
The Unleashing of Typhon

Outside the station, the many thousands of previously aggressive ships had long since descended back down to the station itself. They all dipped down into the nanite pool they came from. And there, they were all quickly dissolved and redistributed back into the pool itself.

Once they were all gone, the ships of the Einherjar and the Republic also descended down to the surface. But instead of sinking down into the pool, they instead landed solidly on its surface.

There, nanite swarms flowed through the landing gears up into the ships themselves. They coursed all throughout every ship in both fleets and repaired and reinforced them from the inside out.

Because the station had a near-infinite amount of raw materials of every element, it was easy enough for the nanites to recreate raw omnitronium ore. Or even better, to recreate stable omnitronium alloys.

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