
Ragnarök, Pt 10

Waves of Freya’s shared energies swept through Colviss and Orsethii, both of whom actively felt it happening. They both instinctively realized what Freya was doing, for the most part anyway. And although they didn’t understand how she was accomplishing whatever she was doing, they certainly welcomed her efforts all the same.

The two could easily feel themselves get more and more emboldened and empowered as the moments ticked by. In spite of their more aggressive natures, both still felt their apprehension and dread lift away.

“We can’t win if we’re on the defensive,” Colviss exclaimed. “Pull in all the debris and initiate advanced repairs!”

Waves of red energy swept inwards towards both Colviss’ flagship and Thanatos. And by drawing in their antigrav fields, also pulled in whatever debris they had captured. Countless shards of chitin affixed themselves back onto the shattered armor, along with countless tungsten slugs, shells, and rounds.

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