
Chapter 54

A ray of blue color hit right into the swirls of the portal and ... he was gone. No kidding, the open portal took, but disappeared. Hmm, I didn't expect such an effect, as I hoped to hit exactly the one who would come out of the funnel. But it's even better this way. I sent the uninvited guest into outer space, like other Hydra people before that.

- Phew... - I exhale and want to take my hand away from the tesseract, - Huh? — and I only notice that I have no problems holding it in my bare palm.

All the energy of Space, which was supposed to forcibly move me somewhere, was simply absorbed into me, like a bottomless sponge. It's even funny that I was afraid to take this artifact with my bare hands, because it looks like my ability is much more complicated than I thought. Well, it's good that I managed to find out now.

So, it seems that my ability to manipulate energies in a passive mode does not allow me to influence my body forcibly, and even helps in adapting to an aggressive type of energy. In general, this side of my ability only pleases me and gives me hope that someday I will still be able to hold a Space stone in my hand.

Focusing my attention in the corner of my vision, I witnessed that the scale of Space was slowly but surely filling up. In about an hour, I'll be able to fill it completely. But I was not allowed to rejoice, because the portal opened again in the room, and I fired at it again with a beam of blue light.

It became clear to me that they definitely did not want to lag behind me, so I was transported to the street using spatial energy. Almost whole this time. True, I lost my left hand, but nothing - I still have time to get used to it and get the hang of it. And just as my mind managed to focus on the surroundings, a green dome covered the entire area within a radius of a hundred meters from me.

There was some tension in the air and a strange energy began to be felt in it, which my body could absorb in the same way. And, surprisingly, the progress bar labeled "Time" began to fill up. I wouldn't have known it myself if the scale hadn't started flashing, showing a sign that the collection was underway. It was the same with Space. It looks like this is a new addition to the system.

Very, by the way, because it was at this moment that I wanted to move again, but I couldn't. There is such an assumption that now someone who owns the Time stone (I'm not sure, but this is the only explanation) has found out that I have taken possession of the Space stone, and now wants something from me. Most likely, this is the very stone of Space.

Next to me, the portal began to open again. But now I could safely use the energy of Space, so I imbued my whole body with it, sending a ray of energy to the intended target. The portal disappeared... only to reappear the next second. Undeterred, I send him away again. And again he appears in the same place.

This happened ten more times until someone on the other side decided to use a different tactic. It's stupid to create even more portals. During this time, my body has already been soaked with the energy of the tesseract and in some places even my skin turned blue. That's just that I didn't pay attention to it, I was so busy with another important thing, namely shooting portals that kept appearing and appearing.

It's strange that none of them came out. Although... my reaction is quite fast, and thanks to telepathy, my consciousness processes information much faster. Most likely, my opponent, whoever he is, simply does not have time to exit the portal, as he needs time for this. This is my Space stone that allows you to instantly move wherever I want, while others seem to have to use such transitions.

After a while, when my body had already turned completely blue and even became a little bigger than it was before, my unknown opponent was finally able to show himself. My previous assumption that in an hour I would be able to completely fill the scale has undergone some changes, since, having reached fifty percent, it no longer increased. Only the body continued to absorb energy, but I quickly removed the excess so that there was no overstrain.

But every time the spatial energy filled in and out of my body, the absorption limit itself grew. And in this short period of time, it has increased by as much as three times. Yeah, that's how you train-you train to deliberately increase the reserve, and then bang (!) and in less than thirty minutes you exceed all the norms. It's a shame somehow, but I won't complain anyway. For what? I'm getting stronger and that's good.

So, the unknown turned out to be someone in a hood and in something resembling a kimono. Or is it a robe like that? In general, it doesn't matter. I was attracted not by this, but by the fact that some circles with some symbols on the edges began to form behind my opponent. After that, exactly the same ones began to appear on his hands. It looks like some kind of magic, honestly.

—I don't believe in magic!" - with my shout, I managed to stun the enemy a little, which caused him to stumble for a moment, which allowed me to attack unhindered. I had no desire to get close, so I shot a beam from a distance— - I am a child of Science!

And it went-it went. Now, instead of portals, my opponent appeared every time, who later was even able to push something into me once. The first times he did not succeed and all his shells fell past me, but after about the fiftieth attempt, one such shell managed to hit me before I vaporized my enemy.

— What the fuck?! — my body froze, as if it had been glued to the floor with something and tied with chains that could not be broken for safety.

- Yes, - a woman's voice sounded behind me, - You made me tense up, but you can't compare with the demon of dreams.

I already wanted to say everything I think about this, but I couldn't even speak. Then the unknown man in the hood appeared in front of me. There is a suspicion that this is a woman. Well, the voice was definitely female. Suddenly I was hit in the chest and even felt some discomfort, as if they wanted to turn me inside out.

An external influence on the soul of the carrier has been detected. The soul of the bearer wanted to be forcibly pulled out of the body. The system was forced to use protective measures. Now the soul of the carrier is firmly connected with the body. Energy from the additional reserve of ba-hioni was used.

It was... sudden. But I couldn't waste any more time— maybe this person would have some other trick in the bins. I concentrate and my body emits a wave that destroys my bonds. After that, I jump to the side, simultaneously sending spatial energy to the opponent.

- A hundred... - she didn't have time to finish, as she evaporated.

- I'm standing, - I grinned and became much more careful, because the unknown owns not only the Time stone, but also some magic to boot.

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