
Crushing Inevitability, Pt 1

Space flashed brightly as ships of the Einherjar ported into orbit. Their black hulls just barely stood out from the void-black planet beside them.

Anali de Jardin stood behind the lead helmsman and watched as the galaxy spun back into place. Then she walked back to her command chair and took a seat.

“Status,” she commanded.

The holoprojections of High Admiral Halbrecht and Dreadmother Orsethii shimmered onto the battleship’s bridge and stood next to Anali’s command chair.

“Fleet in position,” replied an analyst. “Projecting tactical analysis mapping now.”

The immediate space in front of the three officers shifted and blurred as a holographic tacmap formed. On it were the numerous star systems that were surrounding Purgatory, Dendrus’ home system.

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