakashi took a step forward.

"so...what can I help you with kakashi?" asked Tsunade with a raised eyebrow.

"the paper I handed you Hokage-sama," she said with a happy tone...and by that I mean he didn't sound as uninterested as he always does.

she took the paper's eyebrow still raised and then she read through it the other eyebrow joined its twin.

she looked to him for confirmation only to receive a nod, and still a little surprised she placed the stamp on the paper.

now My name is officially:Haruto Hatake, neat.

"now that it's official, I'll meet you at my house after your date with your girlfriend, or are you leaving?" he asked, taking out the oh-so-famous orange book.

"I'll come over, oh by the way hand this scroll to Hokage when I leave," I say handing him the scroll where everything I got from Orochimaru's base.

"hmm okay, but what's this?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"oh something that the old hawk wanted...and Im not planning to give," I say as I head outside the tower.

after walking outside I see Temari waiting for me, and I head straight for her.

"im done, so when will we be leaving?" I ask as I reach her and we started walking.

"maybe tomorrow, aren't you staying?" she asked a little surprised, what Im not staying here, too much to do, like training...and dates....and more training.

"no, too boring maybe something will happen in a year or so" I respond with a shrug, as we reach the Dango shop.

as we walk in and take a seat I spot someone familiar, Shikamaru was sitting at one table and looking at the other end...ino...oh?


done, amma do a time skip next chapter and start Shippuden, I'll post a status there too

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